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Can someone help me with a routine for double tapping the joystick?

Words Fail

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Maybe try making the player just move faster the longer you hold a direction first.  Conquer that and then go for fancier double-tap stuff.


 rem //** Use vars "a" through "d" to store amount of directional presses **//
 dim rpressed  = a
 dim lpressed  = b
 dim upressed  = c
 dim dpressed  = d

 rem //** Since we're using the ball make it 8 pixels tall and put it on screen **//
 ballheight = 8 : ballx = 77 : bally = 77


 rem //** if a direction is pressed increment its specific pressed var else clear it **//
 rem //** also make sure it doesn't roll over from 255 back to 0 **//
 if joy0right && rpressed < 255 then rpressed = rpressed + 1 else rpressed = 0
 if joy0left  && lpressed < 255 then lpressed = lpressed + 1 else lpressed = 0
 if joy0up    && upressed < 255 then upressed = upressed + 1 else upressed = 0
 if joy0down  && dpressed < 255 then dpressed = dpressed + 1 else dpressed = 0

 rem //** If a direction is pressed move that way **//
 rem //** If that direction has been p[ressed over 32 times move even further **//
 if rpressed > 0 then ballx = ballx + 1 : if rpressed > 32 then ballx = ballx + 1
 if lpressed > 0 then ballx = ballx - 1 : if lpressed > 32 then ballx = ballx - 1
 if upressed > 0 then bally = bally - 1 : if upressed > 32 then bally = bally - 1
 if dpressed > 0 then bally = bally + 1 : if dpressed > 32 then bally = bally + 1
 rem //** Make the playfield normal but the ball should be 8 pixels wide **//
 rem //** Color the playfield walls white **//
 CTRLPF = $31

 rem //** Draw the screen and loop back around **//
 goto main


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here I added a delay

it uses another variable half for saving the state of SWCHA and half for a timer

when it sees a change on SWCHA it starts the timer then processes the joystick when it times out


a 4 frame delay seems a reasonable compromise between too long and not long enough (for me anyway)


  set optimization noinlinedata

  dim counter        = c
  dim move_flags     = m
  dim move_direction = temp1
  dim j0_direction   = temp2
  def joy_was_0      = m{6}
  def frame_parity   = m{5}
  def speed_x_2      = m{4}
  def true           = 1
  def false          = 0
  def set_move_flag  = callmacro smd_mac
  def get_move_flag  = callmacro gmd_mac

  const noscore      = 1
  const delay        = 4

  macro smd_mac {1}
  move_flags = (move_flags & %11110000) | {1}

  macro gmd_mac {1}
  {1} = move_flags & %00001111

  gosub init

  COLUP0 = $38
  COLUPF = $86

  get_move_flag move_direction

  if !collision(playfield, player0) then check_counter
  player0x = player0x - x_move_table[move_direction]
  player0y = player0y - y_move_table[move_direction]
  move_flags = 0 : move_direction = 0
  goto skip_move

  if counter & $0F then count_down
  if (counter ^ SWCHA) & $F0 = 0 then check_parity
  counter = (counter & $F0) | delay
  goto check_parity

  counter = counter - 1
  if counter & $0F then check_parity

  j0_direction = (SWCHA ^ %11111111)/16
  j0_direction = direction_table[j0_direction]

  if j0_direction = 0 then check_parity
  if j0_direction <> move_direction then move_direction = j0_direction : speed_x_2 = false : goto check_parity
  if joy_was_0 then speed_x_2 = true

  if speed_x_2 then do_move
  if frame_parity then skip_move

  player0x = player0x + x_move_table[move_direction]
  player0y = player0y + y_move_table[move_direction]

  if SWCHA & $F0 = $F0  then joy_was_0 = false else joy_was_0 = true
  if frame_parity then frame_parity = false else frame_parity = true
  set_move_flag move_direction
  counter = counter & $0F : counter = (SWCHA & $F0) | counter

  goto loop


  player0x = 40
  player0y = 30




  data x_move_table
  0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1

  data y_move_table
  0, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1

  ;     1
  ;  8     2
  ; 7   *   3
  ;  6     4
  ;     5

  ; 0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    SWCHA
  ;    ---u  --d-  --du  -l--  -l-u  -ld-  -ldu  r---  r--u  r-d-    right left down up joy switches
  data direction_table
    0,    1,    5,    0,    7,    8,    6,    0,    3,    2,    4  ; direction


double_tap_2.bas double_tap_2.bas.bin

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40 minutes ago, Words Fail said:

The good thing is I'm not using diagonal. You can only move 4 way direction.


This example program only lets you move in 4 directions. :D




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23 hours ago, Words Fail said:

The good thing is I'm not using diagonal. You can only move 4 way direction.


1 if you're only using horizontal and vertical you wouldn't need the timer which is only to make the second tap diagnol recognizeable as such


2 I think it would be trivial to either coerce a diagnol to horizontal or vertical or just ignore diagnols


3 its moot if you don't want to adapt it any way 😜



really I just meant to show the behavior without timing the double tap, the use of SWCHA and the use of tables

(I just threw all those defs and macros and verbose names in there to keep RT happy ;) )

Edited by bogax
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