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Block breaking walljumps, wallsliding, doublejumps, in game music, portals, spikes and a button, 20 days of intense hyper fixation 😵 


Press against wall to wallslide (You can only wallslide while moving downwards)
Jump while doing a wallslide to do a block breaking walljump



You have one doublejump, touch ground or a wall to be able to doublejump again.

Consider playing with a master system or genesis controller.

Play demo in browser


Button (Prototype) (PAL60) (unl) [f1].bas.bin(also works on NTSC consoles)




Button 2023-12-31 PAL60.bas.bin 
Button 2023-12-31 PAL60_nomusic.bas.bin


Music in first demo: TIA version of John Carpenter's "Bomb the bass", created by Glafouk
Music in new demo: Original track by Glafouk



Edited by Lillapojkenpåön
Fixed to run on real hardware
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Cool!  I was just thinking of a wall climbing/jumping platformer a couple weeks back but I don't have the programming knowledge to make it more than a thought.    What made you decide to destroy the block on a jump?   Does the code for this require the extra oompf of the DPC+ hardware or can it also be done with original hardware/bB basic kernel as well?

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1 hour ago, LatchKeyKid said:

Cool!  I was just thinking of a wall climbing/jumping platformer a couple weeks back but I don't have the programming knowledge to make it more than a thought.    What made you decide to destroy the block on a jump?   Does the code for this require the extra oompf of the DPC+ hardware or can it also be done with original hardware/bB basic kernel as well?

Thanks! I just wanted to play around with coyote time and jumbuffering (this game has both btw) and I used an old little project as a starting template, and it allready had the pfpixel off function, so I quickly had a walljumping box that removed blocks, and I liked it 🤷‍♂️ This is the bB DPC+ kernel, but since I'm not coloring stuff every scanline, I think you could create a very similar looking kernel without the help of the ARM, the bB standard kernel couldn't do it but maybe the multisprite kernel.


1 hour ago, alfredtdk said:

Wow. What a cool and challenging game for the Atari 2600. I loved the soundtrack too. 
Is this the demo version?


27 minutes ago, alfredtdk said:

I finished the last screen. Looking forward to new levels. 


Thanks for trying it! lol, good job demolishing the entire DEMO text 😄 Yeah everything is set up to just add levels, I really like it myself, which is a new feeling, so I'll continue making levels after a quick little burnout recovery.

Edited by Lillapojkenpåön
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11 hours ago, r_chase said:

I still think you should compile an NTSC version. Not everybody in the States has PAL hardware to test this on. :|

It kinda is an NTSC version, PAL60 means NTSC frame rate (60) but the colors are adjusted for a PAL TV, only some rare tube PAL TV's should have a problem handling it, there should just be a small difference in color playing this on a PAL or NTSC console, like that 👇


3 hours ago, alfredtdk said:

When converting the ROM at home I noticed that the NTSC version made the colors lighter. 

Captura de tela em 2023-12-31 11-36-43.png

To simplify it.. on the left Stella emulates how the color value $04 looks on a PAL console/TV and on the right it emulates $04 on a NTSC console/TV,

When you change "PAL60" in the filename to NTSC you're not converting the ROM, Stella just looks for those strings in the filename and starts up in that mode, you can use Shift Ctrl + F to switch between the modes instead.


12 hours ago, Emwee said:

Tried the new versions (both) on real hardware, I get this:


(its a flickering image...)

That's not good, I can't tell if that's the game or the titlescreen? Did you try pressing the button on the joystick to start the game? If the titlescreen looks the same than you probably have one of the unfortunate PAL TV's I mentioned, which would be great news for me 😄 Otherwise I hope I just put too much stuff in vblank 😬 But I would really like to know more

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13 hours ago, Lillapojkenpåön said:

That's not good, I can't tell if that's the game or the titlescreen? Did you try pressing the button on the joystick to start the game? If the titlescreen looks the same than you probably have one of the unfortunate PAL TV's I mentioned, which would be great news for me 😄 Otherwise I hope I just put too much stuff in vblank 😬 But I would really like to know more

It must be the title screen, if I press a button on the Joystick nothing changes, still the same weird picture/...


I tried it with two 2600, one feeding the video signal through a capture card and one connected by SVIDEO to a TV.


Maybe I can try a third one which feeds the signal by RF into the TV.

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Happy New Year! ZeroPage Homebrew is playing Button on today's ZPH stream LIVE on Twitch! Hope you can join us in the chat!




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19 minutes ago, Prizrak said:

Any chance for an ntsc release?


Works great on my NTSC machine, it's reporting 262 lines and runs at 60fps. I believe the only difference running the PAL60 version on an NTSC machine would be the colours it displays. Just like someone said above some of the colours are just a bit lighter/different as you can see in the screenshot below. Saying that, it shouldn't be too difficult to create an NTSC release with altered colours, there's plenty of examples in the forums on how to quickly make two builds from the same source code for NTSC & PAL palettes.


- James



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/12/2024 at 3:09 AM, r_chase said:

Please keep working on this. I'm really excited to see where it goes. ❤️

Okidoki 🧡 I added support for scrolling nusiz copies on and off the screen, but I would really like to know that it's not over cycling on real hardware before I start making levels, so if anyone wants to volunteer for a test that would be nice




Edited by Lillapojkenpåön
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1 hour ago, Lillapojkenpåön said:

Okidoki 🧡 I added support for scrolling nusiz copies on and off the screen, but I would really like to know that it's not over cycling on real hardware before I start making levels, so if anyone wants to volunteer for a test that would be nice




I love your fancy scrolling method of changing levels, but I don't think it's really necessary for single-screen levels. Then again, I don't have the actual hardware to test this (i.e. no flash cart, but I do have an NTSC Atari 2600 Jr.). If you want, you could make a flick-screen version (a la Pitfall) and have the two versions put up to a vote to see which one would work better. Otherwise, it's your game, do whatever you please within reason (like keeping the limitations in mind if you, say, add a thwomp enemy in there.

I'll probably test this on my Lakka device, but again, I hope somebody tests on real hardware as well. Have fun, everyone. ❤️

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3 hours ago, r_chase said:

I tested it on my Lakka/RetroArch device and it works very well so far.  More challenging than last time though. Good job. ❤️

Thanks, nice to know it works on something 🙂 Yes the Bubble Bobble inspired screen transition isn't necessary, but then again.. what is? 🤷‍♂️ It's the only exciting thing from my point of view so I'm not removing it 😁 I just have to unroll a loop if it over cycles. Thwomp spikes!! so obvious that I didn't think of it, thanks!

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You managed to give depth to objects like doors and windows. I love this type of trick when done on the Atari 2600, I also loved the new soundtrack, very engaging.
It's incredible how you can get stone milk out of a console designed in the 70s. The new puzzles are really cool. Reminds me of those cell phone games like Super Meat Boy.

Edited by alfredtdk
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10 hours ago, Lillapojkenpåön said:

Okidoki 🧡 I added support for scrolling nusiz copies on and off the screen, but I would really like to know that it's not over cycling on real hardware before I start making levels, so if anyone wants to volunteer for a test that would be nice


Heya @Lillapojkenpåön!


Everything looks a lot smoother and you've fixed just about every drop out but I did find one. About 25 frames after you click the fire button after dying there will be one frame of 310 lines, then a frame of 20 lines and then it'll go back to the normal 262 lines.






It will manifest through my RetroTINK5x on my screen like this, a flash of the garbled title screen, stored in memory to fill in "dropped frames" like the two above.




Other than that I don't think I noticed anything else! Hope this helps!


Here's the video of my playthrough of all the levels for reference. So much death....



- James


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