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Alien Abduction (by John Van Ryzin) - (WAS in VCS Store - removed)


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This video ^ is from a live stream on 11/6/23


Dave, I was quite satisfied with your previous response video on 11/4/23 that I found to be professional enough to where I privatized the video I linked earlier in this thread about the game delisting due to you not liking my word choices.  I have to say this recent video you did today, I find to not be very professional and I dislike some of your word choices.  I also defended you previously many times including in this very thread saying none of this was your fault but you seem to feel my continual criticism about the Atari VCS technical issues and design flaws is somehow a personal attack against you when I've always maintained you are doing a great job for what you have to work with.


I am insulted by you calling me a "lying coward" multiple times in this video.  I have never insulted you personally so I was surprised to hear you take that tactic.

I never once denied that I previously had a discord account named "Frank" and everyone in that discord always knew I had that "Frank" user name before.  I have stopped being so critical about the VCS in that discord and while I have recently discussed technical issues in there, it is nowhere near to the levels I previously did.  This is not because anyone told me to change but because I myself am trying not to spend so much time pointing out Atari VCS issues.  I have not even made a video about the VCS in almost 2 months until Alien Abduction was delisted.


Also, you refer to a much older video from around 6 months ago where someone showed how to backup VCS games and just happened to use Alien Abduction as an example and you still falsely accuse me of having made that video when it was a completely different channel.


I've previously talked in great detail about the importance of backing up VCS games but never once have I ever made a public tutorial video on how to do so.

Maybe I should since you continue to falsely accuse me of it.


I do still stand firmly of how I defended that very helpful video when another channel showed how to correctly backup VCS games in PC mode.

I may have gone overboard in defending it which could be why people thought it was my video because I defended it more than anyone else because I have very strong opinions on the digital rights of the customer for personal use when it comes to digital video games.

There were others who defended the video at the time too and I think some of them may have also been banned from the discord for doing so.  The person who posted the link to the video, which was not me, may have been banned too.


You consider me a "shit-stirrer" for being very vocal about the technical issues regarding the Atari VCS and I can accept that but if Atari did not take so many big shits, I would have nothing to stir.


Regarding that term "shit-stirrer" well It takes one to know one. Someone during your stream just asked about Alien Abduction and you somehow thought it was appropriate to go on a tirade of "shit-stirring" yourself which is fine (except for the personal insulting attacks calling me a "lying coward", also you are flat out wrong about me saying I was not the "Frank" user account and you continue to falsely accuse me of having made that VCS game backup video).  I take no offense to you calling me a "shit-stirrer" and you are entitled to your opinions, even though some of them are way off base.


I saved the video of your recent response as an unlisted video just to link here because it is very relevant to this topic and in case I decide to make a response video since you have decided to launch some personally insulting attacks here.  I was actually not even going to talk about this game abduction again but now I don't know.  I may need to ponder for a couple days here.


Even though you have never apologized to me for falsely accusing me of making that VCS Game Backup video and you still accuse me of it to this day, and even though you have never apologized for calling some of "pirates" for wanting to backup our VCS games, and even though I doubt you will ever apologize for calling me a "lying coward", I will still apologize to you if my persistent over-critical opinions about the Atari VCS have in some way personally offended you.


Have a nice day and thanks for at least telling it like you think it is.  I can respect that.

Edited by E. King
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44 minutes ago, Atari_JaguarVCS said:

I think David will get the store situation resolved for us all, its just i don't think it will be in the next update i would say at some point next year for sure. I really feel like this whole Alien Abduction situation could have been avoided if both the developer made it clear earlier that he was planing to remove the game from the store instead of giving David like a days notice or something that way everyone who didn't have the game could have grabbed it or re downloaded it if need be.

It's possible this change could be made completely on the back-end and not require a VCS update,   Like the store just needs a way to mark a game not for sale, so it doesn't appear to new customers in searches.   But the binary remains for people to download it.

