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34 minutes ago, ZeroPage Homebrew said:


Heya @Lillapojkenpåön!


Everything looks a lot smoother and you've fixed just about every drop out but I did find one. About 25 frames after you click the fire button after dying there will be one frame of 310 lines, then a frame of 20 lines and then it'll go back to the normal 262 lines.

Thanks James! Yes after dying, when you push the button everything fades to black in an attempt to hide the over cycling that happens when I scroll in the level again (to repair broken playfield blocks) as fast as possible.
I was hoping I would get away with it since I sync up before I fade in again, but I was pretty sure there would be problems with upscalers and such.
No biggie, I'll make sure to stay bellow 262 even when the screen is just black 👍


1 hour ago, alfredtdk said:

You managed to give depth to objects like doors and windows. I love this type of trick when done on the Atari 2600, I also loved the new soundtrack, very engaging.
It's incredible how you can get stone milk out of a console designed in the 70s. The new puzzles are really cool. Reminds me of those cell phone games like Super Meat Boy.

Thanks!! Glad you like it!

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On 12/30/2023 at 5:44 AM, Lillapojkenpåön said:

Music in first demo: TIA version of John Carpenter's "Bomb the bass", created by Glafouk

Amazing to see a game like this on the 2600! I feel like a few more lives are needed as it's frustrating to not be able to practice the spot where you're dying. There's a reason most games like this have infinite lives.


One nit, this is Bomb the Bass's Megablast :) The new music seems a little out of tune on Stella, which is weird because Megablast was in tune.

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