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Is there anybody so much in love with game Kennedy`s Approac


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First of all I have come up to this site yesterday just by chance and I am very pleased to see that this community is still on.


Does somebody like Kennedy`s approach so much that can play it for three to four hours straight ?


I used to be totally addicted to this game some ten years ago and when I downloaded it yesterday I was totally shocked. These emulators are flawless. There`s even same bug that used to be there with left trigger not active after few plays.


I have been playing this game for more than 10 hours from yesterday and have been always in love with its complexity and level of strategy you have to put there to win.

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i love it but never came to 3rd airport in my career ten years ago...


the speech system was excellent:


"united airline zero 1 2 5 1 - cleared for landing...shhhhhht....rooaaager..."


"delta 7 9 8 - decending to 4 thousand feet...shhhhht....roger..."


"emergency - 8 minutes fuel..."


i had not understand the manual correct because i bought the original (!!!) as a teenager... and it was in english here in germany... but today i know how it works far better... i missed one very important roule... the planes have to leave @ 4000 feets the corridor... and after 20 minutes with 10 planes around... it is really hard...

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  • 5 years later...

Five years since the last post, so I guess I'm a bit late...


I was so much hooked to this game I always wanted to code it myself. And I did recently. I ported it to Windows.




I "copied" stuff from the C-64 version, I never have played the game on an atari. If someone would send me a few screenshots of the Atari version, I could use them to make an Atari version/look/skin.

Edited by Weps
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Five years since the last post, so I guess I'm a bit late...


I was so much hooked to this game I always wanted to code it myself. And I did recently. I ported it to Windows.




I "copied" stuff from the C-64 version, I never have played the game on an atari. If someone would send me a few screenshots of the Atari version, I could use them to make an Atari version/look/skin.


Just had a look at your remake. Looking good so far. My only real critique is that you used the C64 graphics and colours. Personally, I much preferred the look of the A8 version.

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I also loved that game until I reached a certain point of complexitiy. I always felt that KA had a bug when it comes to one conflict-situation when two planes or taking different directions let's say EAST ond EAST-NORTH (diagonally) and leaving in 4000 FEET to the next control area.


I don't understand how these planes could possibly get into conflict, as they were taking different courses.


you know what I mean?


Also what I find so exciting about Kennedy Approach is that I played that game when I was a child in former Eastern Germany. At this time I never thought about traveling to the actual places of the game. Nowadays my sister lives in the US and it's very normal to travel through places like Atlanta or Washington D.C. !!


And because it's such a tradition I took out my Gp2x handheld and loaded up Kennedy Approach in the emulation while I was waiting for my connecting flight in Atlanta. Whooaaaa what a feeling!! And eventually I understood that what -I as a child- could never understand completely:


"deltrraa" "err frannz"... WTF?


Of course these where codes for famous airlines. And so I understood that I'm controlling "Delta" or "Air France" planes.


How funny, that I actually booked a "Delta" flight. yeess!!! Memories!! :-)




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KA is a killer... loved the the ingame speech and the stress level on further airports esp. in the morning and afternoons... "american 6134... cleared for landing... tschhh... ROAGR... ;)


i got the original game with the manual and the flight maps... i really love it...


Many years later I also got a KA original box, new, sealed with all original content. Hell ya, what great feeling when I opened the box and could smell the air from the mid-80's :-)


tschhht.. ROAGR .. tsschhht.




I actually never played versions from other platforms...




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Ah yes, Kennedy Approach....


Funny story (right...)

Back in the early 80's the mall near us had a pinball contest every month or so for a $50 mall gift certificate.

Long story short, snot nosed kid (yours truly) smoked a couple of them, to the chagrin of the 'older and wiser' contestants.

I promptly spent my winnings at B. Dalton bookstore (back when they existed AND sold computer software), got Flight Simulator 2 (which *hated* my rana 1000) and Kennedy Approach.