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52 minutes ago, zzip said:

It's possible this change could be made completely on the back-end and not require a VCS update,   Like the store just needs a way to mark a game not for sale, so it doesn't appear to new customers in searches.   But the binary remains for people to download it.

interesting, i didn't know that! Hopefully Atari can get this done before next year then 🙂. I just hope when i get these games pushed to my system i don't need to be sitting at the VCS's immediately for it to take place or have multiple Atari VCS consoles switched on and ready to go at the same time as if that's the case its going to be hell. I hope it just shows up somewhere on the store for me on each console or something. 

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14 minutes ago, Atari_JaguarVCS said:

interesting, i didn't know that! Hopefully Atari can get this done before next year then 🙂. I just hope when i get these games pushed to my system i don't need to be sitting at the VCS's immediately for it to take place or have multiple Atari VCS consoles switched on and ready to go at the same time as if that's the case its going to be hell. I hope it just shows up somewhere on the store for me on each console or something. 

I can't say for sure there won't need to be a VCS update, but there's a good chance it can be done completely in the back-end.


That's how Google does it-   I can remove my game for sale,  but if a single device has ever installed it, I can't completely delete it.   People who downloaded still have the right to redownloaded it, but it's not shown to new users.

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1 hour ago, E. King said:

This video ^ is from a live stream on 11/6/23


Dave, I was quite satisfied with your previous response video on 11/4/23 that I found to be professional enough to where I privatized the video I linked earlier in this thread about the game delisting due to you not liking my word choices.  I have to say this recent video you did today, I find to not be very professional and I dislike some of your word choices.  I also defended you previously many times including in this very thread saying none of this was your fault but you seem to feel my continual criticism about the Atari VCS technical issues and design flaws is somehow a personal attack against you when I've always maintained you are doing a great job for what you have to work with.


I am insulted by you calling me a "lying coward" multiple times in this video.  I have never insulted you personally so I was surprised to hear you take that tactic.

I never once denied that I previously had a discord account named "Frank" and everyone in that discord always knew I had that "Frank" user name before.  I have stopped being so critical about the VCS in that discord and while I have recently discussed technical issues in there, it is nowhere near to the levels I previously did.  This is not because anyone told me to change but because I myself am trying not to spend so much time pointing out Atari VCS issues.  I have not even made a video about the VCS in almost 2 months until Alien Abduction was delisted.


Also, you refer to a much older video from around 6 months ago where someone showed how to backup VCS games and just happened to use Alien Abduction as an example and you still falsely accuse me of having made that video when it was a completely different channel.


I've previously talked in great detail about the importance of backing up VCS games but never once have I ever made a public tutorial video on how to do so.

Maybe I should since you continue to falsely accuse me of it.


I do still stand firmly of how I defended that very helpful video when another channel showed how to correctly backup VCS games in PC mode.

I may have gone overboard in defending it which could be why people thought it was my video because I defended it more than anyone else because I have very strong opinions on the digital rights of the customer for personal use when it comes to digital video games.

There were others who defended the video at the time too and I think some of them may have also been banned from the discord for doing so.  The person who posted the link to the video, which was not me, may have been banned too.


You consider me a "shit-stirrer" for being very vocal about the technical issues regarding the Atari VCS and I can accept that but if Atari did not take so many big shits, I would have nothing to stir.


Regarding that term "shit-stirrer" well It takes one to know one. Someone during your stream just asked about Alien Abduction and you somehow thought it was appropriate to go on a tirade of "shit-stirring" yourself which is fine (except for the personal insulting attacks calling me a "lying coward", also you are flat out wrong about me saying I was not the "Frank" user account and you continue to falsely accuse me of having made that VCS game backup video).  I take no offense to you calling me a "shit-stirrer" and you are entitled to your opinions, even though some of them are way off base.


