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PCBway vs. JLCPCB: Which is Cheaper?


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Well I think I accomplished what I set out to do by starting this topic, and that was to show that when it comes to PCB manufacturing there are a lot of choices, with some being cheaper than others, some offering additional services, and quite a few of them having very fast turn-around. And just like buying a car, you really need to do your research before committing to a seller so that you get the fairest deal. And thanks to @5-11under posting the link to that PCBShopper website, we can easily compare all the PCB manufacturers to see who is a good fit for whatever project we are working on.


The times are a changing for the good in this case, because I still remember trying to get PCBs made back in the 90's and into the early 2000's with costs being astronomical. And don't get me started on the process that one had to go through in the old days to get boards. Because with the tools that are available for free now days combined with these highly efficient China based fabrication services, it's a night and day difference from how it used to be done really not that long ago.


Anyway I think I've said all I need to, so I'm leaving the room (gotta go find Elvis).

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