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In order to assist with ignoring this post, I asked my eShrink for some advice and so if you're looking to ignore distractions or negativity, here are some strategies:


Atari-themed Mindfulness: Incorporate Atari-related mindfulness techniques to focus on the enjoyment of retro gaming without judgment or distraction.


Atari-inspired Boundaries: Clearly define limits related to your Atari pursuits and communicate them to others, ensuring that your Atari time remains uninterrupted.


Prioritize Atari Tasks: Identify your priorities within the realm of Atari gaming and concentrate on these activities to minimize the impact of external distractions.


Positive Atari Reinforcement: Reward yourself with Atari-related incentives when you successfully ignore non-essential elements, enhancing your overall Atari experience.


Shift Focus to Atari: Redirect your attention to positive Atari-related activities, such as exploring new games, participating in Atari communities, or enhancing your skills.


Say No to Non-Atari Distractions: Feel empowered to decline invitations or requests that deviate from your Atari-related goals, allowing you to maintain focus on your Atari pursuits.


Atari Gratitude Practices: Cultivate gratitude for the positive aspects of the Atari community, gaming experiences, or retro nostalgia, helping you ignore any negative influences.


Limit Non-Atari Exposure: Minimize exposure to distractions by creating an Atari-centric environment, turning off non-essential notifications, or taking breaks to fully immerse yourself in the Atari zone.


Atari Coping Mechanisms: Develop Atari-themed coping strategies, such as using you Atari System as a stress-relief outlet or integrating retro gaming into relaxation routines.


Professional Atari Support: If distractions or negative feelings persist, consider seeking advice from fellow Atari enthusiasts or engaging with the Atari community for support and guidance.


Adapting these strategies with an Atari focus can add a unique and enjoyable element to your efforts in managing distractions and maintaining a positive Atari experience.



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Please excuse the ignorance, but it is a New Year, and that's something most people don't ignore. I suggest a nice new device be made to display the full nature of our ignorance on how to ignore things properly. I suggest at least two versions. One full sized and one smaller in stature. Please make the installation manual interesting and illustrated such that ignorant people won't choose to ignore it. Although if the card slot method is employed, most people will choose to ignore it and plug them in directly anyway.

Edited by _The Doctor__
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On 12/31/2023 at 11:46 PM, reifsnyderb said:

...and just when I was hoping people would actually forget about this....

Oh goody! That means we have a whole year to ignore it!

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This thread was recommended to me as the best one to ignore on this site. Gotta say, I was not disappointed. I might consider also ignoring it in the future.

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