I saved the video of your recent response as an unlisted video just to link here because it is very relevant to this topic and in case I decide to make a response video since you have decided to launch some personally insulting attacks here.  I was actually not even going to talk about this game abduction again but now I don't know.  I may need to ponder for a couple days here.


Even though you have never apologized to me for falsely accusing me of making that VCS Game Backup video and you still accuse me of it to this day, and even though you have never apologized for calling some of "pirates" for wanting to backup our VCS games, and even though I doubt you will ever apologize for calling me a "lying coward", I will still apologize to you if my persistent over-critical opinions about the Atari VCS have in some way personally offended you.


Have a nice day and thanks for at least telling it like you think it is.  I can respect that.

Wow that video is pretty uncalled for. I'm annoyed at the Alien Abduction situation, very annoyed in fact about it so that must mean I'm missing something in my life to then and need to go touch some grass in a field, i know its only a video game but i take this shit very seriously for lots of reasons and gaming is my hobby and and escape. I can see why your annoyed at this video E. King, its a completely different take on the video response that was posted on here a few days ago. It doesn't matter who Frank is if its E. king or not all, i know is that the video that was made didn't result in Alien Abduction get pirated, its just not out there for download on the web trust me I've look out of curiosity. All the video did was show you how to back up your purchase and believe me I'm glad it did now, until the Atari VCS store gains a brain cell and knows what you purchased and own. 

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26 minutes ago, Atari_JaguarVCS said:

Wow that video is pretty uncalled for. I'm annoyed at the Alien Abduction situation, very annoyed in fact about it so that must mean I'm missing something in my life to then and need to go touch some grass in a field, i know its only a video game but i take this shit very seriously for lots of reasons and gaming is my hobby and and escape. I can see why your annoyed at this video E. King, its a completely different take on the video response that was posted on here a few days ago. It doesn't matter who Frank is if its E. king or not all, i know is that the video that was made didn't result in Alien Abduction get pirated, its just not out there for download on the web trust me I've look out of curiosity. All the video did was show you how to back up your purchase and believe me I'm glad it did now, until the Atari VCS store gains a brain cell and knows what you purchased and own. 

Thanks, I am not claiming to be a crystal clean completely innocent person when it comes to VCS stuff.  I've made my fair share of mistakes and have been very critical of the VCS technical problems as I partially explained above in my response.  I guess my expectations of the VCS platform are way too high but after 3 years from the initial launch I have to say I expected things to be in a much better place right now which does fuel my frustrations enough to where I can sometimes come off as a real a-hole in my pointing out the issues.  


I just think Dave's way of venting in this recent video is not the most appropriate way to move forward here and would have liked a more friendly approach as I am quite open to squashing the beef and moving on from it.


I do think a public apology both in this thread and on a video is probably appropriate here for the name calling and false accusations though I am not expecting anything.  I have no issues with apologizing for my actions but I will not admit to things I did not do. 


Other than that, I think I need a couple days to let this all sink in.


I really am saddened that this all had to cause some controversy on a great game from a developer that I greatly admire.


Thanks again for speaking up in agreement of some of the things I've said.

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26 minutes ago, E. King said:

Thanks, I am not claiming to be a crystal clean completely innocent person when it comes to VCS stuff.  I've made my fair share of mistakes and have been very critical of the VCS technical problems as I partially explained above in my response.  I guess my expectations of the VCS platform are way too high but after 3 years from the initial launch I have to say I expected things to be in a much better place right now which does fuel my frustrations enough to where I can sometimes come off as a real a-hole in my pointing out the issues.  


I just think Dave's way of venting in this recent video is not the most appropriate way to move forward here and would have liked a more friendly approach as I am quite open to squashing the beef and moving on from it.


I do think a public apology both in this thread and on a video is probably appropriate here for the name calling and false accusations though I am not expecting anything.  I have no issues with apologizing for my actions but I will not admit to things I did not do. 


Other than that, I think I need a couple days to let this all sink in.


