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Side car enhancements


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Well I'm about 2/3rds of the way through, building the side car ti994a-rom-grom-ram-and-floppy-emulator device mentioned here https://www.kernelcrash.com/blog/the-ti-99-4a/ and the github is here https://github.com/kernelcrash/ti994a-rom-grom-ram-and-floppy-emulator.

 I'm showing a photo of it next to @JasonACT's Pi Pico[W] Peripheral Expansion Box Side Port Device for comparison. TI still have to run data and address wires and signal wires. The total in money spent on this was about 25.00 in material and shipping since I already had wire and switches and some of the headers. This is about the cheapest one could go on an all in one mini peripherial expansion and it probably can be upgraded some, the programming that will reside in it soon only gives it 32k, rom,grom, and disk emulation, but I believe the STM32 dev board can do a lot more of course.




Edited by RickyDean
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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Here is an updated on the board design. All I have left to do really is place vias and run traces to the various pins on the connectors from the traces on the bottom and run traces for the switches. My idea is to run traces to the pins called for on the build of the ti994a-rom-grom-ram-and-floppy-emulator, then to let some additional vias pass through in case of some kind of upgrade.

TI 32k rom grom sidecar.jpg

TI 32k rom grom sidecar back.jpg

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Posted (edited)

Well here is pictures of the completed board. I'm going to have it and a couple of other things sent out this week to have PCB's made. I will look it over with a fresh eye tomorrow before doing it. This a daughter board to interface witht the TI using a STM32F407VET6 Development Board STM32 Board like this one https://evelta.com/stm32f407vet6-development-board-stm32-board/.



TI 32k rom grom sidecar complete.jpg

TI 32k rom grom sidecar pcb.jpg

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interesting idea, i have looked at the kernelcrash project on github https://github.com/kernelcrash/ti994a-rom-grom-ram-and-floppy-emulator and it is interesting way to do it, instead of using a raspberry, so many different options. i going to look at building a similar breakout board to try this out myself as well at some point.

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Posted (edited)

I sent off the gerbers today for the APEDSK sidecar and my APEDSK with fingers today as well as my STM32 TI ROM GROM DISK sidecar. All gerbers were accepted and production is starting. I should have boards in about 2-3 weeks to play with.

I've just got to find out if I'm programming the STM32 correctly as I've not gotten it to respond on my prototype board. Locks up with black screen. All wires seem run correctly, so I'm assuming it's the programming that's at fault. The author really doesn't give a good description of how to program it. Looking at his other repositories, it seems that there are some variations in how to programm it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
46 minutes ago, RickyDean said:

Here is the PCB company's rendition of the STM32 rom grom disk ram interface sidecar. This is my first PCB, done by me.





Looks nice. I want to get one of these built myself to see how it all works, the kernalcrash design using just a stm32 has alot of possibilities.

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10 minutes ago, HOME AUTOMATION said:




Needs some blinking bright red leds and a speaker to say red alert when you power it up.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Well here is the first production board ready to use with a STM32F407VET6 board. I've got one programmed, but not sure if it's done right as I get the KCTFS binary that I created from his files a few weeks ago to show as the second option on the TI screen, but when I choose it, it goes into the first screen with what seems to be a proper view, bit it doesn't show the dir of the SD card as described and when I hit most any button it locks up. So I'll have to do a bit more slewing. He did not give clear crisp instruction on how to program and set things up, at least in my opinion.



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