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Metal Gear

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To be honest I never got into it, but anytime I've ever had the game I didn't have basically what Konami was feeling necessary to enjoy which was that fold out map and the manual, just had the game alone.  It never made a lot of sense, but I didn't hate it, just didn't utterly enjoy it either (same with Snakes Revenge.)  To be fair though I utterly hate canned illogical so called stealth games as they don't make sense how things can or can't randomly see you so it bugs me.  MGS1 and the GBC title along with kind of Peacewalker are the only titles I ever liked much.

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I actually started playing this for the first time over the weekend. Put maybe an hour and a half into it, trying to figure out how the mechanics work and get used to the room layouts. It starts to get pretty tough/mean when you get into the first major building and they start tossing hordes of enemies when you are spotted. Tons of trial and error and repeating sections can get tiresome when you get a Game Over, but I was having a good time trying to figure things out. If anyone has any tips for this game, I'm all ears. I'd love to be able to say I've finished it.


It's interesting to see how the stealth genre has evolved from the early days with the original Metal Gear.

Edited by Austin
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I'll never forget seeing the advertisement of the first one with the different cache of weapons. 


I didn't mind the first one albeit there's a bit of a learning curve. Sorta pissed the boss of the game was not was I expecting according to the box art. I recall the different security cards to different doors seemed tedious back then not sure I would have the patience now.


Snake's Revenge I found to be a better game all in all. It does have the security card trope from the first and the side scroll level are blah, but the music in the sequel is incredible - one of Konami's best from the NES.

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  • 4 months later...

I played Metal Gear back in the day but never got beyond the first building (and laughing at the I FEEL ASLEEP!! guy of course).


More recently I played through all the Metal Gears. I needed a guide to get through many parts of NES Metal Gear.


Snake's Revenge surprised me. I never got past the opening jungle scene before, those helicopter guys would just mow me down. Turns out you need to walk a VERY specific path to stay out of their line of sight. Once you get into the building, the game improves 10x and is far better than the original game. The typos have been fixed, and it comes across as far more polished. It also required much less hand-holding, I felt like I was playing more of a modern Metal Gear game. I don't understand the bad rap it gets.

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Probably dunked on because of just towing the Kojima line of approval or something odd.  Much like how people kiss IGAs ass over things Castlevania, but it's not like he made the series or really decides what counts when there is a history that exists.  Snakes I remember being dumped on because it was on NES like a side story a non-real game because MSX had the real one or some nonsense.  I just remember it being liked in the era and they learned from the first for something better.  I never was into either as they just never made sense, I dislike largely stealth games as the canned AI around them confused me.

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