I really am saddened that this all had to cause some controversy on a great game from a developer that I greatly admire.


Thanks again for speaking up in agreement of some of the things I've said.

I think all you've done is highlight the real issues the Atari VCS has and tried to bring them to light in the hope the issues get resolved and to make it a better system for us all. I admit you could call me a VCS superfan and some of the criticism people post on here about the system i try to ignore or downplay because I've not had the issue myself and mainly because i don't want the system to fail and find it offers a breath of fresh air over what the other systems on the market have to offer but i admit it has so many flaws you really don't know where to start at times, but its getting better just very slowly. I just find that Davids rant on Twitch is a terrible look for the Atari VCS and makes the last video on here look like a completely joke, he's more or less attacking you for having an opinion on the system and service, you purchased a VCS and you purchase the games your keeping him in a job and the VCS a float like the rest of us. I might not agree about things on here but id never call anyone a coward, also why should you say if your frank or not its nobody's business?? I don't get it and i don't get why you where attacked like that and the removal of Alien Abduction more or less pinned on you, that's not fair and I'm sure the developer knows the game hasn't been pirated onto the internet either. I feel you where blamed for the game being removed from the store as a way to get round about the obvious fact the developer isn't going to bring it back to the store, he just doest want it on the system, its not a communications error its just not coming back the Dev Isn't confused about what the 6 months means he's a game dev, obviously isn't confused or stupid.


I feel like if your into hardcore gaming and collecting games in general if you get upset about a game you purchased you must be lacking something in your life, the video more or less says so. Its such a disappointment the way this has been handled. 

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3 hours ago, zzip said:

This is why I wasn't thrilled when I heard Atari was building its store.   They are a small company without the resources of Sony/MS/Steam/Google.   So it was always likely to lack features and need time to mature.


Every VCS user, or at least the ones active here, has already been cutting Atari a lot of slack for things that you shouldn't necessarily need the resources of a Megacorporation to provide.  What, we're supposed to just let everything slide because they're not Microsoft and Dave is trying to do a good job?  Again, I want to reiterate:

1.  This problem was already brought to their attention once and nothing has been done.

2.  It was known well in advance that JVR had misgivings about having his game on the platform, apparently nothing was even asked or discussed concerning the future of the game in the store after the expiration of the contract.

3.  They did disable the game at one point - accidentally - so this is potentially the second time someone's not been able to use this particular product after paying for it.

4.  Instead of saying "sorry about this" and presenting some concrete measure to fix the situation - like anyone running a business is expected to do - they, or more specifically, Dave, has chosen to behave completely unprofessionally.


These things compound.


1 hour ago, Atari_JaguarVCS said:

Wow that video is pretty uncalled for.


You ain't kiddin'.  @davpa I can't believe you put that up and believe this is a remotely acceptable way for someone representing a company of that stature to behave.

Frankly, who do you think you are?  I'm in the middle of a 14-hour work day right now.  Probably not going to get a day off until January at least.  When I get home, I've got a wife and kids to take care of, household to maintain, social obligations, yadda yadda.  With the sliver of time I do get to play video games, maybe I don't feel I should have to jump through your company's hoops of going on Discord to and nagging Ashlee just to get the games I purchased.  Touch grass?  It's none of your fucking business what I've got going on in my life, pal.  You got paid; you owe the people who paid you what you offered in exchange.  Period.  I'm not so poor that I need the $8 or whatever the game was either, so if it did get nuked off my drive and I was out the money, that wouldn't be the end of the world, either.  What's any of that got to do with your company making good on its promises?


i DoN't uNdErStAnD WhY yOu'Re sO bEnT oUt Of ShApE.

