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Would anyone else want a Star Fox Zero port?


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I've always been a huge Star Fox fan, and am genuinely surprised Nintendo has not ported this to Switch. I understand they would have to tweak or remove the motion controls, but I hope they don't leave this on the Wii U.

For what it was worth, I enjoyed the game once I became comfortable with the controls.

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I'd like to see them do something with Star Fox, but Zero was a game I just couldn't get into. Honestly, I think it would be cooler if they remade Star Fox 2. It's nice that it's out and playable now, and the design of the game works really well, most of the problems with it have to do with it being on the SNES.

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My understanding on this one if I remember correctly as I did unfortunately got suckered into thinking Nintendo would win with the WiiU is that the game itself on a base level has a good story, good stages, all around a good game MADE BAD because of some very terrible forced and shoehorned into crap touch controls.  They did this same crap with Zelda on DS making them a real pain in the ass and the not well working not really 1:1 control of Skyward Sword.


If they could tear the game down, recreate a control scheme that works where TOUCH is an optional choice for purists, a hybrid, and then just something that plays like a normal game I'd be there day one to buy it.  Metroid Prime Remaster did this. They know the forced waste of the c-stick was shit when they did trilogy, and again on the Switch they went dual stick default, a hybrid of the Wii for gyro aim, and then the original shit control of the gamecube if you want it as a third choice.


I want it, I'll play it, but I will never play it even free on an emulator even as it stands.

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It's not touch controls, it's maybe worse than that? You might be thinking of Star Fox Command on the DS, which did use some odd touch controls, but I actually enjoyed that game. The Wii U Gamepad functions as sort of a turret, so you have a third person view of piloting the ship on your TV, with a first person gyro-based view on the Gamepad's screen. Actually very cool tech, but it's like trying to pat your head and rub your belly at the same time, but also people are shooting lasers at you while you do it. I actually don't think the game could be gracefully ported to anything but the 3DS because of the dual-view thing being so intrinsic to the game's design, and I don't know if it would be ported to anything else because the game is just very clunky as a result of the controls and viewpoint issues. They could do picture in picture, I guess?

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2 hours ago, Tanooki said:

They know the forced waste of the c-stick was shit when they did trilogy, and again on the Switch they went dual stick default

You can still lock and use the A button to shoot, and honestly I still use it A LOT. The game was really made with the lock mechanism in mind anyway.

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  • 3 months later...

StarFox needs a rethink, the DS game was interesting but not great. The way they slapped the StarFox characters onto Dinosaur Planet was bad. StarFox Assault was not great. StarFox Zero would need a lot of work to change the motion controls to something playable in the Switch. 

Maybe something more open ended (not scripted) could work, like Everspace but with furries? 

I think I’d rather see a Rogue Squadron collection if Nintendo happens to be listening. 

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I know Star Fox Assault was not great, but I always thought Star Fox could become Nintendo's Gears of War (well, if they wanted one). A nice TPS similar to Jetforce Gemini with on-rails shooting levels could be great. I'm not a big fan of free roaming in 3D shooters, since I spend too much time chasing targets. 😅

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