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A8-to-5200 conversion software - is it real and how do I make it work???


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Alright, I just downloaded some (alleged) software from the Buy Sell & Trade forums from a guy who is selling his 5200 unit and I need to know if these files are bogus or if they are real, and, if they are real, then I would like to please call upon the kind assistance of either Paul Lay @playsoft, @Wrathchild or Steven Tucker @classics to kinda step me through some of the basics of this software and then knowing me once I get that going then the possibilities are endless once the gloves are off!!!


The thread source is right here: 


The attachments are down below:

5B88CCA6-508E-43AD-9352-4AED86129D78.heic 33FD0DA0-BB35-4F01-A693-AF0087DADE7C.heic C5936F29-6E3A-4054-9F1A-64D7837FFFB6.heic

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38 minutes ago, x=usr(1536) said:

Ray, the attachments were just pictures of a 5200, its A/V jacks, and a controller.


There's no automated software to convert A8 games to the 5200, or vice-versa.

I'm dyin' 🤣

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32 minutes ago, Lord_of_Sipan said:

It is just high resolution photos of my console and controller and the modded ports. They are heic images so I think AA can only show them as links rather than in the body of the post.

Please let Ray know about the conversion software :D

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1 hour ago, Keatah said:

Go emulation. Get a mini-PC and install Stella, Altirra, a7800, and MAME. You'll have access to almost all Atari stuff that way!


Just had to say it. As I do.

How is that going to help the people that want the 50th 2600 mini-remake or Flashback 100?  Or an awesome new all in one system that via magic emulation and 8 different cart ports plays all systems in one console?


You speak the talk of crazy folk!

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Oh boy you know what the VCS really needs for new hardware, a 2600 cart slot so I can play the exact same Pac-Man on the seventieth NEW lump of plastic - wowee wouldn't that be great, the exact same games only a DIFFERENT LOOKING piece of plastic, can't wait! Sign me up for 12, I'll have to sell some of my wall of Funkos to pay for it but it'll totally be SO worth it when I press the DIFFERENT SHAPED power button and the EXACT SAME GAME FROM 1982 plays. I'm already gasping with hyperactivity just thinking about it.

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5 hours ago, MrMaddog said:

season 3 show GIF by Power



Already did. I reacquired an XEGS back a month ago, all I need is a new power adapter (mine did not come with the brick) so I am getting the all-new power adapter from The Brewing Academy they have and also an AVG Cart, as The Ultimate Cart is not available at this time due to a shortage in the chips that make it work.

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