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With the manufactured high costs on NES games, anyone here do Famicom to offset that?

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I have had a long interest in the system back a good 20 years now or so originally from weird mulltis to NES shells or the dawn of the ROM dump/release shenanigans I was into in the later half the of the 90s.  When I started to take it more seriously than 72pin limits I got a honeybee like 15 years ago and started scooping up some of the goodies thankfully and I've kept up with it but more seriously in the last couple of years.


One thing even as toxic as it has been even ruining stuff with prices in Japan it's still markedly cheaper buying that than putting up with being shark bait to trolls on US-ebay (etc.)  Often times you can find a game that on chip has little to no language so the only difference is the cool sticker and small plastic shell.  I've wanted back Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu for NES for some time but that being like in the $50-100 range last I looked I noped out on it, but then I was able to grab the FC release for just $20 so I bit.  Years ago when I wanted to get a pinball I offloaded some hitterss, one was BONK (NES-US) because I could pick up the FC game for just $20 (it's like $40 these days vs $800+ for the US one.)   Do any of you go out of your way to get FC versions over the domestic abuse?  Or do you do this maybe with other consoles, handhelds, or just stick to stuff that's regionally unique (like Crisis Force FC) or regionally unique/uncensored (Akamajo Densetsu vs Castlevania 3?)

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I have a couple of games I want as FC CIBs, not because they are cheaper though, I just want them. 


Rock Man 3 - I have the superior PAL version (art-wise) and it's The Mega Man game for me, so it would be nice to have a different version. Goes for way too much for my wallet. 


Solstice - This one is purely for the box art, although the game is great also. Hoping to find a good deal some day. 


Ike Ike! Nekketsu Hockey-but - The best hockey game on the NES and fairly cheap too. Gonna get a copy next time when I go proxy shopping. 

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@Wayler I could totally see that set of choices.  Rock Man's classic anime-ish style art that at least made it into the Mega Man manuals were always dramatically more fantastic and emotionally attachable to a kid gamer than that terrible scifi paperback book CGI garbage art the covers usually got.  I'd take a set of those old Japanese boxes and pop them in a frame for that reason alone.


And I do agree I own that hockey game, my cares for Blades of Steel aside it's amazing... kunio ass kicking and low rules hockey are a great combo.  The basketball game is pretty decent too but it's asininely expensive being a late title.

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No. Zero nostalgia factor for me, plus it's more of a pain to use them on my toaster, not to mention store on my shelf (no top labels, mostly). I just use a flash cart if something's too expensive for me to add to my collection.

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F1 Race always was a surprisingly fun one for me when I discovered it a long time ago, that and the FC version of Final Lap too.  It was a really nice moment when I ended up getting F1 Race a year ago or two locally, just walked into a store that wouldn't take it so I did for a couple dollars and I've got far more use out of it vs value. :D  The tracks are nice, the variety is there especially given the age.

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Goonies is on my maybe-list, because I remember liking this one on some multicart and the famicom version has awesome box art. And did this ever even got a release release in the west? This one seems to be super cheap also. 


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58 minutes ago, Wayler said:

Goonies is on my maybe-list, because I remember liking this one on some multicart and the famicom version has awesome box art. And did this ever even got a release release in the west? This one seems to be super cheap also. 


Not at home, but it did show up in some PlayChoice-10s as Vs. The Goonies apparently.


Goonies II got a worldwide release.

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Very odd that you make a game based on a highly American movie and not release it in the States. But maybe there was some licensing issues or something. 




Another maybe-perhaps is Cho Wakusei Senki Meta Fight, more familiarly know as Blaster Master. Sunsoft's magnum opus for the NES imo. A bit too pricey for me in it's FC incarnation too though. 


Don't know if this is a controversial opinion or not, but I think they made an excellent choice by changing the story line for the Western release. Meta Fight takes place in some other galaxy and is your typical "bad guy takes over the world" ho-hum affair. Sure, the NES premise is quite ridiculous with radioactive barrels laying around in plain sight but it's fun ridiculous. Keeping things on Earth gives the story more gravitas and the whole "another world under the ground" has a sense of mystery to it. Plus, we got a fantastic intro for it, where as the FC version has none. 

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@Wayler I own goonies (1) on the FC and it's a fantastic game, honestly I like it more than Goonies 2 since the level of confusion isn't there the idiotically handled front/back scheme worked with the map so it's just far more enjoyable.


And no I don't think it's controversial at all feeling that way about Meta Fight, not even Japan gamers find that all a big deal.  The NES game dominated the franchise so hard that they took the story and applied it to future stuff for them as well right through the later PS1 release of the franchise.  It's one of those rarer cases where the US game was just so much better and they know it.

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