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Apple IIc monitor - no picture

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Hi All,


Got my Apple Iic to start up a few weeks ago and noticed the lovely 9" green screen monitor isn't work. The power light comes on but no image - irrespective of which knobs I tweak.


I've taken apart and done some basic testing which included making sure the AC -> DC circuitry is work which it seems to be ok.


When I turn the monitor off I get a green light flicker on the screen so I'm assuming the tube is ok.


No RIFA caps in this unit and doesn't seem to be any capacitor goo on the board.


Any suggestions as to where to start to fix this unit?

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11 hours ago, nick3092 said:

You don't mention if you checked any of the basics. Have you tried the //c on a different monitor to make sure it is working ok? Tried a different cable? Tried wiggling the cable at either end to see if the picture cuts in/out?

Sorry - probably should have addressed all that in my original post.


Yes, have tested Iic and works fine on another monitor. Yes, swapped cable and also tried moving the cable, wiggling, etc. No picture at all.


I read through the repair guide and it looks like the recommendations are to replace a number of caps/transistors. I did a search for the 2SC829B and 2SC1360A transistors I'd need to replace but can't find a source nor recommended equivalent for these units. Any ideas?

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