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Another eye-melting SNES mockup

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12 minutes ago, Kirk_Johnston said:

I agree, you don't literally have four colours per tile.

The reason I pointed it out is because you're trying to help @JurassicDope figure out what they can do with the hardware. It's really important to be as pedantically correct as possible when giving artists specs for asset creation. Yes, you can use tricks, but none of those tricks are gonna let you freely change 4 colors in a tile on the backmost layer.

16 minutes ago, Kirk_Johnston said:

Feel free to clarify if this alternative method would work or not.

I thought the whole point of the backmost giant goomba and stripes was that they weren't on a real BG layer? The goomba being done with windows/sprites, the BG stripes being color cycling. You could definitely bake those two elements into a layer, but doesn't that defeat the purpose?

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Just now, KulorXL said:

The reason I pointed it out is because you're trying to help @JurassicDope figure out what they can do with the hardware. It's really important to be as pedantically correct as possible when giving artists specs for asset creation. Yes, you can use tricks, but none of those tricks are gonna let you freely change 4 colors in a tile on the backmost layer.

Yeah, that's good for everyone to understand. So thanks there.


Just now, KulorXL said:

I thought the whole point of the backmost giant goomba and stripes was that they weren't on a real BG layer? The goomba being done with windows/sprites, the BG stripes being color cycling. You could definitely bake those two elements into a layer, but doesn't that defeat the purpose?

I hope I have what you're asking correct: The goal of the effect for me is the end result you see, not specifically how it's being done under the hood as it were. So, as long as in this particular example you could still show all that stuff on-screen and have it basically appear the same to the end viewer, I really don't have one specific method I particularly need to stick to in order to achieve it. If it's possible to simply create the same illusion that those coloured stripes are moving independently of everything else, even if they are literally stuck on the same layer as the giant Goomba and the effect is achieved slightly differently to how I originally envisioned it, I'm all good with that. :)

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Oh, I thought the blue guy was the window one, it's actually the green one. Well, I don't see how merging the blue one with the stripes helps with anything then. The green one can't be opaque over the background layer like that, unless you did the whole thing with sprites or something...and you've already got a lot of sprites moving around, so I'd be concerned about dropout doing it that way.

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41 minutes ago, KulorXL said:

Oh, I thought the blue guy was the window one, it's actually the green one. Well, I don't see how merging the blue one with the stripes helps with anything then. The green one can't be opaque over the background layer like that, unless you did the whole thing with sprites or something...and you've already got a lot of sprites moving around, so I'd be concerned about dropout doing it that way.



So, do you know if the green Goomba or some variation [even just all black if necessary] can be either opaque or semi-transparent in the scene with everything else looking as it does just now via any possible approach other than removing some of the other stuff that's currently there?


Hey, a "ghost" Goomba is all good with me, and maybe even more visually impressive in some ways. ;-)


That's really the main result I'm after: Everything you typically see plus some version of a Goomba done using colour/window/shape masks [and a few sprites to finish off his look if necessary].


Basically, there's two colour/window/shape masks to be used on SNES, as you know, and the end goal here is that I want to use them in a scene that's already using all the other standard stuff basically as per usual to add "just one more thing" as it were (a large Goomba in some form in this specific case).

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18 minutes ago, KulorXL said:

If you make it all black or all white, it should be fine.

Is that opaque, semi-transparent, or either?


Whatever the answer, I guess it will be some kind of either a shadow or a ghost Goomba now, still with the eyes and eyebrows done with sprites as I have described my blog post. :)


Edit: Oh, and I don't actually have to combine my giant blue Goomba with the background regardless, so the original way I was doing that was fine, right? If I still have to combine them, no probs.

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4 minutes ago, Kirk_Johnston said:

Is that opaque, semi-transparent, or either?


Whatever the answer, I guess it will be some kind of either a shadow or a ghost Goomba now, still with the eyes and eyebrows done with sprites as I have described my blog post. :)


Edit: Oh, and I don't actually have to combine my giant blue Goomba with the background regardless, right?

Why don't you actually try doing it on the actual hardware yourself?

