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Sega Turbo port for atari 8 bit


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hahahaha - yes I should mention Death Race is Terrible - a truly budget game, in every way...


You would have felt cheated at the original £2.99 price point!


On 12/11/2023 at 12:59 PM, RicardoMosse said:

Thanks!! Just saw it has no paddle or driving controller support, very disappointing

tbh there are very few A8 racing games that support the driving controllers or paddles - DR is hardly standout in that omission...



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Visually, the game looks (kind of) like Sega Turbo.  However, there are no turns, no hills, etc - so it lacks the experience of the game.


Sad thing is, I think it could be done on the A8 quite nicely, but that seems to be a running theme with the A8 line.  There's another thread on Marble Madness that underlines this - no money to be made and many games just rushed out for whatever reason.


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16 minutes ago, rdefabri said:

Visually, the game looks (kind of) like Sega Turbo.  However, there are no turns, no hills, etc - so it lacks the experience of the game.


Sad thing is, I think it could be done on the A8 quite nicely, but that seems to be a running theme with the A8 line.  There's another thread on Marble Madness that underlines this - no money to be made and many games just rushed out for whatever reason.


Absolutely. So much untapped potential back then. I remember being highly frustrated as a teenager in the late 80s, early 90s. When coders bothered or had the incentive it was truly special (ie Rescue on Fractaus, Henry's house, m.u.l.e, Alley Cat).


What's fantastic these days is very clever coders really push the limits of the A8 so we have astounding titles like Flob, Last squadron, Prince of Persia, Time Wizard and the amazing wip Doom engines and l'Abbayne des morts to name but a few :)

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18 hours ago, rdefabri said:

Visually, the game looks (kind of) like Sega Turbo.  However, there are no turns, no hills, etc - so it lacks the experience of the game.


Sad thing is, I think it could be done on the A8 quite nicely, but that seems to be a running theme with the A8 line.  There's another thread on Marble Madness that underlines this - no money to be made and many games just rushed out for whatever reason.


Budget games from the UK around this time were developed for pennies - there was no money in making "the best game ever" - but there was money in making a game in 6 weeks because the consumer would impulse purchase a £2.99 game - it was not about quality, just quantity across all formats. And whilst there were some budget gems on both Atari and the other much more popular formats like Amstrad, C64 and Spectrum - 90% of the £1.99-£2.99 games were just trash..


I sold LOTS of budget games at retail, there was no need to make a good game, just make plenty of games...


The expectation that a game with a £1000-£1500 budget would be great would be a mistake, most often...



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12 hours ago, Jetboot Jack said:

Budget games from the UK around this time were developed for pennies - there was no money in making "the best game ever" - but there was money in making a game in 6 weeks because the consumer would impulse purchase a £2.99 game - it was not about quality, just quantity across all formats. And whilst there were some budget gems on both Atari and the other much more popular formats like Amstrad, C64 and Spectrum - 90% of the £1.99-£2.99 games were just trash..


I sold LOTS of budget games at retail, there was no need to make a good game, just make plenty of games...


The expectation that a game with a £1000-£1500 budget would be great would be a mistake, most often...



I have some connections in the movie business, and one guy I know is involved with the making of the "Sharknado" movies (and similar low budget goodies).  Exact same model - doesn't matter how GOOD the movie is, just crank it out and make it mildly entertaining...it works.


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1 hour ago, rdefabri said:

I have some connections in the movie business, and one guy I know is involved with the making of the "Sharknado" movies (and similar low budget goodies).  Exact same model - doesn't matter how GOOD the movie is, just crank it out and make it mildly entertaining...it works.


Thing is, mildly entertaining is a small but at least welcome thing when it comes to some things, like a movie, where more often than not it's a standalone thing, or passing entertainment. No real investment or anything to lose. 


Whereas in the context of a computer game your 12 year old self saved up weeks of pocket money for in order to rush out and buy for his beloved computer - - to then find it a steaming pile of 🐎💩 and a waste of said pocket money, there is no consellation at all!!! 😭😉😁. (I've got some real issues haven't I, heh heh!?!) 😉


I think there are two things here.


1)Back in the day as a kid or teenager you'd pick your 8 bit computer line for whatever reason, (A8, c64, etc), and find that, rather like supporting a particular sports team for example, you develop an affinity with it. In most cases for life. 


Stating the obvious here of course.


I, not surprisingly chose the Atari 8bit. (Bet ya didn't see that coming?!)


So aside any financial investment in said brand/model, you have an emotional expectation. You want it to shine and succeed. Since for many who, like me, weren't skilled enough to code, or at the time had no hardware skills, (I was a kid), it's the games and software produced for your computer that becomes the focus and measure of it.


So constantly being let down buy crap game releases that grossly oversold a game on the back of the cassette wording on more occasions than is funny - is very demoralising. (Again, I've got some real issues Heh Heh). 😉


2) The second point I want to make ties in with this. That is seeing a computer which you have emotionally invested in which isn't being pushed or showing it's potential time and time again is hugely frustrating. Especially when you see that there were plenty of games that did show how good it was, that were fun and engaging. 


My adult self now knows the reasons why there were so many dull and substandard games released on the A8, and many other 8 bit computers. It's just such a shame that when a game or genre of game came out on the A8 that really showcased it, that following games rarely built on it. I know the reasons now, and there are many factors, but it's just a shame it went that way. 


Some of my favourite A8 games from the 80s, which also for me are some of the top examples in their respective genres on the A8, are the likes of International karate, Henry's house, and Rescue on Fractaus to name a few. It therefore it's such a shame that at least a higher than ideal majority of games that followed in that decade and the next, didn't aspire to be as good or better, or didn't take some of the effects, animation, or gameplay mechanics. I'd love to have seen more platformer's taking on the fantastic colors and level design, fun nature of Henry's house. Even a sequel to the game itself. Or more Fractal based 3d games after Rescue on Fractalus proved it worked. 


Again, I realise software houses were commercial and it's not so much like now, where coders can and want to share ways to push the A8. I also realise not all coders had the same skills back in the day, or budgets. 








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15 hours ago, Jetboot Jack said:

Budget games from the UK around this time were developed for pennies - there was no money in making "the best game ever" - but there was money in making a game in 6 weeks because the consumer would impulse purchase a £2.99 game - it was not about quality, just quantity across all formats. And whilst there were some budget gems on both Atari and the other much more popular formats like Amstrad, C64 and Spectrum - 90% of the £1.99-£2.99 games were just trash..


I sold LOTS of budget games at retail, there was no need to make a good game, just make plenty of games...


The expectation that a game with a £1000-£1500 budget would be great would be a mistake, most often...



At least there was development for the A8 in the UK and Europe. NTSC development after 1985 can be summarized as "....".


By 1987, there were gaps of many months between attractive commercial releases. I was essentially limited to Infocom and SSI releases after DataSoft folded up their A8 tent. The fact that The Newsroom was the biggest release of the year (by far) for the A8 was quite sad. The sudden flood of XEGS titles in '88 really was a godsend at that point.

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