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What is this componenent (power supply related)?


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I've wired up a new transformer using 3 transformers, getting the idea from https://ballyalley.com/faqs/Astrocade_Power_Transformer_Substitution/Astrocade Power Transformer Substitution (2018 04 25)(Michael Matte).pdf.


Voltages look decent, but when I plug it in, the magic smoke seemed to get let out of one of these components.  It looks like a filtering section for the power supply, this is hanging off the main board; component is in the metal enclosure, left of center, black and labled "100J AP2-".  What is this and what is it's value and is it needed (I'm assuming this is filtering/noise suppression)?   A trickle of smoke came out and I could see ever so small arcs.  I don't see this on the schematic.


Let's just hope the rest of the circuit down the line is not fried.


BTW, this is an old pic of when I first opened it.  I've since replaced the electrolytics on the main board, and C10 with something that can withstand a little more voltage.


Thanks all.




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On 9/17/2023 at 8:11 AM, TVisitor said:

I've wired up a new transformer using 3 transformers, getting the idea from ["A Power Transformer Substitution for the Bally/Astrocade Computer System," by Michael Matte] [...] Voltages look decent, but when I plug it in, the magic smoke seemed to get let out of one of these components.  [...] BTW, this is an old pic of when I first opened it.


The link to the picture doesn't work for me.  I can't really help you out, but I did ask Michael Matte to reply here.  He said the following:


"If  TVisitor doesn't mind posting his issue on the BallyAlley group postings, that would be my preference. I browse that site almost every day. Wouldn't there also be a better chance for feedback on that site as compared to the AtariAge site?

"Since the issue is related to the application of my Power Xfmr Substitution scheme, that might be another good reason to post the issue on the BA group site. Sorry, I only spend a small amount of time browsing on the internet."
Michael is referring to posting your question here:
I hope that the Astrocade can be revived.  Sometimes it is possible to shove the magic smoke back into the bottle.
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