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DS/DD Patched Games?


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Fairly sure it's an image which you can flash to an Atarimax 8 mbit cart.


I don't think many games at all have been modified to operate from a single disk/image.

Some Infocom adventures use 2 disks.

7 Cities of Gold requires a disk flip.

The whole thing isn't really straightforward - most disk games either don't use a filing system, have a simplified one of their own or just load blocks of sectors into a memory region.

Reverse engineering programs that load multiple code/data segments into same memory areas can be a pretty hard process.

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4 hours ago, pixelmischief said:

I'm specifically interested in Conan, 221B Baker Street, Ultima IV, and Alternate Reality: The Dungeon.

I found 3 of these as images for an 8mb Atarimax flash cartridge, all but 221B Baker Street, by searching the Atarimax product discussion forums.

Conan: https://atarimax.com/flashcart/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=208&hilit=conan

Ultima IV: https://atarimax.com/flashcart/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=213&hilit=ultima+iv

Alternate Reality: The Dungeon: https://atarimax.com/flashcart/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3774&hilit=alternate

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