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3 hours ago, Kirk_Johnston said:

Is that opaque, semi-transparent, or either?

Either should be fine, but if you make it transparent then you have no way to make the sprite portions transparent too.


So wait, what exactly is the purpose of this project anyway? Like, I know you're mocking up SNES mode 0 effects in Game Maker, but why?

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@KulorXL He has been talking about how SNES dev has been held back and that his game maker mock ups are practical things that could be done with the hardware if the current lazy and complacent people over at snes dev and elsewhere would just make the attempt.  I know I'm minimalizing and being blunt with that sentence, but if you go back over this year worth of posts, that's largely what it sums up to.  That's how a number of us have ended up on his block list because actual coders or those who can't code (me) but have pracitcal knowledge of the hardware tried to explain how and why things can and can't work with his videos.  He first would be kind of warm and listen as you're at right now, then it would start getting a bit snarky and frazzled, and finally you get blocked when you refuse to accept his world view.  Welcome to the co-opted SNES forums here. :)

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7 hours ago, KulorXL said:

Either should be fine, but if you make it transparent then you have no way to make the sprite portions transparent too.

I would want the eyes and eyebrows to be opaque either way, so the various options for the window/shape/mask Goomba might look something like this for example (if it can only be black or white in this case):



7 hours ago, KulorXL said:


So wait, what exactly is the purpose of this project anyway? Like, I know you're mocking up SNES mode 0 effects in Game Maker, but why?

To show some of the possibilities for doing some interesting and even impressive stuff with Mode 0 and hopefully encourage/inspire more people working on SNES, or even those people just thinking about working on SNES to start working on it, and using this mode at choice moments in their SNES games.


Much like many of the other background modes on SNES, I think Mode 0 has often been either underused or dismissed as not being worth using, for whatever reasons, and I'm hoping to demonstrate that it actually is worth using in certain circumstances, precisely because it can do some things that are specifically unique to it and that cannot be achieved to the same degree in any of the other background modes, such as the sheer amount of parallax that can be achieved (especially when you combine all the fully overlapping layers, layer priority shifting, and row/line scrolling), or how many seperate things you can show on-screen at once using it (using one of more of the four BG layers to fake say additional huge bosses or lots of sprites, etc), and how it can even be used to help make using lovely 8bpp backgrounds during actual gameplay in Modes 3 and 4 genuinely practical, etc.


I cannot do these things directly in real SNES games all by myself yet, as we are all well aware, but I can at least contribute some SNES-spec accurate [as best as I can manage] representative examples/mockups and ideas for others who might authentically be interested in this kind of thing to consider.


Hopefully that answers your question.

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And, if it's really not possible to have the colour window/shape mask Goomba actually be coloured--I'm not entirely sure why the colour window/shape masks can only be black or white here, even though I don't think I'm doing anything else special that should cause a conflict with their normal function that I can see? And I've definitely seen what look like actual coloured window/shape masks in other SNES games*--then would say this version of it be possible done via the method below:



Note: The grid here is 8x8 tiles, even though the sprites would be 16x16 and arranged as such with some obvious waste in places.


It won't allow me to do proper coloured Goombas using the colour window/shape masks as I would have ideally hoped and thought possible, but it's still a totally recognisable large Goomba [or whatever you choose] that could be added into a level of a game without using up a large chunk of a background layer or a similarly large amount of the available sprites and sprite tiles.


Just thinking of some ways to use it that aren't exactly typical based on what I've seen to date.


*For example:


Goomba 128x128 BlackWhite Ghost.png

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Ignore that semi-transparent black and white Goomba at the bottom there. I was going to add that as another variation but decided not to since I noticed it wouldn't work quite as I was thinking, and I just forgot to delete the image I'd uploaded before the time to edit the comment ran out.

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10 hours ago, Kirk_Johnston said:

Hopefully that answers your question.

The main problem that I see is that I'm not sure you're making a compelling case for that this way. I mean, you're calling this demo "eye-melting" yourself, so you at least recognize that this isn't exactly the most aesthetically pleasing mockup, right?

