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Ultima III - Exodus - Emulation Crashing (Altirra 4.10)


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So I've been trying to get Ultima III to work under Altirra (3.90 and 4.10 tried) with no success. 


I've tried several different sets of ATR disks from normally reliable sources - including one keyboard hacked version posted here at AtariAge that was specifically tested by the hack-er on Altirra so I suppose at least that one should work.


It always fails the same way:  I can create a party of 4 characters but when I go to 'Journey' to start the game, it crashes with an illegal instruction and gives me choices to try to improve the compatibility of the emulation.




I've tried the following:


o Using stock Atari OSA and then OSB BIOS

o Using Altirra 800 and Altirra XL BIOS

o Enabling and Disabling BASIC - both Altirra and Atari BASIC (the game won't even load with BASIC enabled so I suspect it must be disabled)

o Trying different RAM combinations form 48K compatibility all the way up to 1088K

o Trying more accurate (slower) Disk Emulation

o Trying PAL vs NTSC


I'm out of ideas...  thoughts of any kind?  Must be something dumb I'm doing.  The Demo screen plays fine and character creation is fine... it writes the characters to disk properly. But it won't ever start the game without a crash.


I've also tried the same sets of disks in my Atari 800 emulator for the DS and it crashes at the same spot.


Ultima I and II seems to work fine. 

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Have you tried making sure it can write to the disk (under file / disk dives, set it to R/W if it's on VR/W)


It's very unlikely that it's Altirra directly (not 100% impossible, though), almost certainly it's config issue. I'll have a play in a bit and see what it does..


Edit: Just tried it from an ATX for the side 1 and an atr for the scenario disk, and it ran fine without any mods from a standard XL config.. Created a character and journeyed onward...all fine


This was on 4.10 beta 2 https://www.virtualdub.org/beta/Altirra-4.20-test2.zip There's been no big emulation fixes since the first beta, so which version should not affect it...

Edited by Mclaneinc
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