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The simultaneous multiplayer game list.


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21 minutes ago, adam242 said:

Two magazine/ public domain gems:


Maze War

Snowball Fight (no dump on atarimania yet)


I mentioned Maze War too. I liked it so much, it was one of the first things I made a clone of BITD when I was learning how to code in C. It's a very simple but fun Deathmatch game.


Also, I had completely forgotten about Snowball Fight until you brought it up and shared the xex. Nice. It's so silly. Thanks!


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9 hours ago, MrFish said:

BITD, I had a copy of the game. It looked cool/interesting, but I had no instructions for it. Never figured out what to do. Loved the intro, etc. Booted it up every once in a while to get a laugh and check it out. If we'd had instructions for it, I'm sure I would have enjoyed it.


Forward to recent years, finally took the time at some point to see what it's all about. Not a difficult game to get into at all. Played a couple games against the computer. Found it to be quite good. As has been noted constantly, the larger appeal is playing it with other humans. I'm not really around anyone these days who would be interested in playing it. So, I've never experienced that part. Single player versus computer opponents is good, but not really compelling enough for me to continue playing -- especially given that it's the type of game that takes some time. Glad I got a chance to finally play it; and I am a fan of the game, for what it is; love the attention to details, humor, and the fact that it's a real standout/pioneer piece of gaming software, and that it was developed for the Atari 8-bit computers first. All due respect.


I'll add here that, I like resource-management games; they're a lot of fun, and perfect when you want to get away from all the typical action games. I used to play Galactic Battlegrounds & GB: Clone Campaigns quite a bit, for a while. The only problem is, they're big time-stealers. It's the kind of thing you have to limit yourself with (unless you have the time and want to spend it like that). Not that you can't waste time on any game(s); but they're not something you can just sit and play for 10 to 20 minutes and move on with life. Maybe I'll give it another chance once I'm retired.


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Dandy (4 players)

Aliens (4 players)

Dark Chambers (2 players)

Asteroids (4 players)

(Atari) Basketball (2 or 4 players)

several Pong clones (2 players)

Robotron 2084: one player moves (Joy1), one player shoots (Joy2), moving and shooting can be in different directions afaik

(or 1 player uses two joysticks)

Spy Hunter: one player uses half of the special weapons, other player uses other half of the special weapons

(or 1 player uses two joysticks)

Megablast XE by T.Karwoth (similarities to Laser Duell are fully intentional! )

Tank vs. Tank

T-34 the Battle!

(Thorn EMI) Soccer

(Thorn EMI) Hockey

(Gamma) Soccer

European Super Soccer

Fantastic Soccer

Atari Soccer (prototype)

Speed Ace







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On 6/15/2023 at 6:56 PM, rdefabri said:

Ballblazer wasn’t mentioned - 2 can play head to head.

My brothers and I have destroyed many joysticks and suffered sore wrists from that game. It is ranked as our number one h2h game. 

With regards to Joust, we’ve gotten to having so many objects on the screen it slows down, flickers, you can pass through things.  That game gets really trippy at super high levels.  

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Road Block (a type-in from Compute!), up to 4 players (fill the screen without crashing into your previously drawn track), quite a blast at higher speeds. 

Nautilus (Synapse) has an asymmetric 2-player split-Screen mode where the second player plays the minelayer boat. 

Are‘nt Floyd of the Jungle as well as some early MicroProse games (MiG Alley Ace) simultaneous multiplayer?

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Had a look at the Sid Meier games listed on Atarimania


Chopper Rescue (and probably Air Rescue) has a cooperative multiplayer modes as well.


Hellcat Ace, Spitfire Ace and Wingman are shown as "split screen" in MicroProse advertising.



Survivor by Synapse allows for up to 4 cooperative players as well. #1 controls the direction of the ship (and thrust if there's no #4), while #2 (or #2 and #3) get to aim and fire the guns. Need to try that, while a split between thrust and direction promises to induce a lot of shouting, independent aiming of the guns should obviate the need for a lot of the fiddly manoeuvring required to take out the guns in single-player mode. (I recall being veeery disappointed after finishing Survivor as the game just ends after you have taken out the last fortress, rather than switching to a new level. Games ending too soon is one of the few faults some of the earlier Synapse games have. Nautilus ends after a fixed amount of time, IIRC. Would be interesting to add levels now that storage isn't that much of an issue any more.)



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