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[Testing] Altirra v3.40 softkick OS for UNOCart/A8PicoCart ATR loading


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Limited success... I can support an OSS type A (034M) type cartridge (e.g. MAC/65 1.02) along with BW-DOS ATR image.

This can load with the Pico ATR loader to the point of asking for the driver (Y - used) and then I don't run the ROM.COM.

At this point I can type CAR to enter the MAC/65 editor and within that type DOS to return to the editor.

However, if ROM.COM is run or RESET is pressed then the machine re-enters MAC/65 but the DOS seems to be lost.


Hopefully something that can be debugged so I should have a go at building the patched emulator.


Tomorrow (well today here 😆 - 5th Oct) I'll setup a GIT branch and upload the latest code along with firmware/os-rom/tweaked BW-DOS ATR 

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3 hours ago, Wrathchild said:

Can you please post chkdos.inc? I'm wanting to build a driver with these changes:


CART_RESPONSE        equ    $D5C0
CART_STATUS        equ    $D5C1
CART_ATR_HEADER        equ    $D5C2

CART_DCB_DEVICE        equ    $D5C0
CART_DCB_SECTOR_LO    equ    $D5C1
CART_DCB_SECTOR_HI    equ    $D5C2
CART_DCB_PAGE        equ    $D5C3


[Edit] I've built an A8PICO.COM file with the include commented out and this runs ok for testing purposes 

It is my github:  https://github.com/dmsc/bwdos-mads/blob/main/utils/chkdos.inc


I could not test the A8PICO in real hardware because I realized that my raspberry pico was not compatible - so I ordered a couple of "purple" rp20240 boards...


After further testing, I will need to add 256 bytes sector support to A8PICO, and better error detection to the driver.


And about the Atari800 emulator, I added more A8PicoCart commands in the attached patch, now it also emulates reading directories, searching, ATR and XEX loading. You need to pass a folder to the "-a8pico" command line parameter.


Have Fun!


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