la1n Posted January 28 Share Posted January 28 (edited) NEW RELEASE: LINEJEWELS (0.6) - FIRST RELEASE (BUG FOUND - UPDATED VERSION COMING SOON) so the task was to create somehow of an action game for crossplatform 8-bit. means running on as many old 8bit platforms in basic as possible. the outcome: LINE JEWELS a one key "be jeweled". you have the choice to set the stone in one line and make 3+ or even 2 * 3+ and get the points. you have 50 lines to get as much points as possible. it runs now on C64, ATARI XL, MS-DOS (GW-BASIC), AMSTRAD CPC & BBC MICRO) the code is the same for all platforms except the GetKeyPressed-routine 😞 and the rnd function .-( it was quite a big work to get all together. so you can't use of course graphical commands or even cls. so everything is made with print and print ;. there is so much things that are different in these basics .-( it is a nightmare. even handling of string is different (thanks to atari), others have low memory, others don't have : and and and if you are interesting in the basic-code (one file for all versions) running on C64,AtariXL,MS-DOS(GW), AMSTRAD, MICRO BBC) .-) There can be errors in the code (in the case of atari the concat of strings). Just go over the errors. the code should run. 1 REM LINE JEWELS - CROSS 8BIT PORTABLE BASIC GAME 2 REM NEO LISTING/TYPE IN 8BIT GAME --- 3 REM C64_ VICE - F10 - IMPORT | PET_ WWW.MASSWERK.AT/PET/ 4 REM AMSTRAD (CPC)_ ARNDOLD (AUTOTYPE) 5 REM MICROBBC_ BBCMIC.RO/ MSX_ WEBMSX.ORG (OPTION+B) 6 REM ATARI 800XL_ WWW.ATARIMAC.COM/INDEX.PHP 7 REM ------------- COPY FROM HERE ------------------- 8 DIM F$(50):DIM A$(50):DIM AC$(50):DIM CH$(50):DIM MO$(50) 9 DIM RE$(50):DIM L$(50):DIM DX$(50):DIM OB$(50):DIM N$(50) 10 LET A$="" 11 F$="#X.O" 12 MC=0 13 CH$="" 14 LET HC = 420 15 LET AC$="" 16 VE = 0.6 17 DIM GT(10,100) 28 GOTO 70 39 REM SETTINGS 40 A$="" 41 A=0 42 CH=0 43 IF MC=2 THEN GOTO 51 44 IF MC=3 THEN GOTO 56 45 IF MC=4 THEN GOTO 58 46 REM C64-BASIC 47 A = PEEK(197) 48 IF A=10 THEN A$="A": GOTO 69 49 IF A=13 THEN A$="S": GOTO 69 50 GOTO 69 51 REM ATARI 800XL 52 CH=PEEK(764):POKE 764,255:IF CH=255 THEN GOTO 69 53 IF CH=63 THEN A$="A":GOTO 69 54 IF CH=62 THEN A$="S":GOTO 69 55 GOTO 69 56 REM MICRO BBC 57 A$=INKEY$(0):GOTO 69 58 REM GW-BASIC, MSX, AMSTRAD (ATTENTION UPPERCASE) 59 A$=INKEY$ 69 GOTO 1320 70 REM GO ON 80 SP = 60 95 TS = 0 97 REM BASIC DARTHMOUTH > 64 - ONLY 2BYTE VAR NAMES! 100 GOSUB 5000 101 OB$ = "#XO." 102 PRINT "<#><.><O><O>" 103 PRINT "<#><O><O><X><X>" 104 PRINT "" 105 PRINT "LINEJEWELS - ONE BUTTON JEWLERY ";VE 106 PRINT "" 117 PRINT "ONE SOURCE FOR ALL OF THEM" 118 PRINT "NEO LISTING / TYPE-IN 8BIT-GAME" 111 PRINT "BY CHLUDENS.CH (EXPER. ARCHEOLOGY)" 112 PRINT "GREETINGS R. WERNER, S. HOELTGEN" 113 PRINT "USAGE: <S> SET STONE " 114 PRINT " <A> ONE FORWARD" 115 PRINT "TODO : CREATE 3+ LINES" 116 PRINT " WITH THE DIAMONDS ";OB$ 117 PRINT "HIGHSCORE: ";HC 128 REM PRINT " ";CHR$(7);CHR$(7);CHR$(7) 130 PRINT " " 131 PRINT "COMPUTER: 1:C64 2:ATARI 800XL " 132 PRINT " 3:MICRO BBC " 133 PRINT " 4:MSDOS(GW),MSX,AMSTRAD " 134 INPUT MC 135 PRINT "" 136 PRINT "" 137 PRINT "GET RICH! " 138 PRINT "(NO CHANCE IF ARE NOT YET)" 139 PRINT "" 500 SC = 0 510 LI = 0 520 X = 0 530 AC$ = "#" 540 REM 1000 REM NEXT LINE 1001 GOSUB 6000 1002 AC$ = CH$ 1005 X = 0 1006 MO$ = "INTERACTIVE" 1007 RE$ = "" 1008 REM IF SC<10000 THEN PRINT ;" "; 1009 IF SC<1000 THEN PRINT ;" "; 1010 IF SC<100 THEN PRINT ;" "; 1011 IF SC <10 THEN PRINT ;" "; 1012 L$ = "" 1013 IF LI>40 THEN L$=" " 1015 PRINT STR$(SC);" !";L$;STR$(50-LI);"! ";AC$;" ! "; 1100 GOSUB 6000 1110 REM 1119 KP = 0 1120 IF LI<2 THEN MO$ = "FORWARD" 1190 IF MO$<>"INTERACTIVE" THEN GOTO 1410 1199 H = 0 1200 REM --- CHECK KEYS AND PAUSE --- 1300 REM . 1305 REM . 