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Continuing where Curt left off?


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I brought this up a year ago or so maybe and never really heard much.. I was just curious if anyone inherited the Atari related portion of Curt Vendel’s estate with the hope that the research Curt had done/was doing might continue. I am sure he had a large amount of stuff that was yet to be investigated and shared. I can’t imagine his family would have any much interest in keeping that stuff around unless it was purely for auction resale value.. 


That whole point in time still seems very strange to me.. 

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One man has declared himself over all and has kept anything from happening for years, maybe something can be done, but it looks like a mess. I would have expected to hear from family members at some point on forums, internet etc, or a group of emails something, anything. Seems like someone makes sure everything goes through him.


I didn't want to think or believe such a thing but the clock is proving otherwise. Very sad and totally against what Curt was doing.

Edited by _The Doctor__
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9 minutes ago, _The Doctor__ said:

One man has declared himself over all and has kept anything from happening for years, maybe something can be done, but it looks like a mess. I would have expected to hear from family members at some point on forums, internet etc, or a group of emails something, anything. Seems like someone makes sure everything goes through him.


I didn't want to think or believe such a thing but the clock is proving otherwise. Very sad and totally against what Curt was doing.

I don't know where you're getting your information from, but there's no conspiracy theory to keep Curt's projects from seeing the light of day.  Curt had appointed Marty to manage all his stuff if something were to happen to him and that's what Marty is doing.  It's a very long and slow process going through everything and making sure it goes to where it needs to go and to keep the vultures from swooping in to grab what they can.  Marty is working with Curt's family on this so he's not keeping them in the dark either.  Please stop spreading misinformation. 

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Really? So chopping people heads off over backing up the web site was normal? Offering to host it for free not wanting a cent to do so with no desire to make anything off of it until it could be formally put back online? NOPE! Then finally... It was going to be put back online and wasn't. Then it was going to be re-done, but hasn't. Telling people that it won't be long and it will be back. All communications go through one person? That person doesn't give any updates or indication or how things are going, or if any help would still be needed. Not many people have heard anything. Why would it be so hard for a few seconds to let people know how it's going? The only time we hear diddly squat is when questions and comments come up like this and then the defenders come out. Many folks haven't received so much as an email, let alone anything but an admonishment on AA. I haven't busted down the doors demanding anything, nor has anyone I know. I don't know what the 'political' crap is or what computer so and so museum or vintage this thinks they are owed. I don't think anyone here has ill will. If people respond like that then what is anyone to think. Marty was offered a crap ton of help, as far as I've seen damn near all has been rejected. Curt made many friends who cared and shared his passion. He is gone and we mourn his loss and we wonder how... after years nothing appears to have progressed. So maybe a few are not comfortable with that, knowing what he wanted versus what has happened. It's pretty clear something going on is more than a person appears to be able to handle. It's not misinformation, it's what is... and what has been observable.


Since no one can help and there isn't any website or communication except through one man. How is that a misinformed comment? BECAUSE IT ISN'T.

This is why many just shrug their shoulders and walk away. This is why many people stop providing information or protos. Ever wonder why some of us stopped?

We get a little pissy, and rightfully so. I don't expect anything back. It was a kindness, just as Curt gave things to people out of his kindness. It's been a long long time. And by the way your commenting, if you know something, it sounds like a number of people won't see much if anything resolved before they are also gone from this earth. That is the sticking point. We don't want his legacy lost, as if he accomplished nothing. Even a memorial place holder would have been nice, something anything.


Currently it doesn't look or sound like anyone is continuing where he left off, nor will they be able to without starting from scratch.


This is last to be said by myself on the subject.

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Not to take the topic back to the lighter side of things - and I know there was some shit slinging in regards to this subject —- but I was really interested in that 7800 XM project. I’m  kind of a sucker for computer addons - I always wanted that compumate thing for my 2600 even though that could barely be called a “computer” it was still an example of doing something far fetched with minimal hardware. 


I apologize I caused a blip in the forum - I love this place because it seems like there is very little grumbling.. I agree it blows that all of Curt’s work and research is being stymied for whatever reason. I suppose we can just hope that things come to fruition eventually.. 

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6 minutes ago, Doctorx said:

Not to take the topic back to the lighter side of things - and I know there was some shit slinging in regards to this subject —- but I was really interested in that 7800 XM project. I’m  kind of a sucker for computer addons - I always wanted that compumate thing for my 2600 even though that could barely be called a “computer” it was still an example of doing something far fetched with minimal hardware. 


