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First good thrift find in a while


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Oh man! Awesome! Congratulations! I stopped trying my local ones, seems they haven't had anything in ages.


And I understand not wanting to disclose how much, but maybe a ballpark. Or if it was more or less $ if it was on ebay.


Which brings up how much would it sell on ebay? 2 or 3 hundred? I'm thinking maybe more, maybe much more. Sorry, I'm talking U.S. $, I'm not familiar with Canadian.

Edited by invisible kid
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10 hours ago, Dantaipan said:

It was $199 CAD which at today's exchange rate is ~$147 USD or ~£127 GBP


Like I said not exactly a steal but in the range that I could not pass on it ;-)

Actually that's a very good price considering all the extras you got.


Back in 2016 I bought a refurbished unboxed XEGS console, keyboard and PSU only from B&C for 85 USD. And prices have gone up considerably since then. You on the other hand got a good box, a light gun, 7 game carts above and beyond the two pack-ins, and the RF switch for only about 65 USD more than what I paid years ago. The carts alone probably are easily equal to or more than 100 USD all by themselves (eBay would probably have an average selling price of $20 each, so 7 game carts would equal approximately $140).

Edited by mytek
added more specific cart info
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36 minutes ago, MrFish said:

Not entirely complete, unless he has the instructions for the games. Flight Sim. II instructions are pretty extensive. That and Bug Hunt aren't extras.


For sure, not 100% complete. No manuals. As an aside, I like how on the front it just says "Shooting Game" and not "Bug Hunt". It's like they were not sure right up until the last minute what cart was going to get packed in.

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4 minutes ago, Dantaipan said:

As an aside, I like how on the front it just says "Shooting Game" and not "Bug Hunt". It's like they were not sure right up until the last minute what cart was going to get packed in.

The game probably wasn't even made when the box packaging was finished. "They'll be some shootin'... we know that, cuz, Nintendo and everything...". It sounds like "Duck Hunt"... they got that much right... :D


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Yes, I think I saw it on a PS1 Atari Collection Game Easter Egg/Unlockable. A bunch of great videos. You are correct, I think part of the story was they never implemented it and were just joking about the marketing folks. Ironically I like the sound of it! But can't imagine any viable game. lol

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