1310 GOTO 40 1320 IF A$="S" THEN CH$ = AC$ 1330 IF A$="S" THEN MO$ = "ENDLINE" 1332 IF A$="S" THEN RE$ = " >" 1333 IF A$="S" THEN KP = 1 1334 IF A$="S" THEN GOTO 1410 1335 IF A$="A" THEN GOTO 1410 1336 IF A$="s" THEN CH$ = AC$ 1337 IF A$="s" THEN MO$ = "ENDLINE" 1338 IF A$="s" THEN RE$ = " >" 1339 IF A$="s" THEN KP = 1 1340 IF A$="s" THEN GOTO 1410 1341 IF A$="a" THEN GOTO 1410 1351 H = H + 1 1352 SP = (50 - LI)/2 1360 IF H<SP THEN GOTO 1200 1410 PRINT CH$; 1411 LET FV = 0 1412 GOSUB 7000 1418 REM ---- 1420 GT(X,LI)=FV 1425 IF KP = 0 THEN GOTO 2000 1430 REM CHECK ALL - VERTICAL - HORIZONTAL ETC 1431 TS = 0 1432 FOR Q=0 TO 3 1433 VX = 0 1434 REM TS=0 1435 VY = -1 1436 GOSUB 7000 1438 IF Q=3 THEN VY = 0 1439 IF Q=3 THEN VX = -1 1440 CO = 0 1441 IF Q=1 THEN VX = -1 1442 IF Q=2 THEN VX = 1 1443 SX = X 1444 SY = LI 1445 SX = SX + VX 1446 SY = SY + VY 1447 CO = CO + 1 1460 IF SX<0 THEN GOTO 1500 1461 IF SY<0 THEN GOTO 1500 1462 IF SX>10 THEN GOTO 1500 1470 IF GT(SX,SY)=FV THEN GOTO 1445 1500 REM 1510 REM RE$ = RE$ + "";CO 1511 DX$ = "!" 1512 IF Q=1 THEN DX$ = "!" 1513 IF Q=2 THEN DX$ = "/" 1514 IF Q=3 THEN DX$ = "-" 1520 IF CO>2 THEN TS = TS + (CO*10) 1521 IF MC=2 THEN IF CO>2 THEN RE$(LEN(RE$)+1)= STR$(CO) 1522 IF MC=2 THEN IF CO>2 THEN RE$(LEN(RE$)+1)= DX$:GOTO 1524 1523 IF CO>2 THEN RE$ = RE$ + "" + STR$(CO) + ""+DX$ 1524 REM IF MC<>2 THEN IF CO>2 THEN PRINT CHR$(7); 1600 NEXT Q 2000 X = X + 1 2010 REM 2020 REM 2400 IF X<10 THEN GOTO 1100 2405 SC = SC + TS 2406 IF MC=2 THEN IF TS>0 THEN RE$(LEN(RE$)+1)=STR$(TS):GOTO 2410 2407 IF TS>0 THEN RE$ = RE$ + " +" + STR$(TS) 2410 IF RE$<>"" THEN PRINT RE$; 2500 PRINT " " 2510 LI = LI + 1 2520 IF LI>49 THEN GOTO 7050 2600 REM 3900 GOTO 1000 4000 END 5000 REM CLS 5010 FOR T=0 TO 40 5020 PRINT " " 5030 NEXT T 5040 RETURN 6000 REM GET NEXT CHAR 6001 C = RND(4) 6002 IF C=0 THEN GOTO 6007 6003 IF C=1 THEN GOTO 6007 6004 IF C=2 THEN GOTO 6007 6005 IF C=3 THEN GOTO 6007 6006 C = INT(RND(1)*4) 6007 REM C64 ETC 6020 CH$ = "#" 6030 IF C=1 THEN CH$ = "X" 6040 IF C=2 THEN CH$ = "O" 6050 IF C=3 THEN CH$ = "." 6060 RETURN 7000 REM GET FIELD VALUE FROM CH$ 7009 FV = 0 7010 IF CH$="X" THEN FV = 1 7020 IF CH$="O" THEN FV = 2 7030 IF CH$="." THEN FV = 3 7040 RETURN 7050 PRINT " " 7055 PRINT "END OF THE GAME" 7060 IF SC<HC THEN GOTO 7065 7061 PRINT "" 7062 PRINT "NEW HIGHSCORE! ";SC 7063 HC=SC 7065 PRINT " " 7070 PRINT "ANOTHER TRY? Y | N" 7080 INPUT N$ 7090 IF N$="Y" THEN GOTO 500 Spoiler Edited January 28 by la1n 1 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shanti77 Posted January 28 Share Posted January 28 On Atari there are 2 syntax errors on lines 1521 and 2407. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
la1n Posted January 28 Author Share Posted January 28 (edited) i updated the code. the code should run now. but with the same errors. just go over it. it runs with this errors. Edited January 28 by la1n Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
la1n Posted January 28 Author Share Posted January 28 51 minutes ago, shanti77 said: On Atari there are 2 syntax errors on lines 1521 and 2407. i updated the code. the code should run now. but with the same errors. just go over it. it runs with this errors. it is about concat strings and atari basic can't concat string with + .-( can you test it again? thanks Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ricky Spanish Posted March 3 Share Posted March 3 (edited) On 1/28/2024 at 11:49 AM, la1n said: can you test it again? thanks 1523 & 2407 syntax errors. I have zero clue on how to fix that. It's just 'odd'. I pressed '2' for 800XL. Using BAsic XE. Dunno how yours runs. Edited March 3 by Ricky Spanish Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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