I apologize I caused a blip in the forum - I love this place because it seems like there is very little grumbling.. I agree it blows that all of Curt’s work and research is being stymied for whatever reason. I suppose we can just hope that things come to fruition eventually.. 

I wouldn't say it's being 'stymied' as that implies malice or purposeful action.  It's more like it's been put on hold until everything is sorted out.  I'm not happy with how long everything is taking either, but then again I don't envy the monumental task Marty has to do.  If he's rejected outside help then I assume he has a reason.  

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41 minutes ago, _The Doctor__ said:

We get a little pissy, and rightfully so. I don't expect anything back.

Wow, just unbelievable.  You sure as hell are not acting like someone who doesn't expect anything back.


Have some damn respect, Curt is DEAD, you and the rest of the classic gaming community are owed NOTHING at this point.  Curt's death was unexpected.  He was a friend of mine, and I knew him for over 20 years, and I still cannot believe he's gone.  To see you bitch and moan that things are taking too damn slow is just disgusting. 


I know the 7800 XM that many paid for (including myself, I purchased two of them) was never completed or shipped, which sucks, of course.  Realistically, I don't expect that to ever see the light of day as it would cost a considerable amount of money that isn't there in order to complete, manufacture, and ship them out.  Unless someone is willing to cough up many thousands of dollars out of the kindness of their heart, or those who purchased the XM are willing to put forth even more money, it's just not feasible in my opinion.


Outside of the XM, there's obviously an incredible amount of Atari-related hardware, software, and documentation that was in Curt's possession.  If anything is going to happen, it's going to be through Marty.  Marty worked very closely with Curt for years, and he's in the best position to work with Curt's family to go through his Atari-related items and organize it all.  And this will happen when Marty has time and is able to coordinate with Curt's family to do so, and it's not going to be a quick process.  I am not privy to what the current status of this is, and I'm sure Marty will provide an update when he can. 


So, please be patient, posts such as yours absolutely do not help at all, and are very callous.

46 minutes ago, _The Doctor__ said:

This is last to be said by myself on the subject.




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Since you seemed to conflate something and used it against me, I didn't have anything to say about 7800XM. Don't attack me.

stop taking things out of context for no reason, dicing it up to make it sound like something it isn't.

1 hour ago, _The Doctor__ said:

I don't expect anything back. It was a kindness, just as Curt gave things to people out of his kindness.

as usual you took a quote and cut it short leaving the whole meaning out, so there is the whole quote. I didn't expect anything back, because is was GIVEN, just like Curt gave to others. Meant to show what kind of person Curt was. Don't ruin things like this. Every word I said was true. You might try looking at it again. Setting the record straight. Curt was a friend. No one is going to ruin that. Not you. Not anyone.


I don't like it one bit. I don't want to have to deal with it. Don't make it something it isn't. I said what I had to about the subject. I had to address the false nature of the response. I hope that's GOOD. And if you felt like I do, I'd have hoped you offered help just like we did. I feel it's disgusting that his work would be lost for all time, because it was a big part of who he was.

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3 minutes ago, Gemintronic said:

The best way to continue is to start an Atari related project of your own.  If you can't do that: support people who are.  If you can't do that find other ways to deal with your frustration.  Being negative to each other makes everything worse.

This ^^

Thank You for the kind constructive thoughts.

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This conversation reminded me of something I thought was very odd after Curt had passed.


It seemed like Curt had chosen AtariAge as one of his main vehicles for getting the word out on what he had discovered, what he was working on, and where he wanted to go. But other than a couple of informal topics that sprung up across the forums announcing his death, I don't recall seeing anything about it on the main landing page at AtariAge. Or even an article describing Curt's life and involvement with the Atari community, and his obviously very strong desire to share the history of Atari with everyone.


That landing page seems to be where news headlines of coming events and important stuff is routinely shared with this community. So strange that I don't recall seeing anything there about Curt. Did I miss it?




I probably told this story already, but here is the short version...


My experience of first meeting Curt goes back about 2 decades, when he made me feel famous for the first time in my life. It happened at a computer swap meet down in the Bay Area south of San Francisco. I had gone down there with my brother in a Honda CRV filled to the brim with Atari stuff that I wanted to donate. And so once we had arrived I started asking around on the show floor if anyone knew of someone that could accept donations of Atari equipment. Almost everyone I asked said that I needed to talk to Curt Vendel. Well after a few minutes Curt shows up and introduces himself, and we get to talking. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he says to a small group that had now gathered "Do you know who this guy is?" -- "This is Mytek, the creator of the TransKey!"   Well that was my 15 minutes of fame, all thanks to Curt. Of course he took all the stuff I had brought and we loaded into his U-Haul truck with New York plates for his return trip back home.


