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AtariProtos.com 2600 Update


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Whoa... Praise going to head... Starting to feel cocky....





Ok I'm better now...


Seriously though, thanks for all the praise and support guys. I really appreciate it. Time to get crackin' on that 7800 section.



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Please, don't forget the Rumour Mill!


Sorry my site doesn't have a Rumour Mill, but I've been thinking of adding a Rumor Mill... :D ;)


Expect that soon as well, although I think I listed most of what will be in it in this post.



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  • 2 weeks later...
So, let's have a list of prototypes that are (somehow) confirmed to be in someone's hands!  


I'll start:


- Good luck, Charlie Brown

- Pink Panther


I've worked here and there on getting these released...


The owner of the first seemed amenable to releasing it, though had some concerns about it losing it's uniqueness. However, he couldn't make time to come to a get-together where it could be dumped, and has been mostly uncontactable since. I don't know if he's trying to be unreachable so that people can't ask about it, or if he's really just busy, but this one might be a bit of a lost cause.


The owner of Pink Panther is mainly worried about the rights, which I've tried looking into but hit some walls. Hopefully I'll find the time to get back on the trail "soon"...

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I've worked here and there on getting these released...  


The owner of the first seemed amenable to releasing it, though had some concerns about it losing it's uniqueness. However, he couldn't make time to come to a get-together where it could be dumped, and has been mostly uncontactable since. I don't know if he's trying to be unreachable so that people can't ask about it, or if he's really just busy, but this one might be a bit of a lost cause.  


The owner of Pink Panther is mainly worried about the rights, which I've tried looking into but hit some walls. Hopefully I'll find the time to get back on the trail "soon"...


Cool! Keep up the good work and keep us informed. Even the slight possiblity of those prototypes getting released is better than nothing.




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Yup, let's hope one not too far away day, all "hidden" protos will be made available for all fans.


Well it's not that they're "hidden", it's just that there's copyright issues.


I suppose you could just put the rom out there and hope you don't get sued, but there's always some bitter person out there who would turn you in. This is why so many games are unreleased.




Any copyright experts know how long after publication the copyright extends? 17 years?

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Yup, let's hope one not too far away day, all "hidden" protos will be made available for all fans.


Well it's not that they're "hidden", it's just that there's copyright issues.


I suppose you could just put the rom out there and hope you don't get sued, but there's always some bitter person out there who would turn you in. This is why so many games are unreleased.




Any copyright experts know how long after publication the copyright extends? 17 years?


Something like 70.

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I think it used to be 75 years after the death of the author for books etc, and 25 years for software, but they've since changed it so that you can renew copyrights in the former case; I'm not sure where that leaves the latter case...


In Canada, the term of copyright protection is for the life of the author plus 50 years (or 75 years after publication for anonymous works). There are no renewals possible under Canadian law.


There are no special rules for software; it is treated just the same as other literary works.


Oh, and remember that Canadian rules apply in Canada so a work may be out of copyright in Canada while it is still protected in the United States (or vice versa). ;)


We can expect 2600 games to start coming into the public domain in Canada around 2040 or so. (Some 2600 programmers are no longer with us, right?)


Of course with games like Pink Panther (or the unreleased AD&D games), there are intellectual property issues beyond just copyright and that's where the rights and legal issues start to get really complicated...

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