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AVG Cartridge Atari AVF Movies For Download


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12 hours ago, Mclaneinc said:

I'm rarely negative towards people that post or what they post but I just don't see much of a point to these (but Russ, if you enjoy it then please carry on). I would much rather watch the source material and hear it in the quality it deserves to be seen and heard in. At best, unless the persons face it the target of the camera you just get a blob of odd coloured pixels moving about in a rough shape of a person.


Again, I'm NOT asking you to stop making them, just giving my opinion that they don't really bring much, even the commercials that were recorded are in really poor quality as it is, making them in to Atari playable versions just destroys them..


Maybe I didn't get my wheatabix this morning, and I'm grumpy..


Don't mind me Russ, if you are enjoying making these, carry on..


Grumpy Paul..

No problem Paul, I am actually thinking of making more audio stuff unless it has been asked for and you are right , its a novelty, I am much more interesred in smehow using the AVG cart for mIDI

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On 11/3/2022 at 9:59 AM, Mclaneinc said:

As said Russ, wasn't trying to put you off, was just offering an opinion.


Good luck with the Midi stuff, hope it comes out how you want it..



Hi Paul: As you were saying , you like the originals better than what I have been doing , well I have a treat for you, all originals from my vinyl collection , I have recorded over 370 sides of vinyl records, mostly country, but there is some rock, mostly early recording of some bands. I will be uploading some files to Mega really soon, these are all MP3s that are 320 K, some of them are scratchy but that is expected from old vinyl. Will be in contact in the early morning after my files have finished uploading. Also recording new MP3s at the moment , these records are really old, from Earnest Tubb, Patsy Cline Etc.


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Ok I decided to put up a Mega link of the original MP3s in my collection, that way if you like any of them you can run them through Fujiconvert , there is close to 400 sides of records, and some of them are really good, it just depends on your taste in music:  https://mega.nz/folder/sd0jjDbI#0BYazZ4JElQWntIhJeBs6A


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On 11/13/2022 at 1:07 AM, rcamp48 said:

I have two avf files that need testing the NTSC and PAL versions of The Swedish Chef from the Muppets:



Swedish_Chef_NTSC.avf 395.69 MB · 1 download

swedish_chef_PAL.avf 332.28 MB · 2 downloads


On 11/16/2022 at 5:43 PM, mistapaul said:

avp in pal and black and white, just looks better imo, enjoy

avp_PAL.avf 125.84 MB · 1 download


Tested both PAL versions and they do work fine with my Atari 800XL and AVG cart.

(Though the swedish chef is a bit lengthy in my opinion, I would prefer several AVF files instead, none of them longer than 5 minutes.)


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11 minutes ago, CharlieChaplin said:



Tested both PAL versions and they do work fine with my Atari 800XL and AVG cart.

(Though the swedish chef is a bit lengthy in my opinion, I would prefer several AVF files instead, none of them longer than 5 minutes.)


OK I can do several 5 min Atari videos, you are right they are too long.

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1 hour ago, CharlieChaplin said:

Tested both PAL versions and they do work fine with my Atari 800XL and AVG cart.

(Though the swedish chef is a bit lengthy in my opinion, I would prefer several AVF files instead, none of them longer than 5 minutes.)

Before the nice AVG player, each AVF took an entire CF card so longer files are good for that.  Now we have a nice player, shorter files to make longer playlists make sense.

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3 hours ago, rcamp48 said:

Has anyone other than myself created an AVF movie in NTSC? I want to rule out my methods of creating the AVF files and of course the AVG cart itself.




Only have a PAL machine, could I create a NTSC file on this machine for you to test?

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3 hours ago, rcamp48 said:

Has anyone other than myself created an AVF movie in NTSC? I want to rule out my methods of creating the AVF files and of course the AVG cart itself.

I have done it on NTSC recently, seen here. It was a complicated bit of trial and error and something I still haven't fully fleshed out but eventually I arrived at a process that worked for anything I ran through it (starting with a 1080p capture base). I should try to make a proper tutorial on the subject since it seems 99% of videos and coverage are PAL-based. I will upload my AVF used in the video below.

Edit - See attached for AVF video. This was made from a very poor quality source (480p YouTube stream) then downscaled to Atari specs. This week the original music video was finally put out in native 4K, I would like to redo this clip using the 4K downscaled as a base to see how it compares, I think it'd look much nicer on Atari starting with a high resolution and brighter input.  


Edit 2 - Your muppet video NTSC also works fine on my NTSC machine!



Edited by MattPilz
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  • 3 months later...
On 11/1/2022 at 3:04 PM, rcamp48 said:

And now may I present Nazareth Greatest Hits , The Full Album in both NTSC and PAL, this does work but the files are over 3 GB. Think of the albums

that I could download from YouTube and successfully converted. The NTSC version played all of the way through the full 1,5 hours, the PAL version I could not test.:


Nazareth_Greatest_Hits_PAL.avf 2 GB · 8 downloads


Nazareth_Greatest_Hits_NTSC.avf 2 GB · 9 downloads


try these russ


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  • 4 months later...

Wilheim: Jean Michel Jarre - Light my sky_PAL gives an error.

We couldn't locate the file...  Maybe you can upload it again ?



Strange, five tries later the download works without any error message ?!?

Maybe the AA server was too busy ?


Tested the videos (PAL) on my AVG and they all work fine!

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Some other videos, this time from a Chilean rock band: Los Prisioneros. The first one (Corazones Rojos) contains subtitles, but I'm not sure if the resolution will make them readable.


Anyway, here they go:

Los Prisioneros - Corazones Rojos_NTSC.avf Los Prisioneros - Corazones Rojos_PAL.avf Los Prisioneros - Estrechez de Corazón_NTSC.avf Los Prisioneros - Estrechez de Corazón_PAL.avf

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Funny you should ask about AVF movies I am doing a few as we speak, mostly rock concerts, what I do is take the original video and load t in to Videopad then export it as 15 FPS and 180 P. I then process it normnally , in a few hours I should have some ready.




PS: I will do mine in both Pal and NTSC.,


Edited by rcamp48
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1 hour ago, rcamp48 said:

Funny you should ask about AVF movies I am doing a few as we speak, mostly rock concerts, what I do is take the original video and load t in to Videopad then export it as 15 FPS and 180 P. I then process it normnally , in a few hours I should have some ready.




PS: I will do mine in both Pal and NTSC.,


Rock out man - you've got quite the collection of classic tunes and videos!  I love filling up cards for my AVG cart to demo these when I am at classic computer shows.  I never in my wildest dreams, thought I'd be still using my Atari in 2023, let alone showing off full videos.  God - I wish my dad could see this!  He got me my 1st machine in 82, he could not believe I still used it and that people kept making new hardware and software for it.

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