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EVERYTHING on ATR? Is It Possible?


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Telechess v1.0 (1986-09)(Hawaii Users Group Atari)(US)[CA SB].atr


 @www.atarimania.com has entry with that same name (MISSING), but looks to be different than this one.  I had to remove DUP.SYS from an AUTOBOOT DISK before it would work. The first screen always comes up. It checks for the presence of DUP.SYS after pressing return.  If DUP.SYS exists, it drops back to DOS. I am not sure what device is missing to cause error 130. I am emulating the 850 with a modem.


I thought I would post it here in case someone know how to get this going.




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18 hours ago, SoulBuster said:

@www.atarimania.com has entry with that same name (MISSING), but looks to be different than this one.  I had to remove DUP.SYS from an AUTOBOOT DISK before it would work. The first screen always comes up. It checks for the presence of DUP.SYS after pressing return.  If DUP.SYS exists, it drops back to DOS. I am not sure what device is missing to cause error 130. I am emulating the 850 with a modem.

I know nothing about telecommunications but is it possible the game requires the R.BIN handler on the disk? I found this description:


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42 minutes ago, SoulBuster said:

I made some Progress on TeleChess.


@www.atarimania.com , I think you are right.  I changed my Altirra setup with an 850 an Emulated R handler and the error goes away with the same disk that is posted above.


I am sill not sure how to play this version of Chess, though.



If this needs an R: handler then it is probably intended to be played against another machine and player over a point to point modem connection. A null modem cable may work for co-located machines.


Not sure how one could simulate that with Altirra or Fujinet?

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More Progress.


I was able to connect two computers together using Altirra.  I am using a laptop for the second computer.


I added a network serial port for the 850 on each.


I set the laptop to listen and set this computer to connect to the IP address of the of the laptop. Rather than configuring my antivirus to compensate, I just shut it off, as I will probably not keep this setup.


I still do not know how to play this version.  I am not skilled enough to do any monitoring to find out what is the next step or what each program is looking for.  I am about at my limits.

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A Year later and here we are at version 1.0, woohoo!!


Still to do:


  1. I found a couple titles that I had missed even though I had the file.  A complete re-check to make sure I have it all. (I have a folder with 150,578 files to go through)
  2. Refinement - The project is at 97% ATR. That means there are still titles that I need to figure out how make ATR's from.
  3. Magazine programs. I processed a lot of magazine files, but I know I do not have them all. I will start this process with Analog, then Antic, Compute!, etc.
  4. Maintain the project on an annual basis to add all newly found titles.
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11 hours ago, SoulBuster said:

A Year later and here we are at version 1.0, woohoo!!


Still to do:


  1. I found a couple titles that I had missed even though I had the file.  A complete re-check to make sure I have it all. (I have a folder with 150,578 files to go through)
  2. Refinement - The project is at 97% ATR. That means there are still titles that I need to figure out how make ATR's from.
  3. Magazine programs. I processed a lot of magazine files, but I know I do not have them all. I will start this process with Analog, then Antic, Compute!, etc.
  4. Maintain the project on an annual basis to add all newly found titles.

Congratulations and thank you for all the effort.


Magazines sounds like a lot of work!


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I have decided to start working through the Analog Magazines first, since I went through those already.  It is going really fast. I am on issue #3 and have only worked at it for less than an hour.


I am using this naming convention when processing magazine programs.  This will make searching/identification easier.

Sketch-Pad - Analog #3 (1981-06)(Analog Magazine)(US)[BASIC][B SB]


When a program has a change that you may or may not want to use, I will create a menu for the title and have all versions available. If it a correction, the most up-to-date version will be used.


I'll source all programs from the disks I previously made for Analog.  That means the program will match the listings in the magazine.

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This is an example of when I will not create a menu disk.


Maniac in its original form uses 48k.  A reader found away to run the game in 32k.  Since game play is not altered, there is no reason for a multiple version menu disk.  I will be using the 32k version for the project. 


Here are both versions. 


Original 48k

Maniac! - Analog #6 (1982-05)(Analog Magazine)(US)[48k][SB].atr

New 32k

Maniac! - Analog #6 (1982-05)(Analog Magazine)(US)[32k][SB].atr


I used the cassette listing from the magazine so I could read them into a boot disk using:

Cassette to Disk Copy (19xx)(Wittmann, Dean).xex

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