Well, first of all, it's been explained to you repeatedly, and you just refuse to listen.  You simply keep reiterating that the money wasn't outright stolen and JVR owns the rights to his game: two things which nobody claimed to begin with, so I don't know why you insist on tilting at that particular windmill over and over.  Second, I'm not bent out of shape; I just think you're handling this like a total douche.  You and Atari dropped a ball that could have been caught.  Instead of admitting it, you childishly split hairs with this guy - who you obviously don't like - and accused him not just of lying, but lying for the express purpose of creating discord.  That's totally uncalled for given the situation.  Being patient with the "quirks" of this platform is one thing; nobody should have to put up with this kind of childishness from the guy who runs it.


I sure hope nobody in PR at Atari sees that video, because I can tell you for sure I'd get fired in a New York minute ranting like that about my company's customers on a public platform.  That's sincere, by the way, because the platform's better off with you working on it than not, but that is a pretty ridiculous display.

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I took some time to let this all sit. I just checked and it looks like Dave removed the Twitch stream so I went ahead and privatized the clip from my end too as a gesture of moving on from this and hopefully squashing whatever beef he has with me.  I don't think anyone else needs to see it so hopefully we can just let it go and be cool again.


I am willing to start with a clean slate if he is and I think we should let this thread sleep for now.


I stated my truths above in this thread, so as of right now, I have no desire to discuss this any further here or anywhere else unless something else happens that changes that.


Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to share their opinions here and especially to those who understand some of the things I've said.

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All @davpa had to do was say something like the following:

"Folks, I understand the frustration.  We should have handled this better.  I'm hoping this is just temporary and we can have the game back in the store soon.  I've gotten in touch with all of the developers and publishers we're working with just to ask them, as a courtesy, if we can have some notice if they have plans to pull their games from the store so we can make sure all of our users who purchased them have time to download them if need be.  I can't make them do anything, but we're going to try and reach an understanding with them about the situation with regards to the store, and we will be addressing this in future agreements.  In the meantime, if you purchased the game and need to download it, contact (info) and I will personally see to it that you get taken care of ASAP.  I appreciate everyone's patience on this one, and stay tuned, because we've still got a lot of great stuff in the store and on this platform with more to come."

How hard is that?  Just acknowledge you didn't meet customer expectations (whether you think those expectations are reasonable or not is irrelevant), offer a solution to the problem, and explain some concrete step(s) you're taking to ensure better service in the future (given that this was not simply a one-off boo boo).  Customer Service 101.


What you don't do is accuse the customer of lying, shrug your shoulders and go "what's the big deal?", and then go on a protracted Internet Tough Guy rant about how they're "bitching" and "full of bullshit" and they "need to go outside and get a life" and you're going to ban them if you see their face around here, and if you don't like it I'll just take your system and all your games back then nyah nyah nyah.  Dave, you know that stream and that rant was totally inappropriate for someone in your role to have up there, and we all know why you took it down.  You're just going to quietly delete it and not come in here and address anything any of us said in a civilized way and hope this just goes away?  You're going to do that after you called this guy a lying coward?  What you're doing right now is cowardly.


I don't think any of this should go away until you explain what Atari is going to do going forward to address this now repeat issue.  Something concrete, that is; not "well, we'd like to see this get fixed in a future update," but something that you're actually doing to remedy the situation from here on out.

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16 minutes ago, MrTrust said:

Something concrete, that is; not "well, we'd like to see this get fixed in a future update," but something that you're actually doing to remedy the situation from here on out.

No company is giving you detailed insight (schedule etc.) into their future plans. IMO DavPa was a open as he can.

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2 minutes ago, Thomas Jentzsch said:

No company is giving you detailed insight (schedule etc.) into their future plans. IMO DavPa was a open as he can.


No company can do the thing I proposed?  You can't ask devs for notice and inform customers you asked them?




Did you see the stream, Thomas?  Do you think that's an appropriate way for him to respond to the situation on a public platform?

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26 minutes ago, MrTrust said:

No company can do the thing I proposed?  You can't ask devs for notice and inform customers you asked them?

