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Replacing cartridge guide on my Atari 400

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So, last night, I was playing some of the Atari manufactured cartridges on my 400 (the cartridges with the sliding mechanism to expose the pcb inside, like the 2600 and 5200 carts have, too).  I played Donkey Kong and went to insert Centipede and it wouldn’t insert.   I realized that the DK cart snapped off the one remaking prong and I cannot insert the Atari carts anymore since they can’t open, unless I rig something to try and open them manuallly, which is a pain.  Does anyone know where or if I can get a replacement cartridge guide for a 400?   I tried Best Electronics, but can never find anything on that mess of a website.    I would try gluing the prongs back on, but I think they’ll just snap off again.

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A 400 has a slightly different guide.


You can try and fix it. Gluing a piece of plastic instead of the broken one would be too fragile. But you can file a gap in the plastic of the guide and then put plastic through it, fastening it from the bottom as well.

Look at the attached picture (it's from an XE I have but it has the same problem).


Edited by Peri Noid
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That XL guide looks pretty similar...

I wonder how much modification it would take on the STL file to get it to fit...

My cart guide is a bit cracked (not the tabs tho, so it still works) so I wouldn't mind trying to print a new one, but I'm not great with 3D design.

If it's something that I could do with Tinkercad, then I might try.

Of course, that means I would need to take my 400 apart and pull out my current guide...

So, not in the near term, but if someone else doesn't get to it, I might try to do that later when I get some time...

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11 hours ago, tillenterprises said:

So, last night, I was playing some of the Atari manufactured cartridges on my 400 (the cartridges with the sliding mechanism to expose the pcb inside, like the 2600 and 5200 carts have, too).  I played Donkey Kong and went to insert Centipede and it wouldn’t insert.   I realized that the DK cart snapped off the one remaking prong and I cannot insert the Atari carts anymore since they can’t open, unless I rig something to try and open them manuallly, which is a pain.  Does anyone know where or if I can get a replacement cartridge guide for a 400?   I tried Best Electronics, but can never find anything on that mess of a website.    I would try gluing the prongs back on, but I think they’ll just snap off again.


Best no longer has them. His addendum changed the status to Sold Out some time ago.


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8 hours ago, Peri Noid said:

A 400 has a slightly different guide.


You can try and fix it. Gluing a piece of plastic instead of the broken one would be too fragile. But you can file a gap in the plastic of the guide and then put plastic through it, fastening it from the bottom as well.

Look at the attached picture (it's from an XE I have but it has the same problem).


Thanks, good idea 

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