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Sega Genesis Game Creation for Game Makers


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For some starting to make real games for retro systems requires:

* Integrated IDE ready-to-go

* Easy language that focuses on intention rather than syntax (BASIC-like)

* Community of beginners that support eachother

* Ability to make physical carts without soldering


Visual bB or VS Code with Atari Dev Studio cover 2600, 7800 and Jag just fine coupled with their BASIC friendly compilers.  On the Genesis side we have SecondBASIC.  If you need SegaCD support the older unsupported compiler BasiEgaXorz will (barely) do.


SecondBASIC Download + Image Editing Tool: https://www.second-dimension.com/downloads

SecondBASIC Docs: https://www.sbasic.net/help/

Second Dimension Links (Discord for SB Community Support): https://www.second-dimension.com/contact


BasiEgaXorz Download and Docs: https://devster.monkeeh.com/sega/basiegaxorz/

BasiEgaXorz Forum: https://devster.proboards.com/board/1/basiegaxorz-forums


Collection of SecondBASIC and converted BasiEgaXorz Examples:


Also: https://forums.atariage.com/topic/331727-badly-organized-secondbasic-basiegaxorz-resources


Flashable Boards for Small Homebrew Runs:

Programmer: https://krikzz.com/our-products/accessories/flashkitmd.html

Boards: https://krikzz.com/our-products/cartridges/flashkitmd.html


You have to have skill and a good 3D printer for shells otherwise Flea Market for sports titles

3D Print: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4078295


Regurgitated most of this so our fellow members can make real games :)   Maybe it's good enough to pin someday?



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