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So after the International Board Game Day on June 3rd (it always happens on the first Saturday of June, I've been told), I got inspiration to buy a few games. I happened to find that a reseller over here was having a clearance sale on some of their slightly older games (some as new as released in 2022) so I picked up three for a combined discount of about 50%.


M.U.L.E. is the one that I'm most excited about, being a big fan of the original video game for Atari 8-bit and Commodore 64. I understand the board game is not exactly like the video game but it should be a decent variant.


Spelet om Allsvenskan is a Swedish football game released last year by a friend of mine who spent a good couple of years trying to come up with a mechanic that would work for shorter games, easy enough for sports fans not into board games but at the same time exciting enough for board gamers not into sports. It got mixed reviews on BGG, and what is striking is that there seems to be a whole crop of football based board games lately, coming from a history of barely no games in that topic before.


Monolith Arena, I know nothing about except it got a high ranking and was greatly discounted. Looks like another of those hexagon tile games, should probably be fun once you read the rules.


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16 hours ago, Cebus Capucinis said:

Now for some WINGSPAN! (base game, then European birds, then Oceania! We haven't gotten the Asia one yet).

Nice! I've been meaning to get this one for a long time (+ the european birds for familiar fauna). My wife and I started bird watching a few years back and this would be a great companion to the real world activity.

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It's great. We love just having a good time collecting the birds we want vs. actually trying to win the game. I've played it with a huge spectrum of friends, everywhere from the "game breaking for maximum points is fun" hardcore math players to the "ooh pretty colors" casuals and everyone, even with that mix, has a good time with it.


It's one of the few games I can actually just not take seriously and just have fun along the journey.

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Just got back from a few hours playing Zombicide: Washington ZC




Its a Legacy campaign version of Zombicide - a lot of fun. We did the first two missions.


[EDIT] no idea whats happening to the images. Re-uploaded

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Had my yearly excursion with friends to a cabin in the coast of the Baltic Sea this weekend. A lot of board games involved as usual. Late evenings were spent with party games for the dulled faculties and day time activities involved with more thought consuming affairs.

We played:


Sleepy time

Codenames: Always excellent fun and so tense to sometimes be the one to give clues and see that you have given one that could be linked to the death word.

Anomia: This was a new one for me. It's a tense, quick thinking shouting match with a lot of brain freeze moments (at least for me). Was fun for the occasion, don't know how well it would go down unliquidated.

King of Tokyo: We played a few vanilla games the first evening and then later few rounds with some expansions thrown in. The evolutions turn the game in to a quicker death match with points being somewhat useless.

Moska: The greatest game to be played with a deck of cards for 3-7 players. Everyone is involved every turn in this game of shedding cards. Allows for strategic combos when your cards are aligned just right.


Day time

Neom: I really like this tile laying Sim City in-a-box game, all though the disasters could have been implemented differently or thrown out completely.

San Juan: Also a favorite in our group. Relaxing city building with just a deck of cards. 


There was the usual sauna, grill and darts also. And a whole lot of beverages.


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16 hours ago, Wayler said:

Tive minha excursão anual com os amigos a uma cabana na costa do Mar Báltico neste fim de semana. Muitos jogos de tabuleiro envolvidos, como de costume. As noites tardias eram passadas com jogos de festa para as faculdades embotadas e atividades diurnas envolvidas em assuntos mais consumidos pelo pensamento.

Nós jogamos:


Hora de dormir

Nomes de código: Sempre excelente diversão e tão tenso, às vezes, ser o único a dar pistas e ver que você deu uma que poderia estar ligada à palavra da morte.

Anomia: Este foi um novo para mim. É uma partida tensa e rápida de gritar com muitos momentos de congelamento do cérebro ( pelo menos para mim ). Foi divertido para a ocasião, não sei o quão bem isso seria sem liquidez.

Rei de Tóquio: Jogamos alguns jogos de baunilha na primeira noite e depois algumas rodadas com algumas expansões. As evoluções transformam o jogo em uma partida de morte mais rápida, com pontos sendo um pouco inúteis.

Moska: O melhor jogo a ser jogado com um baralho de cartas para 3-7 jogadores. Todo mundo está envolvido a cada passo neste jogo de cartas de baralho. Permite combos estratégicos quando seus cartões estão alinhados da maneira certa.


Horário do dia

Neom: Eu realmente gosto desse jogo de Sim City em uma caixa, apesar de os desastres terem sido implementados de maneira diferente ou jogados fora completamente.

San Juan: Também é um favorito em nosso grupo. Relaxante edifício da cidade com apenas um baralho de cartas. 


Havia também a sauna, churrasqueira e dardos habituais. E muitas bebidas.


Board games are the best way to pass the time...
Yesterday (Sunday) with friends, we played WAR, we started at 7pm and ended at dawn.
After years without playing WAR it was as good as the first time.
And there were some Magic the Gathering games too.

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