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Advance Wars, reboot camp!


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1 hour ago, Video said:

I've got the final eagle level left and ill have finished the first campaign

Well, good luck for beating that last level. I tried several times and it looks almost impossible to me. Eagle has a clear head start, it's very difficult to capture the airport in the middle of the map and keep it, and Eagle's power is completely overpowered in the first game anyway. Even if you play well by destroying a lot of his units, he will get his power even more quickly and destroy even the units you kept far from his planes. 😩 Maybe it's better to play "safe" (defensive) by staying on the left side and slowly building an army, but it's not like Eagle won't keep on capturing everything else...

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Yeah I got ripped on that one. I kind of hate having to do the infantry trick as it just feels like cheating (though you will win...eventually) its just a totally unsatisfactory way to do so. Yeah lightening drive is way overpowered especially since eagle can build jets and bombers right off the bat. I seem to remember eagle only affecting air units originally, not all non infantry units. Ill have to dig out my old copy and see.

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34 minutes ago, Video said:

to do the infantry trick

Wait, what trick?? 🤨


35 minutes ago, Video said:

I seem to remember eagle only affecting air units originally, not all non infantry units.

I wondered that as well. But anyway, even though gauges may fill at a different speed in the first game, his gauge is logically the longest one in the second game, and you have to reach the second level to get that power, whereas most generals have their power from the first game at the first level.

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The infantry trick. I think it was in Nintendo power or something. Basically, a situation when you're having problems with a level, you continually build infantry, or mech once you can afford them. Its ok to build a vehicle once you have enough properties, but every available base should build infantry or mech units. They usually won't be killed in a single attack so it slows the computer way down and you can basically flood the computer out and continue to advance, albeit very slowly. Like I said, you'll eventually win, but its not really satisfying, and you'll get a poor score.


Oh dang, I've advanced far enough in black hole I've run into sensei. Oh my god I forgot about this old dude. His power forms an infantry (or mech on super power) on all his available cities. Speaking of infantry tricks, heh, he's basically doing that, though he still gets to build other units normally. Wow, come to think of it, he's the only character I recall that I've only rarely gotten an A rank against, and never an S rank.

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Yeah, its a lame strategy. Not like a cheat or code. It just is really unsatisfying to do. Actually, I think I might try to beat the whole game for shits and giggles this way (short of the timed levels, capture x bases levels, and protect this thing levels) could be fun to see how long it takes to beat the game this way lol.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oh, run into a cool one today, after playing a war room map and having my butt repeatedly handed to me, I was looking at the screen and it says "press y to change modes" ok, apparently it lets you swap between advance wars and black holes rules (like the double power if your patient enough to go for it) most the maps even change computer characters so it gives you even more options to play.


This works on multiplayer too, but doesn't appear to give you pipe to build with in design room. It lets you use silos though which is cool, and neo tanks.


Oh, run into the character limit again, its still 50, which made sense on the original as that could be potentially up to 200 units on a game at once, but on switch, I don't know. Maybe its to keep it sortof original style, and I'm sure most people won't regularly hit it, just know its there.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Finally got to play multiplayered with a friend. Its great. We initially tried to do multi system, but it appears if you do multi system, there is no option to play with computer characters. That kind of blows, as I play the game a ton and my friends been a decade plus, so two players wasn't fun. Anyhow, so we opted for single system, hook it to a tv. That works great and we could coop on a multiplayer map that way.


The game doesn't seem to register the joycons as separate controllers though, so we just passed the controller around, but I've never played with mine even detached so I've no idea how to try to set that up, assuming the game can. Maybe it has to be set up before booting the game, I don't know.


Anyhow, great game, still putting time into it, still have at least Nell, sturm, and I think one other guy to unlock, but I might actually achieve that legit this time around.

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Just as a side note considering the roots of the game.  I bumped into a copy of AW2 today at a store and thought at first wow..what a good deal!  $25 for it, the game had been selling for a stretch before the Switch release at $40.  You can now get it for $20-25 if you don't just click the first listing you find without checking the next.  Seems the traditional kick in the pants of an old release when a new one popups up has occurred, so if anyone wants the old game still, act now before it rebounds.  Not sure if the first dropped too, but would not be surprised.

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  • 5 months later...

I have been playing at casual campaign and I am stuck at mission 23.  I always get stuck with an extra unit to move because every video I find on youtube is at classic difficulty. Are there any walkthrough videos on causal difficulty? 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

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