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Project Server Rack

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This is my friends idea but I’ve run with it in a different way. Found my server rack many months ago for $100. I’ve been holding off on this project since as we were supposed to move. Well, our builder got greedy and demanded an extra 60k for our home, so screw it, we’re keeping this house and I’m setting things up the way I want to.


I’m not done yet. I have shelves and cabling to get done, but I think this is a good step. Worked on it for a few hours last night. 

Before… a cluttered mess:


Driving the rack home:



Pre clean up. Nervous about space in the office. Decide to remove the couch:




Cleaning took a long time. Got my trust impact driver out and disassembled the fan assembly and cleared out all the caked dust:




An entire waste bin of paper towels later, it looks like new! I install the ever so important mustache rack:




Couch is gone, desk is moved. I begin decluttering and cleaning up the room and closet. I now have to remove all the rack nuts in the server rack. I’ve gotten to be wickedly efficient at this now!:




I don’t have the means to plug this all in just yet. But I want things placed at least so I can get it wired up later. I put in a shelf upside down so my PVM can be supported while I install it. I have no help so attaching this by myself would have been impossible without the upside down Pyle shelf. For those complaining a few months ago why I kept the ears on my PVM….now you know why:




I want the PVM center to keep cabling short and for proper viewing angle. I now start to install arcade hardware:


Naomi in a rear mounted shelf. I don’t need it up front as I have a supergun that controls the power:



Bad picture I know but my iPhone doesn’t want to engage the flash.  Now I install the supergun, mvs and cps2 along with my crosspoint switcher:



Lower shelves for the N64 twins. I’ll show the systems later today:



I’ve officially run out of rack nut bolts. Time to clear out another Home Depot today as I did last night. I spend a couple hours cleaning up the room. My dell monitor I recently acquired is for the Naomi as my PVM doesn’t accept the frequency and I wanted something for light gun use. 




See you tonight!

Edited by Cobra Strike Down
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That is shocking, stunning, and amazingly well repurposed.  I like that idea, and if you were to wire it up fully kind of as it once was, the amount of cooling that has would be fantastic for keeping systems and the TV going without some high heat meltdown in process.  My guess that's what a 15" or so PVM?  It's definitely bigger than my Panasonic 9" for sure.  I would love to step up to a bigger screen, probably another Panasonic since they have the right plugs, solid speakers and good settings I like with my small.  I could see you finding something at a Lowe's like a pull out drawer or make one with the parts there to slide in and out consoles you want to use and have the cabling handy to easily swap and pop between what you care to use at the moment without having a mess.

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It’s a 14” HR Trinitron. I think 14-20” range is best for short distance viewing. And thank you! I plan on hooking this up through its internal power system. Which is why I can’t power this up quite yet as I need to get some cabling in to make it all work. 

As promised some updates. I think I’ll be ordering in a couple shelves for controllers towards the bottom instead of the basket just sitting there. Would also help to fit my second n64 which currently doesn’t fit. Otherwise lots of progress. I got about 85% of the cabling set up, just need to do the mini extron switcher and large crosspoiny cabling to the PVM. Should be…fun. Here’s a look so far and a sneak peak look from inside. 


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That's kind of how I was envisioning if that were my server rack.  NES, SNES (DK set), Gen (Nomad), Gamecube, and largely outside of some TV games whatever handheld on a/v that would be it.   The HDMI stuff would stay on the HD tv.  All the extra space would be for controllers(joysticks, regular) and other accessories and it would work great.

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Wow that's a tangle of wires I'd even get a bit concerned over trying to setup, that's just nice.  I don't think I'd ever get that crazy, love my old games and all still, but time vs reality what works now works, but hey if you have the general use, a good way to get a rack, that's one perfect way to go about it totally.  Fun in an oversized box with all the toys hiding in plain sight within.


I think someone had F-Zero 99 on the mind or was that just too much of a coincidence?

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