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German cartridges / deutsche Steckmodule, bitte lesen


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I'm looking for box / cartridge label scans / also for dumps of these german cartridges.

Thorn EMI:

Schnellboot: Rettung aus der gruenen Hoelle (River Rescue)
Profi-Fussball in hoechster Perfektion (Soccer)
U-Boot Commander - Auf Feindfahrt im Mittelmeer (Submarine Commander)
Flugkapitaen-Testflug im Jumbo-Jet (Jumbo Jet Pilot)
Ritter Erik (Orc Attack)

For 4 of these I've seen the box scans, but not the cartridges themselves. Schnellboot - does it exist or not?
Are the cartridges in english, and with the same labels and only boxes/manuals were translated?

(explained below by @CharlieChaplin)

Bilderregen (Kids on Keys) - seen the box picture of C64 version, does it exist for Atari?
Fratzenschneider (Facemaker) - seen the box picture
Springteufel (Fraction Fever) - seen the box picture of some (C64?) version
Kindercomp (Kindercomp)
Weltraumkolonie (Cosmic Life) - dump of this exists, but no pictures

Henkel promo:
Thera-Med Zahnschutz Spiel - dump exists, but no pictures (I've found some thread on Abbuc.de, but no pictures)


Assembler Editor - german, how does cartridge look like?
Atari Logo - german, the dump is the same as US version, is the label also the same?
Microsoft Basic II - german, the dump is the same as US version, is the label also the same?

Music composer - german, how does cartridge look like? dump?
(hinted below by @Fred_M)

Other cartridges:
Something called 'Cartridge 02 by SAT' with Chaos-Loader 2/Chaos-Copy 2 - were there more of them?
Hofacker - anybody seen cartridges with their software / maybe also published by Elcomp publishing/Elcomsoft? Atmas, Atext etc.
Any other german utility cartridge etc. There are tons of cartridges from CZ/PL, but I've seen next to nothing from Germany? Why, because they had diskdrives or switched to 16bits and there was no need for them?

Also, regarding german cartridges, anyone has email of cartridge_fan/koma Alexander Schön?

Edited by jindroush
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28 minutes ago, jindroush said:

I'm looking for box / cartridge label scans / also for dumps of these german cartridges.

Thorn EMI:

Schnellboot: Rettung aus der gruenen Hoelle (River Rescue)
Profi-Fussball in hoechster Perfektion (Soccer)
U-Boot Commander - Auf Feindfahrt im Mittelmeer (Submarine Commander)
Flugkapitaen-Testflug im Jumbo-Jet (Jumbo Jet Pilot)
Ritter Erik (Orc Attack)

For 4 of these I've seen the box scans, but not the cartridges themselves. Schnellboot - does it exist or not?
Are the cartridges in english, and with the same labels and only boxes/manuals were translated?

Bilderregen (Kids on Keys) - seen the box picture of C64 version, does it exist for Atari?
Fratzenschneider (Facemaker) - seen the box picture
Springteufel (Fraction Fever) - seen the box picture of some (C64?) version
Kindercomp (Kindercomp)
Weltraumkolonie (Cosmic Life) - dump of this exists, but no pictures


Regarding german Thorn EMI cartridges, only the boxes / their covers and the manuals ( = the papers) were released in german language, the carts still used the english labels and the original game, see for example here:  https://www.ebay.de/itm/185658488669?hash=item2b3a1bb75d:g:az4AAOSwL3tjctJZ&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4LV



or here: https://www.ebay.de/itm/284450287553?hash=item423a8eefc1:g:8gEAAOSwsJ1c67Pf&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4BY2OPrnuBcDqPk1XM%2F5iRTyButLZU1Wtif21XbGSektN5%2BXSguF82O8KDmoAfFKaJzwPOPLdQdDYXsw44D2JPfJRCTxk7Czx0Q1EwNhAShxgoF4U%2FI4rfx4zTq8BqgoGH%2B221YF%2FeQf64BpNCq719rPAWiq3Ef%2F3j7KCHFEU6%2BsGoTE%2FF3aFbXrVOhB7WGe%2FksR8y82H2yuwSUZdxs%2BMCW1KOZfWUtkqGi3t2y8XsuJMqnDaVnOgH3oHW1abp9NX61%2Fi2rL87vV82OnaLNC%2By3vyABKWFaDDw9yT8yxmTB%2B|tkp%3ABk9SR4KbuqOJYg


Afaik, the EMI carts were out for several years (1982, 1983), when they suddenly released "german versions" of them (approx. 1985, 1986) or better carts with german papers...


Spinnaker carts in german language are quite rare and I do not know anyone here who owns one (have to ask Andre Sitz / Videogames Orbit and a few others if they do).


Das Thera-Med Zahnschutz Spiel was given away for free as a promo cart at some fair (not sure when and where, CeBit Hannover?)... the cart. is very rare.


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On 5/23/2023 at 9:43 PM, jindroush said:


Assembler Editor - german, how does cartridge look like?
Atari Logo - german, the dump is the same as US version, is the label also the same?
Microsoft Basic II - german, the dump is the same as US version, is the label also the same?

Music composer - german, how does cartridge look like? dump?



Take a look here: https://www.atarinside.com/blog/index.php/atari-deutschland/

and here: https://atariwiki.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=Articles#section-Articles-GermanyAtariDeutschlandGmbH


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On 5/23/2023 at 9:43 PM, jindroush said:

Any other german utility cartridge etc. There are tons of cartridges from CZ/PL, but I've seen next to nothing from Germany? Why, because they had diskdrives or switched to 16bits and there was no need for them?


I think you have to see this the other way. The are not a lot of country specific European cartridges (for example France, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Italy), the Czech Republic and Poland are the exceptions. In my opinion the cartridges made in these 2 countries are more like homebrew carts and not factory produced carts (expensive and small specific markets because of the language). As Poland and the Czech republic joined the A8 scene much later (end 80s, beginning of the 90s) it was easier and much cheaper then to make cartridges (homebrew) than in the beginning of the 80s. And if my memory is correct, many Polish cartridges were released even later than the beginning of the 90s.


So I agree that "there was no need for them" ;-)


Just my thoughts ;-)

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@Fred_M, yes, this is my reasoning as well. When 8bit ataris were 'high' in Germany (Western), I'd say early to mid eighties, making cartridges was more expensive than diskette distribution. Later, the end of eighties, beginning of nineties, when ataris were 'high' in PL/CZ cartridges were cheaper to make than buying disk drives, and everything was still tape based. Not sure about Eastern Germany, as it should be slightly more similar economically to PL/CZ. There was interview with Koma on AtariOnline.pl where he was mentioning some homebrew carts in GDR, that's why I'd like to contact with him.

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