Spent WAY too many hours playing KA. For those of you with obsessive compulsive traits, KA is an amazing optimization problem.


Incidentally, try the Atari ST version. I initially didn't like it compared to the a8, but it grows on you.

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Ahh, I also loved this game and had completely forgotten about it until this thread! I remember spending many hours playing it as a kid.. And yes, the voice certainly added to it! I wonder how many poor airline passengers suffered at my hands. :)


Have there been any modern air-traffic controller games??


It is cool to see this "ported" to a modern operating system! I also would like to see an Atari 8-bit skin. :)



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Have there been any modern air-traffic controller games??


A few. And they are imho too realistic without gameplay. I've seen a few conversion from JFK to pc as well. But these also don't have the gameplay element of the original. They got fancy (uptodate) graphics, nice menu's, mouse control, but I just don't like them. I don't know, maybe I'm just old :-)



German Approach

Control Tower SFO




Thanks !


It is cool to see this "ported" to a modern operating system! I also would like to see an Atari 8-bit skin. :)


Your wish is my command, still busy on it tho : http://www.marck.info

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I was so much hooked to this game I always wanted to code it myself. And I did recently. I ported it to Windows.

Wow that's cool! I love Kennedy Approach and still play it often after all these years. :cool: The Atari 8bit version is my favorite, though I do like the 'ding' sound from the C64 that is missing on the A8. I tried the ST version, but it really just didn't cut it for me, no matter how much I wanted to like it.


One of the first things I tested on my SIO2SD interface. :D



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I was so much hooked to this game I always wanted to code it myself. And I did recently. I ported it to Windows.

Wow that's cool! I love Kennedy Approach and still play it often after all these years. :cool: The Atari 8bit version is my favorite, though I do like the 'ding' sound from the C64 that is missing on the A8. I tried the ST version, but it really just didn't cut it for me, no matter how much I wanted to like it.


One of the first things I tested on my SIO2SD interface. :D




Hehe, always 1 step ahead w/ the gadgets. I am finally getting an SVD and now I see this. I can't keep up with you. :)

Does that thing require "modified" disk images?



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how did you swing an atari in east germany?



Also what I find so exciting about Kennedy Approach is that I played that game when I was a child in former Eastern Germany. At this time I never thought about traveling to the actual places of the game. Nowadays my sister lives in the US and it's very normal to travel through places like Atlanta or Washington D.C. !!




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Hehe, always 1 step ahead w/ the gadgets. I am finally getting an SVD and now I see this. I can't keep up with you. :)

Does that thing require "modified" disk images?

Nope, uses regular old .ATR, and even direct loads .com stuff. Basically a super easy to use disk drive. Well actually four of them. :cool: It kicks ass!


And I'm drooling over the SVD2 specs. :lust: :D

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how did you swing an atari in east germany?


Not me, but my Dad. Basically, it was possible to buy an Atari in two ways:


a) "2nd hand flea market" where one could buy "western" hardware 10-20 times over the normal price. An Atari 130 XE was at this time in west german stores at about 299 DM (which is like $170). In East Germany the Atari 130XE was like 3000 M which is like $1700. The salary of my mother as a teacher was 450 M at this time. So prices were ridicolous high, but you could by the hardware if you really wanted to.


b) West German relatives. Many many germans had relatives in West Germany or West Berlin. Almost every family had somebody who used to live in West Germany. In our case, my dad's grandmother used to live in West Berlin. She was allowed to send "hard money" to very close family members. My parents could buy with that everything they wanted in so called "Intershops" which was like a supermarket. They had basically everything one could buy in West-Germany including hardware like TVs, Stereos, Atari, Commodore and stuff. Funny enough that these "Intershops" were owned and operated by the East German government.


My grandfather (who was retired) was allowed to visit his mother and always organized us magazines, books and software in Berlin.


Crazy times, unbelieveable how much Germany has changed since the early 90s....

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