I don't think what you're trying to do is intrinsically wrong or anything, in fact, one of the basic premises of my game is to explore the underused background modes and see what they can do, or try to do things nobody's ever seen before with them. But you're basically just showing things moving on each layer at the same time, along with some sprites and a background that essentially amounts to Amiga-style copper bars, which is pretty much what the mode is there for...none of this strikes me as a particularly novel use of the mode, even putting aside the garishness. I think part of that is just inherent to that you're trying to explore these background modes by "emulating" their limitations in Game Maker. I actually used to make Game Maker stuff about 15 to 20 years ago, so I'm well aware of the limitations of Game Maker, and it runs circles around the SNES, or any 16-bit console. Because of that, you're spending a ton of effort trying to do the work of the SNES video chip on paper, and just hoping you get the details right so that the result is accurate to the limitations. But that's not really a way to try to push a system's limitations, is it? When I look at these mockups, I'm not stricken with the urge to crack open my editor and start messing with mode 0, in fact, I just see these and wonder how it could probably be done and look better in mode 1 instead. And the point I'm getting at is, I don't think you (or anyone) actually can make a tech demo-style mockup in Game Maker that would really get me excited for mode 0, because even if you did manage to make something that seemed really impressive, I would question if it could actually work as described.

10 hours ago, Kirk_Johnston said:

I cannot do these things directly in real SNES games all by myself yet, as we are all well aware

...and I know that circles back around to this. I know you haven't really tried to code for the SNES, but even if you never do, I think if you really want to try to make a compelling case for mode 0, you're not totally out of options. You're an artist, right? Why not draw some really kickass scenes using mode 0 limitations? Learn how to pack just an absolute ton of detail into all the layers, and make use of having just 4 regular background layers without worrying about any of the tech stuff that may or may not work on the real system.

Take a look at this...

These are done to Gameboy Color limitations. The GBC has very similar limitations to a single background layer in mode 0, with the exception of being able to actually change all 4 colors per-tile unlike the SNES, but that's not abused particularly heavily in any of these. The GBC and SNES both use 5-bit RGB, so it's the same color space, and I think the GBC has 8 palettes to pick from just like the SNES as well. Looking at these really got me thinking and wondering what could be done with 2bpp layers on the SNES, and if you were drawing stuff that looked like 4 individual overlapping layers of this, you'd easily have me hyped about mode 0. So, why not use your skills where they're applicable? We don't need our eyes melted with huge garish goombas, Alucard running around 1-1, and roughly digitized versions of fullcolor images scraped off Google; we need some sickass artwork.

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8 hours ago, Kirk_Johnston said:

I'm not entirely sure why the colour window/shape masks can only be black or white here, even though I don't think I'm doing anything else special that should cause a conflict with their normal function that I can see?

Oh and to answer your question, it's just how blending works on the SNES. You can do either additive or subtractive blending. If you add a white color overlay to a background, it clamps at white; if you subtract a black color overlay to a background, it clamps at black. You can switch between black or white like this, but that's going to cost you another HDMA channel, because then you have to change the blend mode along with the color and the windows -- so for one black + white goomba using the window layers, you're spending 3 HDMA channels, a lot of CPU time, and some of your sprite VRAM budget. It's a pretty costly effect and I wouldn't personally use it for this.

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10 minutes ago, KulorXL said:

Oh and to answer your question, it's just how blending works on the SNES. You can do either additive or subtractive blending. If you add a white color overlay to a background, it clamps at white; if you subtract a black color overlay to a background, it clamps at black. You can switch between black or white like this, but that's going to cost you another HDMA channel, because then you have to change the blend mode along with the color and the windows -- so for one black + white goomba using the window layers, you're spending 3 HDMA channels, a lot of CPU time, and some of your sprite VRAM budget.

OK, good to know.


So, I'm still not clear on how/when I get to use the actual coloured version of the colour window/shape masks then, as per the shield in the Contra III example I posted earlier for example?


For reference again:


Unless this is just a case of me not using the exact Nintendo manual terminology to describe what I mean, while showing an actual example of what I'm trying to describe, and that's where the confusion is.


Is Konami using a colour window/shape mask for the circle shield that is multiple colours and even changes colours on the fly there?