I would assume that this is already ongoing. Why do you assume the opposite?

26 minutes ago, MrTrust said:



Did you see the stream, Thomas?  Do you think that's an appropriate way for him to respond to the situation on a public platform?

I saw one video from DavPa (not the removed one) where he talked about the store problems. And for me it was OK (and I am no fan of the current Atari!).


Yes, the situation is bad. But the current Atari is (trying to) clean up a lot of mess from its past. At least that's what I get from their words and only time will tell if these are more than just words. Anyway, being a software developer myself and working in outsourced projects for a long time, I know how complex and slow troubleshooting can become when multiple parties (and multiple problems) are involved. And I figure that Atari is in a similar situation.

Edited by Thomas Jentzsch
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19 minutes ago, Thomas Jentzsch said:

I would assume that this is already ongoing. Why do you assume the opposite?


I assume the opposite because A) they haven't said anything to the effect that this is the case, and B) Dave has done nothing to suggest he understands the actual issue here, because he just keeps endlessly reiterating that if a dev e-mails him in the middle of the night, what can he do?  It's the dev's choice, and he doesn't apologize for being a "developer first" platform.  He acts as if the only issue here is that the store doesn't have one particular capability.  Yes, having that would solve the issue, but the store doesn't have it, and we all know good and well it's not getting that any time in the foreseeable future.  The system is how old now, and it doesn't even have working mouse support; we all know this feature ain't forthcoming.  We're supposed to be satisfied with "we'd like to see it fixed some time."


19 minutes ago, Thomas Jentzsch said:

I saw one video from DavPa where he talked about the store problems.

The one that is at issue here, which was deleted, started out the same as the first: JVR controls his game what can I do?  The money's not gone; you can still get the game.

And then he goes on like a 10-minute long rant about E. King and, presumably, me.  First, he essentially blames E. King for the game getting taken down because he made a video showing how to back the ROM up (as if anyone with a Linux drive couldn't figure that out in two seconds).  Says, "the person doing the most bitching about it is the most responsible for it."  If that's not an exact quote, it's 99%.  He goes on and on and on about how he's a troll, he's just sewing discord, swearing and ranting about how he's going to ban E. King if he ever finds out who he is in the discord...  Then he says "This is all over video games.  This is a 'touch grass' moment.  Go outside.  What's so lacking in your life that you're this mad about video games?  Tell you what: I'll buy your VCS back off of you and refund all your games you're going to bitch that much.  Oh, by the way, this is all my opinion, not Atari's.  They don't know I'm doing this stream.  But anyway, lol have you tried yelling more?"  Then continues to go on this sarcastic jag about how we're all just butthurt on the internet or whatever.


Now, do you think that is something we should expect from a company like Atari, or from a guy in Dave's position after both E. King and I went out of our way at the outset to say he's doing a good job and this isn't all his fault, and after E. King acknowledged from the get-go that his wording could have been misinterpreted and that he would fix it?  In what company that you've ever worked for is that kind of behavior tolerated?  None that I have, I can tell you that.

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I did not see that video, so I won't judge it. But I see that it made people upset. And I see that it has been taken down. So I figure DavPa is trying to deescalate. Maybe he should apologize, I cannot decide. 


Anyway, IMO the whole heated discussion will not help anyone. You made your point more than clear. Maybe it is time to get over it and trying to get back to a more constructive discussion? E.g. asking DavPa the questions you raised (e.g. will the store be fixed, are you working on it already or until approximately when this will happen?).

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2 hours ago, Thomas Jentzsch said:

No company is giving you detailed insight (schedule etc.) into their future plans. IMO DavPa was a open as he can.

Dave is unusually open and transparent.   Companies like Sony and Nintendo almost never address online controversies.   Doing so usually just adds more fuel to the fire rather than resolve the issue.





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1 hour ago, Thomas Jentzsch said:

Anyway, IMO the whole heated discussion will not help anyone. You made your point more than clear. Maybe it is time to get over it and trying to get back to a more constructive discussion?


