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What is your best score in Double Dragon?


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It's not really that difficult. I beat it the second day that I played it. I was terribly frustrated with it for a few hours. However, the music grew on me and when I got the timing down on my attacks, it was off to the races for my score.


You should move out of the way of the boxes/barrels. IIRC, when those certain battles began, I would move to about the verticle middle of the screen. Just as the box was about to be thrown, I would move backwards and down as quickly as possible and the box would miss me overhead. Then I would not try to pick it up. I would attack the enemy with kicks from slightly below his screen position. This will drive him back enough after a few knockdowns so you can get the box and throw it off the other side of the screen so it is no longer a threat to you. Or launch it back at the enemy, but this is more risky! Good luck. PM me if I can be of any more help. And don't forget to send in you score to Ron at Twin Galaxies for verification-- you'd currently be in second place! The most difficult thing near the end is the timer. It was difficult for me to clear missions 3 and 4 without running down to 0.

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Well I guess I have 15 screens to go judging from that map. I made it exactly halfway through. Anyone who has beaten the game have any tips for avoiding the box that Abobo throws? I managed to jump kick over it once but that doesn't seem to be very reliable.


Here's what I do with enemies. I kick as I move down. It's kind of a glitch, because you don't actually touch them, but it connects, and it seems to keep me fairly safe.


As for Abobo, I think they're measured in how many times they fall down. Could be wrong, though. Try the elbow smash with them. I'd usually throw a box, knock them down, then start doing the down kick thing, before they could pick up the box.

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Play in the Console Challenge this month!!




So, when can I expect a ColecoVision DKong score from ya? ;)


Donkey Kong is quite probably my favorite game of all time. I'm not bad at it, but let's just say I won't be challenging to WR on the arcade version yet. I don't have a Colecovision or any of its games. I don't even have any emulator working on my PC for it, and I've tried a few times! Right now I'm pretty much stuck with Atari 2600/7800 stuff(my favorite anyway). I would like to get a 5200 and Intellivision sometime.



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Yes, that was me who made the map. I did it just to prove that I had beat the game. As for tips, the easiest way to defeat any enemy is to move diagonally down and kick. Unfortunately you need a bit of room to do this. What I usually do is stand in the lower left corner to start each screen. As the enemy comes near me, I time punches and kicks to hit them at exactly the right time. This takes a lot of practice to get right. Once you defeat all the enemies at the bottom of the screen, I start to work on the others by using the kick method above.


As for Aboba, the easiest way to knock him down is with an elbow. Once again, you need a lot of room to do this successfully.


I have to admit, the game is very frustrating, but the end music is worth beating the game once.

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I have to admit, the game is very frustrating, but the end music is worth beating the game once.


I whole heartedly agree!! :D The music is the coolest! Also, my method of play is exactly like you described except for the elbow on Abobo. I just use the regular kicking method. It takes 4 kick instead of 3 like on the others enemies.

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My best score is having never played this game :D


truer words were never spoken.


any game where you have to learn how to overcome the glitched collision detection just to survive is a huge turd. i dont care if it has nice music or is technically well done for the system. anyone remember the 'amazing 4096 color display' of the turd ass amiga game heart of the dragon? its the spiritual successor to 2600 double dragon. and there will always be games that are techincally excellent and play like crap cause people buy graphics.

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My best score is having never played this game :D


truer words were never spoken.



Oh Poo Poo! There is no collision detection error. The game's playfield is supposed to simulate 3-D, IMHO. ;)


wow so in 3d, solid obects can pass through each other? and punches and kicks can can go right through your opponent as if they are phasing? maybe the enemies in 2600 double dragon have matrix-like abilities and it's actually a matrix game, but way ahead of it's time? :-)

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My best score is having never played this game :D


truer words were never spoken.



Oh Poo Poo! There is no collision detection error. The game's playfield is supposed to simulate 3-D, IMHO. ;)


wow so in 3d, solid obects can pass through each other? and punches and kicks can can go right through your opponent as if they are phasing? maybe the enemies in 2600 double dragon have matrix-like abilities and it's actually a matrix game, but way ahead of it's time? :-)


Now I think you are ALMOST ready to try a game of Double Dragon, for real. :lolblue: :P

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