And if not, what is that effect they are doing, and how would that be achieved? Because that would likely be the effect I would think could possibly lead to a coloured shape that looks like a large Goomba if used in a similar way to the method I was describing above, or some variation of, no?


If there's some reason they can have a coloured shape like that, but in my example I can't, what's the differentiating factor there? Because maybe I can tweak things to make it similar to Konami's example and therefore allow it in mine too.


10 minutes ago, KulorXL said:


It's a pretty costly effect and I wouldn't personally use it for this.

Yeah, I have no doubt. I wouldn't even remotely make a real game that looked like the eye melting test; that's just me using pre-made assets and basically "programmer" art to save some time and effort. And if I did use the colour windows/masks for something in my own game, I'd be using my own art and designs and making sure that when it was used it was worth the time, effort, and SNES resources to have it there. There's plenty of ways I can start to think about how it might be used if/when there's a real project attached to it, but that's not a limitation I'm worrying about right now when just thinking about how it generally works and/or showing off some examples that other people might be able to use to then start considering what they themselves could do with it.

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1 minute ago, Kirk_Johnston said:

So, I'm still not clear on how/when I get to use the actual coloured version of the colour window/shape masks then, as per the shield in the Contra III example I posted earlier for example?

You can use color window shapes anywhere, they just have to be transparent. The windows work by letting you determine if color math happens inside or outside of the window area, that's how they get a color in there. Since you want an opaque object, only black or white are going to fully prevent you from seeing through to the underneath layers.

Also keep in mind that only 4 of the sprite palettes can receive blending as well, so if you have any transparent window shapes over top of any sprites, they have to be one of those 4 palettes for it to work.

7 minutes ago, Kirk_Johnston said:

that's just me using pre-made assets and basically "programmer" art to save some time and effort

That's the problem though, as I described in my previous longass post. Programmer art tech demos like this would be neat if they were on the actual SNES, but when they look this bad and I'm also having to spend all this time and effort just trying to figure out if any of this would actually work as described, it's not at all serving the purpose you want it to be serving. I'm not "considering what I can do with it", I'm rather considering what I can't do with it, which is what these mockups are apparently showing.

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1 hour ago, KulorXL said:

The main problem that I see is that I'm not sure you're making a compelling case for that this way. I mean, you're calling this demo "eye-melting" yourself, so you at least recognize that this isn't exactly the most aesthetically pleasing mockup, right?

That's totally fine. It's just one example, so it doesn't have to convince everyone of how something similar but obviously not the exact same thing might be cool to try. If one or two people get the general gist and then start thinking of their own creative ways to maybe use Mode 0 in interesting ways, I'm all good. If not one does, so be it. But I know one or two who already have, so that's fine.


And, yeah, it's dang ugly. Lol


1 hour ago, KulorXL said:

I don't think what you're trying to do is intrinsically wrong or anything, in fact, one of the basic premises of my game is to explore the underused background modes and see what they can do, or try to do things nobody's ever seen before with them. But you're basically just showing things moving on each layer at the same time, along with some sprites and a background that essentially amounts to Amiga-style copper bars, which is pretty much what the mode is there for...none of this strikes me as a particularly novel use of the mode, even putting aside the garishness.

I'm literally trying to do little more than show what these modes can do, so you get it.


And much of it might seem obvious to some people, but it clearly wasn't/isn't as obvious as it seems to some people, or else I think we'd have seen a lot more cool uses of these modes by now. So i think there's still value in it, even if there's other ways of going about it too.


It's just like your shump that uses many of the SNES background modes, which often actually does quite obvious stuff, yet no one else did most of it before, so it's actually very impressive to see what can be done just by trying some of these other modes. In fact, some people genuinely believed some of it was pretty much impossible on SNES until they saw it with their own eyes in games like yours, and, whether anyone believes it or not, in some of my examples too. And now that you've shown just what can be done with some of these underused standard background modes in the right hands and minds, I hope people take notice of these underused standard SNES background modes too and maybe try to do some cool stuff with them similarly. :)


1 hour ago, KulorXL said:

