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That's a pretty good idea.


* glances suspiciously at Spirantho



Anyway that you can videotape and freeze-frame the "flash" of hills and stuff?  Perhaps we can help identify it by what they look like.


yes thats a good idea ill get it setup and do a picture in the weekend. not much to see a brief flash with hills anyway somebody wanted to buy it if its worth stuff I wouldnt throw it away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but dad sais we have to keep it but i can do pictures and all

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yes thats a good idea ill get it setup and do a picture in the weekend.  not much to see a brief flash with hills anyway somebody wanted to buy it if its worth stuff I wouldnt throw it away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  but dad sais we have to keep it but i can do pictures and all


your all so synicle. anyway heres the best i could do how do i get pictures on this site? hope this works. looks like this flicks up for one picture and then it goes black.[/img]


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your all so synicle.

Check this thread and you will understand why.


anyway heres the best i could do how do i get pictures on this site? hope this works.  looks like this flicks up for one picture and then it goes black.

Hm, at a first glance this looks possible, though it is hard to tell from such a bad picture.


The helicopter might be a bit too detailed and I have no idea (yet) how to create six people on different but overlapping rows.


But until now you are doing better than the Airworld guy. :D


If you are able to dump the binary and prove it is not a fake a collector will pay you $$$ for it. :)

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Some of the "hostages" look a bit lighter than others...which could mean that the video image shows flickered sprites (complete redraw...as in PacMan). Their horizontal resolution looks to be less than 8 bits across as well (though the sprites do look pretty high res.)...is it possible that the 2 missiles are combined to make a third "player" sprite...and redrawing all of them twice? That would give you six men onscreen with much less flicker than PacMan (which used 1 sprite 4 times). As long as the chopper and tanks and their shots did not overlap the area that the men travel on. :ponder:

Dunno about that score though.

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Dunno about that score though.


That's the bit that's getting me, to be sure. The rest looks... impressive but possible. But the score... just seems too detailed to me. But then look at the Turbo! hack and people saying that was impossible, yet it clearly wasn`t...


Of course, when the ROM is dumped - and I find it hard to believe that any owner of something like this wouldn`t allow it to be dumped, given that it's not working completely - we`ll be able to see why it's crashing and get a steady picture.


Alternatively, it's a bitmap made in Photoshop put through a video card with a TV-Out, into a TV Tuner card. :-)


For what it's worth, I'm not sure the interference line is genuine as you can still see the picture clearly behind it. But then I may be completely wrong about that. I'd just have though that if the sync had been lost then the interference would all be garbled, not overlayed like that. But I don`t really know anything about that. :-)

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Then again...oldskool 2-head VCR's would give you the same effect just pausing the thing :D

The thing about the score looks as though all the bits weren't used (like the men appear). With the hostages, this might be explainable if you are using both 2-bit missiles to create a 4-bit player (so the other players follow suit to be consistant and only use 4 bits as well). But to do so in the score doesn't really make sense...since it's far above everything else and simpler sprite reuse should be enough. No real reason to limit those to less than 8 bits :? The chopper -almost- looks like it's set to double-width...but the tail and skid/canopy edge bits don't jive.



Any homebrewers on sabbatical this time around? ;)

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That's the bit that's getting me, to be sure. The rest looks... impressive but possible. But the score... just seems too detailed to me.

:idea: It is possible if you make every digit only 3 pixels wide (like those old blocky PF scores). Though I have no idea why somebody would do that. Maybe they wanted to display something right of the score?


But then look at the Turbo! hack and people saying that was impossible, yet it clearly wasn`t...

I never doubted that! :D


Of course, when the ROM is dumped - and I find it hard to believe that any owner of something like this wouldn`t allow it to be dumped, given that it's not working completely - we`ll be able to see why it's crashing and get a steady picture.

Yup! If there aren't too many errors in the dump, we might be able to restore the original image.

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1. This is a hoax.

2. I do not have a bare-board cartridge, or hoard of games from "Dad"

3. I CAN actually spell.

4. Continuing the hoax any further would engender bad feelings - if I haven't already done that. Hopefully by cutting it short after just a day, people won't be TOO angry. I think, on reflection, it was a bad idea. We all have our bad days.

5. The original idea was to have an early start to April Fool, and eventually release some sort of runnable version on April 1. I think a bit too ambitious. Things took off a bit too quickly, and it was a bit slow at work for my own good.

6. Although intended as a joke, I can see some people starting to take it too seriously.

7. I was pleased to see the healthy scepticism shown by quite a few. Good on' you.

8. The image was created with Paint Shop Pro, and took roughly 30 minutes.

9. There are some major flaws in the image. I'll leave that to the experts to explore.

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1. This is a hoax.

2. I do not have a bare-board cartridge, or hoard of games from "Dad"

3. I CAN actually spell.

4. Continuing the hoax any further would engender bad feelings - if I haven't already done that.  Hopefully by cutting it short after just a day, people won't be TOO angry.  I think, on reflection, it was a bad idea.  We all have our bad days.

5. The original idea was to have an early start to April Fool, and eventually release some sort of runnable version on April 1.  I think a bit too ambitious.  Things took off a bit too quickly, and it was a bit slow at work for my own good.

6. Although intended as a joke, I can see some people starting to take it too seriously.  

7. I was pleased to see the healthy scepticism shown by quite a few.  Good on' you.

8. The image was created with Paint Shop Pro, and took roughly 30 minutes.

9.  There are some major flaws in the image.  I'll leave that to the experts to explore.


I don't believe this for a second! Paint Shop Pro my butt!


What's the matter Roland - did you get a call from the FBI? Having second thoughts about releasing a super secret game rom to the public? I know for certain now that you are just going to hoard that precious prototype and fetish over it for yourself. Enjoy your grounding, we'll see you in April when you rightfully release this proto!


(BTW: I appreciate the attempt.. it was fun while it lasted..) :D


Nukey.. is that you?

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Me too. Always provides a bit of entertainment when someone tries to fool the resident AtariAge experts. :) Specially the bit where they deny it repeatedly in face of 100% proof (like the Airworld bloke who had a magic ATI card that was such good quality it could convert an RF Atari 2600 into the quality of, ooh, let's say.. a bitmap created in photoshop.)


Nice one, but thanks for not keeping it going to long!

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