Like what, going back to patting little Davie on the head and telling him what a good guy he is because somebody there is "trying" for once?  Forget that; the dude might have his heart in the right place, but he can't expect to just have people put up with him being pissy and defensive when he gets called out for having a lame response to the company mishandling something.  Again, I'm not the one who started a thread called "Someone to Blame (and yell at) at Atari."  He did that.  Okay, bud, somebody took you up on the offer; you don't get to turn around and start a 90s internet flame war because you apparently can't take it when someone is actually critical of you.


1 hour ago, Thomas Jentzsch said:

Maybe it is time to get over it and trying to get back to a more constructive discussion? E.g. asking DavPa the questions you raised (e.g. will the store be fixed, are you working on it already or until approximately when this will happen?).


What, do you think @davpa ain't reading this?  Why do you think I'm continually tagging him and not letting this go?  He obviously is; he's been responding to the threads all along.  Not here, of course; he's doing it in his little Twitch hugbox rather than actually face the guys he's running his mouth about, but he's been asked and just won't address the questions.  Anyway, I know the store's not getting fixed, or at least not any time remotely soon.  They haven't fixed the litany of other issues they've had on the software side; I don't see why this would be any different.  Fixing the store is secondary to the other things I've adumbrated here.


1 hour ago, Thomas Jentzsch said:

Maybe he should apologize, I cannot decide.


Oh, there's no question that he should, and people in those kinds of jobs routinely get fired for less than that, but I don't care about that.  I just want the guy to acknowledge that this was a poorly handled situation, that the problem extends beyond simply one or two guys having to put in a service ticket for this particular game, and give some indication that it is actually being dealt with in some way.  "Something I want to address in a future update" ain't gonna' cut it.  Heard it a hundred times already, and if anything every actually did get fixed in a future update, that would be one thing, but it doesn't and he should be able to just hand wave away this situation like that.


Again, I'm not saying Dave isn't a good guy, or that Dave is an idiot, or he's not doing a good job, or that Atari should fire him, or that he should be pilloried in the public square, etc.  But just because he's a good guy and he's nice to people doesn't mean he should just be able to get away with going "whaddaya' gonna' do?" every time there's an issue with the platform he's running, and certainly doesn't mean I should have to sit here be repeatedly insulted by this guy on his Twitch stream.


5 minutes ago, zzip said:

Companies like Sony and Nintendo almost never address online controversies.


Well, he did address it.  In the way that I described.  Someone who saw the stream come and tell me he didn't say all of those things.  What would happen at your job if you got caught doing that on Twitch zzip?

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33 minutes ago, Smell Dawg said:

Evidently Alien Abduction is now back and available on the VCS store.

This is excellent news!! i never thought it would be back on the store ever again! This is great news especially for potential new Atari VCS owners and people who don't own the game yet and wanted to grab it. I'm glad the Developer and Atari managed to work this out, a step in the right direction for sure 😀

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I originally developed the game for Audacity.  But they wanted me to make my 16k game into a 256k Ben Hur type product.  Could not do that for health reasons.  Plus I just wanted to make a pure retro 1983 16k game, no additional hardware required.

I put my game out on VCS. It got hacked.  I thought Atari was going to make a cartridge of it.  Then I lost that belief when I saw 2600+ released with only one new flicker game, developed by a 2600 newbie.  

As for AA, seems they were way too busy with 20 other releases a year ago.  So I gave up on that.  Then I learned AA was bought by Atari.


In a fit of frustration I removed the VCS game, then Dave convinced me to put it back up. Sorry I caused you grief Dave!


I can only conclude that making cartridges is not profitable, unless it is sold for a ridiculous price.  As for binary files, I can only conclude they will be stolen, nothing anyone can do about it.


Retro sure is frustrating, ha!

Edited by John Van Ryzin
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