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Finalgrom99 and building package.hex


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I recently start building a 32k ram expansion and the Finalgrom99. The 32k ram expansion is built and works fine. However, I'm running into issues compiling package.hex in a Linux environment (I tried Windows before but that didn't work either).


I installed xdt99 and the folder is placed in $PATH. I can run xas99.py without any issues. The make.py in the /ti folder is changes to:


#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
from subprocess import call

xas = ["xas99.py", "-b", "-R", "-I", "/home/frank/ti99/xdt99/lib"]
xga = ["xga99.py"]


However, when running ./make.py, I get this:


~/finalgrom99/ti$ ./make.py
usage: xas99.py [-h] [-b | -B | -i | -c | -t [<format>] | --embed-xb] [-l <file> [<file> ...] | -ll <file>
                [<file> ...]] [-5] [-18] [-105] [-s] [-r] [-n <name>] [-R] [-C] [-L <file>] [-S] [-E <file>] [-M] [-X]
                [-q] [--quiet-opts] [--quiet-unused-syms] [--quiet-usage] [--quiet-arith] [-a <addr>]
                [-I <path> [<path> ...]] [-D <sym[=val]> [<sym[=val]> ...]] [--color {off,on}] [-o <file>]
                [<source> ...]
xas99.py: error: One of <source> or -l/-ll is required.
ERROR: menu.a99


When I run xas99.py menu.a99, I get these errors:

: xas99, version 3.6.0
> menu.a99 <1> 0305 -        copy "vsbw.a99"        ; part of xdt99 (lib/)
***** Error: File not found: vsbw.a99
> menu.a99 <1> 0306 -        copy "vmbw.a99"
***** Error: File not found: vmbw.a99
> menu.a99 <1> 0307 -        copy "vmbr.a99"
***** Error: File not found: vmbr.a99
> menu.a99 <1> 0308 -        copy "vsbmw.a99"
***** Error: File not found: vsbmw.a99
> menu.a99 <2> 0105 -        mov  r11, r10          ; keep GPL r11
***** Error: Invalid register:R11
> menu.a99 <2> 0112 -        li   r0, >380


What am I missing? It seems like the libraries of xdt99 are not found. xdt99 is listed in .bashrc like this:


export PATH="/home/frank/ti99/xdt99:$PATH"

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12 hours ago, GDMike said:

I think you have to make the path absolute.

you can't use a tick mark for the 32 bit path structure can you?


I don't know exactly. But I made a ticket on the Github page and someone mentioned (including the author) the firmware is in the update folder of the project. I took the firmware and I could program the pld succesfully.

I'm still waiting for the SD Card interface to arrive. Then it's testing time!

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10 hours ago, HOME AUTOMATION said:

Ha! I was under the impression that you were compiling it to go through the motions of the original experience.:ahoy:

I always want the genuine experience 🙂


I missed the update folder in the GitHub project. I might continue to have a look to get the compile working.

Edited by HomeLate
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5 minutes ago, HOME AUTOMATION said:

I believe it is at the end of the .AVR file. But it might be separate.

Are you using FAT, on the SD card?

FAT32, 4Gb SD Card. I only have update.avr on the SD-Card (not update.pld as written in my previous message).

But I know what I did wrong... the AVR file in /Update should be saved a raw file and then be programmed. The TL866 software just programs and didn't throw any errors 🙄

The TL866 is now unable to program the AtMega, deviceID mismatch so I guess I damaged the Atmega while trying to program it with an Arduino Uno. I ordered a few new ones and these should arrive tomorrow.


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6 minutes ago, HOME AUTOMATION said:

I used a TinyAVR, and AVRDUDESS, to unbrick mine, after a failed .AVR update.


Ok, winner winner, chicken dinner. I desoldered the Atmega and was able to erase it in the TL866. I reprogrammed the Atmega with a valid AVR and the FinalGrom99 is working!




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  • 1 month later...
On 12/12/2023 at 6:00 AM, HomeLate said:

Ok, winner winner, chicken dinner. I desoldered the Atmega and was able to erase it in the TL866. I reprogrammed the Atmega with a valid AVR and the FinalGrom99 is working!




What file did you flash to get it working? The .hex file in the upload folder, the .avr in the update folder, or did you compile yourself?

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58 minutes ago, MrTechGadget said:

What file did you flash to get it working? The .hex file in the upload folder, the .avr in the update folder, or did you compile yourself?

I used the avr file in the update folder and programmed the Atmega using a TL866II and its xgecu software.

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