I think part of that is just inherent to that you're trying to explore these background modes by "emulating" their limitations in Game Maker. I actually used to make Game Maker stuff about 15 to 20 years ago, so I'm well aware of the limitations of Game Maker, and it runs circles around the SNES, or any 16-bit console. Because of that, you're spending a ton of effort trying to do the work of the SNES video chip on paper, and just hoping you get the details right so that the result is accurate to the limitations. But that's not really a way to try to push a system's limitations, is it? When I look at these mockups, I'm not stricken with the urge to crack open my editor and start messing with mode 0, in fact, I just see these and wonder how it could probably be done and look better in mode 1 instead. And the point I'm getting at is, I don't think you (or anyone) actually can make a tech demo-style mockup in Game Maker that would really get me excited for mode 0, because even if you did manage to make something that seemed really impressive, I would question if it could actually work as described.

And that's okay. Maybe it won't get your juices flowing, but maybe it will for someone else. I'm not going to speak for what others do or do not get from my examples. They're there, and each person is free to take from them what they want or indeed do not want. Like I say, I know one of two people who have appreciated them, and that's great. It's all good.


1 hour ago, KulorXL said:

...and I know that circles back around to this. I know you haven't really tried to code for the SNES, but even if you never do, I think if you really want to try to make a compelling case for mode 0, you're not totally out of options. You're an artist, right? Why not draw some really kickass scenes using mode 0 limitations? Learn how to pack just an absolute ton of detail into all the layers, and make use of having just 4 regular background layers without worrying about any of the tech stuff that may or may not work on the real system.

Take a look at this...

These are done to Gameboy Color limitations. The GBC has very similar limitations to a single background layer in mode 0, with the exception of being able to actually change all 4 colors per-tile unlike the SNES, but that's not abused particularly heavily in any of these. The GBC and SNES both use 5-bit RGB, so it's the same color space, and I think the GBC has 8 palettes to pick from just like the SNES as well. Looking at these really got me thinking and wondering what could be done with 2bpp layers on the SNES, and if you were drawing stuff that looked like 4 individual overlapping layers of this, you'd easily have me hyped about mode 0. So, why not use your skills where they're applicable?

Those look lovely. And when I get around to making final art for some potential future SNES game, it if uses Mode 0 in places, I hope I can get even remotely close. :)


1 hour ago, KulorXL said:


We don't need our eyes melted with huge garish goombas, Alucard running around 1-1, and roughly digitized versions of fullcolor images scraped off Google; we need some sickass artwork.

Well, again, I won't speak for anyone or everyone else, but I am aware of your opinion and quite a few others in here. And that's cool that everyone has an opinion on what they'd like to see. Great that people are thinking about it. Maybe they can make those or their own examples too. And between us all we will have loads of great stuff that everyone can choose for themselves what they take from it. You're contributing in your way, and it's great. I'm contributing in my way, and I know your opinion on that. And if more people join in with SNES games, demos, examples, concepts, whatever they may be--as long as they're coming from a place of authenticity and genuine interest and/or love for SNES in what they're sharing--I'll be more than happy with that. :)

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35 minutes ago, KulorXL said:

You can use color window shapes anywhere, they just have to be transparent. The windows work by letting you determine if color math happens inside or outside of the window area, that's how they get a color in there. Since you want an opaque object, only black or white are going to fully prevent you from seeing through to the underneath layers.

Also keep in mind that only 4 of the sprite palettes can receive blending as well, so if you have any transparent window shapes over top of any sprites, they have to be one of those 4 palettes for it to work.

So, I'll go back to Konami example, which visually has an opaque circle shield that looks to be using some kind of "colour window/shape mask". Unless it's not, and if not then what is it? Do you know what they did to achieve that effect then, because, honestly, I'm saying "colour window/shape mask", but I don't really care about a singular way so much as the end result, even if it will ultimately be achieved some other way. If I can draw an opaque coloured shape on the screen and switch its colour down the screen just like Konami appears to have done with that shield, I can think of ways to use that, one of which might still possibly be something akin to my Goomba example. Now, I could happily use semi-transparent or just black or white too for some "colour window/shape mask" effect, but I'm focussing in on that Konami example just now because it seems to be showing at least part of what I want to achieve, which is the opaque coloured shape (including changing its colour down the screen), and that part is not clear to me yet why they could do that but I apparently can't have actual colour in my particular Goomba example, so I'm just coming back to it try and figure out exactly what's going on there. If you can help clarify, that would be awesome.


