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Systems, Cables, Crates and Cost!!!!

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This has to be one of my big rants. If you want to hookup one game system then no problem. But what is you have three or more. My television only supports two AV "Shared inputs" and one Component input. So up until now I put the video games to one side and connected the dvd to my sterio and Component input. My vcr, laser disc, and Satellite system go through a sima 4 port switch box. The switch box is connected to the back of the TV. Now the last remaining port on the tv is shared with the back. So this leaves me with one open port on the back of the sima switch box. The horrors I tell you. So when I finally found a pre-built unit that actually fit my sega genesis II with sega cd 2nd version. I was thrilled. Now for the break down.


1. Yaffa cube closet storage unit. Looks like plastic milk crates stracked 4 high but interlocking. $15.00

1. Plastic drawer to fit Yaffa Cube. $5.00

1. Cheap 4 port av switch "Real Peice compaired to the sima" $19.99

1. Surge strip that can support those awfull power transfomers. $6.00

1. Wire snack/modeling to make wires nice and neat. $5.00

1. pack of plastic ties. $2.50


Total: $53.49


Now, the setup looks nice and I hope to get a picture. I can add more Yaffa cubes if I want. But geez, $53.49 Who can I bill to explain old game systems are not outdated. My brother pointed out instead of Super Nintendo, Nintendo, and Sega Genesis. It should be Xbox, Gamecube, and PS/2. Honestly, I can see the PS/2 replacing the Nintendo. But this still does not include my Sega Master system and Atari 7800. So once again Argh.


So why did I do all of this and not leave some kind of cheap setup. Well my 7 month old son decided to pull on wires. So all of this was not in vane.


If you have any horros about costs just to support a simple game system. I encourage you to share them. I know you people have talked about how great your stuff looks. Yea, Mine looks great too. But at $53.00. Ouch is a good way to describe it.



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I got 19 consoles hooked up using two Target black plastic shelving units ($20 each)

and 5 Pelican s-video switchboxes (also $20 each). Ouch.

One of the writers at Tomheroes said don't ever write down the total amount of money you've

spent on gaming. But if you do, never let your wife see it. :)

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Those black five button switchboxes are a God-send. For $20 they solve a lot of "multiple console hook-up" problems very efficiently, for any console from the 90's at least. 80's consoles are still gonna be tricky. You'll have to daisy chain or invest in some RF selectors. I have a simple "A/B" one recommended to me on AtariAge that I got at Radio Shit for $10 or less, and I use it to flip flop between ColecoVision and Atari 5200/TG-16 (the latter is going through the 5200 switchbox's antenna input). And if you're a cheapskate like me and need to do something with the dangling cords so they don't tangle up, unplug the cord and loop the excess around your hand several times, then pinch it off with the rubber bands the post office uses to bundle packages together (I haven't had to buy any rubber bands in YEARS) and plug it back in. Viola.

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I don't mind spending money on proper storage for my games. This is a hobby that I love and I want to take care of the items I collect. I'm going to build a custon cabinet system for all my games and systems sometime late winter or earlt Spring when I finish my basement. It will probably end up costing a few hundred in supplies, but it will be worth it to have everything completely accessible at last.

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I'm all for properly storing things, but I'm not the kind to custom build cabinets. I'd rather buy a five shelf bookshelf, put all my NES games in dust sleeves, and stack 'em up alphabetically. Matter of fact, I did. :D


Proper storage is a must anyway if you have a big collection and need to be organized to keep track of it all, so you can pull out and play what you want when you want.

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I have two GameStop branded 5-switch boxes. I love the things. Built so well. They're nice and heavy. I only have 7 systems so far. After I get my Genesis 2 and SMS I'll have 9 which will max me out. At that point, I just buy another of those boxes and plug it into the first as well. So switch 1 and two would go to systems 4,5,6,7,8 and 9,10,11,12,13. Plus I'd have 1,2,3 on the first box.


This way I can have 6 boxes and 25 systems (Five 5-switchers plugged into the sixth.) all only two levels deep before it gets more complicated. :ponder:


I have to make labels for them all as it comes with standard this and last generation systems and CD/DVD players. Soon I'll have to dedicate one whole box to entirely Nintendo. One to Sega. One to Other.

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