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Antic Music Processor help


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I was going to post this in the programming section but not sure it really fits.


I've been helping Jerry White (yes, that Jerry White!) get back into using an Atari computer. He's currently trying to input a song with lyrics into the Antic Music Processor. I've provided him with the program, some sample songs and all the documentation I could find but he is unable to get the lyrics to display along and in time with the music. He's pretty frustrated and I have absolutely zero knowledge about AMP or music in general. So is there anyone here who has created songs with lyrics in AMP and would be willing to try and help him?





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Do you mean "Advanced Music Processor", the one created by Philip Price? Or is there a second, very similar program, that also supports lyrics? I have not found a reliable way to make AMP music myself though.


I have created music with lyrics in my own music system, QuickMusic, which was inspired by Philip Price's AMP, such as "Stones" from Ultima V, which we discussed for an Atari 8-bit port of Ultima V being made here:


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8 hours ago, cx2k said:

I've been helping Jerry White (yes, that Jerry White!) get back into using an Atari computer... (snip)



That's really nice of you and whoever else that can help.  Jerry did a lot for our A8, especially in the early years when there was a dearth of Atari knowledge.  I wish you both well!

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11 hours ago, Zolaerla said:

Do you mean "Advanced Music Processor", the one created by Philip Price? Or is there a second, very similar program, that also supports lyrics? I have not found a reliable way to make AMP music myself though.


Nope. He clearly wrote "Antic Music Processor", this was released in Antic magazine, author was Steven Lashower.


There were two editor versions, version 1.0 which could NOT use lyrics and AMP 2.0 which could use lyrics. Afaik, the header of such an *.AMP soundfile must have AMP as the first three chars (inside the file), so that the lyrics will be played (otherwise even V2.0 will play without lyrics). I never used the program, since I am no musician (almost deaf) and it uses the Bachus-Naur (or Backus-Naur?) format, no clue about that. Besides the editor for V1.0 and V2.0, I do have two player programs (the AMP jukebox V1.0, V1.1 and another player), some *.AMP sounds created with the editor and dozens of *.AMS (AMS-2) sounds converted into AMP format, but no manual. Alas, the ATASCII text for AMP Editor 2.0 does not explain how to implement lyrics into an AMP song - at least the text I have does not, maybe it is not the full text ?


NOTE: The song "Come sail away" by Styx was originally an AMS sound without lyrics, looks like someone (Steven Lashower or someone else?) converted it into AMP format and added lyrics...



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