35 minutes ago, KulorXL said:

That's the problem though, as I described in my previous longass post. Programmer art tech demos like this would be neat if they were on the actual SNES, but when they look this bad and I'm also having to spend all this time and effort just trying to figure out if any of this would actually work as described, it's not at all serving the purpose you want it to be serving. I'm not "considering what I can do with it", I'm rather considering what I can't do with it, which is what these mockups are apparently showing.

Ah, okay, then you can just ignore the part above, and I would recommend you don't worry about it or any of my other stuff further (for now at least). If it's taking up too much of your time, it's okay to stop responding to me about it. I'm okay with knowing I can basically achieve what I showed in my original video but just with a black or white or black and white version of the Goomba instead of specifically a green coloured one. All is good. And I'd rather you focus on working on your awesome game than wasting too much time on little old me. Thanks for the input on everything so far though. :)

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I think I've figured out why some things are getting confused in translation here: I've been saying the large green Goomba effect in the eye melting demo would be done with colour window/shape masks, when I'm really just meaning standard windows that will be cut out from any relevant layers all the way through to actually show the backdrop colour inside the cutout area, and it's the backdrop colour that is then changed with HDMA to get the different coloured horizontal strips that make up the bulk of the Goomba, plus a few choice sprites overlaid to fill in the rest where necessary.


So, my bad there.


In the eye melting example, there is no colour window used as I currently understand it, just windows, the backdrop colour, and some sprites. Also, because I realise it's cutting through to the backdrop colour to achieve the large green Goomba shape and colour, which means I can't use the backdrop for the scrolling lines effect, I would indeed just merge the giant blue Goomba with the stripes in the far background as mentioned earlier in this thread to solve this conflict, so the backdrop colour would be entirely free there for use on the large green Goomba as intended.


Similarly, this is how I would do the large Gooma in the pretty platformer example too, which is why I had already moved it up slightly on-screen as seen in the latest version above, because the lower part of the screen uses the backdrop colour on some lines there and I had to account for this.


Using the normal windows plus the backdrop colour is how I was actually thinking about it originally anyway, but I started calling it a colour window because I got confused about exactly how and when things like the windows combined with colour math and fixed colour and such gets applied, which still isn't entirely clear to me to be honest, especially in terms of how it all affects things when transparency is being used on other elements at the same time as the windows and backdrop, etc. Although I actually think it should be fine in my pretty platformer example to have both semi-transparency for all the shadows done with sprites and colour math, plus the large Goomba in the background done with the windows and the backdrop colour showing through (plus a few sprites overlaid), and it would look basically just as you see in the clip above.


Basically, the way I described how I would do it in the link below is still correct as far as I'm aware, if you just remove the word "colour" whenever I refer to the window effect. And I would now merge the giant blue Goomba and the coloured lines onto the single furthest background layer there too, with some version of palette(s) cycling or similar creating the effect of the lines scrolling vertically instead (so the exact look of the lines scrolling might be a little different to what's specifically shown in the clip in reality):




I'll update the details in the link when I get home to reflect the changes and clarifications. :)

Edited by Kirk_Johnston
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Gasp! It's Kirk, our modern day Prometheus! Marching down from the heavens to exhibit his brilliant idea for a bunch of garish zoomed in NES SMB sprites running on the SNES, showcasing it via a bunch of garish zoomed in NES SMB sprites not running on the SNES!


I (a SNES developer) must drop everything I am doing to help this visionary achieve his dreams, because if there's one thing the homebrew scene is lacking, it is ideas! Sadly, Kirk is only fluent in the ancient scripts of (insert whatever proprietary Rockstar tool he was talking about). Such is the great tragedy of Kirk, he guides those to a power that he himself is unable to take advantage of. Thus his only logical course of action is to gift the backwards SNES dev savages with his enlightened ideas. Bravo!

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