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Dungeon Adventurer - final version


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Tatqoo and I have finished work on Dungeon Adventurer, the game that took part in the game compo at Last Party 2024.


Changes compared to the "party version" include the removal of quite a few bugs, the addition of new soundtracks (for the "game over" screen and the ending, among others) and the possibility to enter codes, which you get after passing each level.

For those who haven't seen the game yet, brief info:


- 20 levels to complete
- the last level is more difficult, as we can only see the part of the dungeon closest to the hero,
- several items to collect,

- a screen with the ending story.


I recommend reading the manual first so you know how the items work. Requirements: Atari with 48KB RAM.


The game is downloadable from my Gitlab, sources in MadPascal there.



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One little problem if using NTSC, the timer gives you about 31 seconds, in PAL it's about 37 seconds,

wondered why level 2 was a bit hard to get to the timer :(


Also noticed movement tends to overshoot in NTSC, PAL seems more controlled.

Edited by TGB1718
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2 hours ago, Saberman said:



Something wrong in your emulator or grabber - every few columns of the screen is displayed wrong. The best way to see this is in the time bar, which has breaks every few units and shouldn't.


1 hour ago, TGB1718 said:

the timer gives you about 31 seconds, in PAL it's about 37 seconds,

Damn, I was not going to do anything about it anymore, but I'll try to do NTSC detection and give about the same amount of time to colleagues on the other side of the world :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

ZeroPage Homebrew is playing Dungeon Adventurer on today's ZPH stream LIVE on Twitch! Hope you can join us!



  • Dungeon Adventurer (2024 Final | A8) by New Generation / Daniel Koźmiński @dely (Code) / Piotr Świerszcz @tatqoo (Soundtrack)
  • Major Blink (2021 Final | A8) by Jon Williams @Nojeee
  • Laura (2018 | A8) by Arkadiusz Lubaszka @larek (Programming, Concept) / Paweł Szewczyk @ripek(Graphics, Game Intro Design) / Bartłomiej Wieczorkowski @wieczor (Music, Sound Effects)



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Loading the game from DOS 2.5 works, but when I hit "D" in the title to quit to DOS the computer (or game) just hangs and DUP.SYS does not load. Maybe you can correct this or add a simple "R" for reboot or "C" for coldstart ($E477) instead of the quit to DOS option ?


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