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Lupin 3 homebrew


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Hi Lupin 3 is a card game dedicate to the famous cartoon 🙂
On the table there are three bags of money:
first Row is for yellow cards (Lupin), second row for green card (Jigen) and the third row fo blu cards(Fujico)
Fourth row has a police hat and is for red cards (Zenigata)
On each turn you can play one, two of three cards (yor cards are at the bottom). To select card use joystick left/right (the select card will be displayed ) then press fire to play card.
To end your turn select the hand icon then press fire.
When you complete a row (putting the fourth card) you get the money (the value is on the correspondig bag) and the row will clear.
Last row (red cards) needs only 3 cards to complete and subctract 1 point to your opponent (if his score is grather than 0 ) or add 1 point to you if his score is equal than 0.
During computer moves, the joystick is disabled
The game will end when all bags (13) will be stolen 🙂

Regars Alberto.



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ZeroPage Homebrew is playing Lupin 3 on tomorrow's ZPH stream LIVE on Twitch, hope you can join us!







UPDATE! The time has changed to 6PM PT and has been updated in the post as unfortunately Darcy is feeling under the weather and can't make it for an early show. See you tonight!

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