After that meetup Curt and I would occasionally touch bases, but over the years that became less and less which was mainly my fault. However in February of 2019 we started to PM on AtariAge and I tried to help him out with some audio issues he was having on the XM, and we would talk about new stuff that both of us wanted to do someday. My last conversation with him was on January 24th 2020.


He was a very nice guy, and always made the time to help others out. I now regret the many years that passed where I no longer was in communication with him.

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Just to be clear I'm not involved in going through Curt's stuff in any way, I just talk to Marty now and then and ask him how everything is going.


As long as we're sharing Curt stories...


I first met Curt (online) when I was in college.  Even back then I was into prototypes, especially 5200 prototypes and that just happened to be one of Curt's main interests as well.  We became quick and lifelong friends.  I got to meet him in person for the first time at Philly Classic 3 where I had brought my prototype collection to display.  Curt offered to dump my prototypes for me which was great since at that point I didn't own an EPROM dumper.  Curt proceeds to pull out his car keys and start prying the EPROMs out of the board.  I was freaking out!  These were my prized possessions and you're prying them apart with car keys?!?!  He could see the look on my face and with a big smile said "Ok, maybe we'll find another way to do this".  I don't think we ended up dumping them at the show but I did get an EPROM dumper shortly after that.  And what did I use to pry the EPROMs out?  A screwdriver.  Here I was freaking out that Curt was going to destroy my prototypes by not using an EPROM puller or some other fancy tool and I end up doing the same thing a few months later.   Maybe it's not the funniest story, but it's one (of many) that stick with me.  Curt and I would joke about it now and then for years afterwards.


My biggest regret is not going to see him at VCF East.  I had planned on it but I had just been to MGC and didn't feel like making another major trip so soon.  Had I known that would be my last chance to see him...

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Would have been neat to meet him. It was also somewhat odd that no circumstances of how he passed were discussed- I ma guessing simply out of the respect for the dead and those of the deceased family - which is fine by me.


Again - I was super interested in the 7800XM and was hoping perhaps the plans and what not made it into someone elses hands who might carry the torch.


Love all you guys - Atari is so special to me that I could never even try to express those feelings in words. 

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5 hours ago, Doctorx said:

Would have been neat to meet him. It was also somewhat odd that no circumstances of how he passed were discussed- I ma guessing simply out of the respect for the dead and those of the deceased family - which is fine by me.

It was a heart attack.  He had had heart troubles for many years due to a brown recluse (spider) bite. 


5 hours ago, Doctorx said:

Again - I was super interested in the 7800XM and was hoping perhaps the plans and what not made it into someone elses hands who might carry the torch.

I'm sure eventually someone will.  I doubt Curt would want the project to die with him.   It's just going to take a long time to sort through everything and figure out how to pick up the pieces.  I wouldn't even know where to begin myself.  I think when it's eventually finished (and I have faith it will be) that it will be a nice final tribute to Curt and everything he did for this community.

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On 3/9/2023 at 9:11 AM, Tempest said:

My biggest regret is not going to see him at VCF East.  I had planned on it but I had just been to MGC and didn't feel like making another major trip so soon.  Had I known that would be my last chance to see him...

You and me both! I am only two hours away and I was like, I'll go next year or the year after... Then I see that news and I was floored. I never really knew him except for a few messages back and forth over the years. Seemed like a genuine nice guy. I wish I had the chance to actually meet him in person.

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20 hours ago, Tempest said:

It was a heart attack.  He had had heart troubles for many years due to a brown recluse (spider) bite. 

Oh man. What a loss. I only conversed with him a few times several years ago on the forums. But what an icon.


It seems most of the problems occur with this spider bite through secondary infection. If any of you get bit by this creature make sure to keep the bite wound fastidiously clean.

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On 3/17/2023 at 8:54 AM, Tempest said:

It was a heart attack.  He had had heart troubles for many years due to a brown recluse (spider) bite.

Oh wow, I did read about all the heart issues, but I never knew it was from a spider bite O_O


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On 3/18/2023 at 8:53 AM, ClausB said:

I was lucky to meet him at VCFE 2019. He had been on a health kick with a trainer and looked like a body builder. He was so energetic and enthusiastic. Check him out:


His enthusiasm is felt.  He reminds me of myself, we even look somewhat alike (I'm older and he had more hair)!

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