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Experimental 2600+ Firmware and Dumper


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8 hours ago, Dionoid said:

I'm sure no one but you thinks that's funny. After you trolled and insulted JVR multiple times (calling him drunk?), he turned away from AtariAge. And he had valid criticism on Atari IMO.

We had a chance to interact with the original Atari 2600 H.E.R.O. game designer, but we've ended up with you trolling people on this forum.

Rather sad than funny.

You don’t know the backstory. I do. 

and - for the record - I didn't actually "accuse him" of being a drunk. I made a variation on the "Go home, you're drunk" meme/joke that people have been using on forums like this and social media when someone shows up and starts posting erratically, since... forever.


I did accuse him of being an imposter, yes. Because it seemed odd to me that a guy who worked on Atari games 40/50 years ago would suddenly turn up here out of the blue and start shitting on Atari and it's fans. But then I found out there was a pre-history to his outbursts that explains it. He was disgruntled with Atari.


Edited by John Stamos Mullet
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12 minutes ago, shane857 said:

Yes, I used to do the same. Now that I've boxed up my original VCS I hot swap carts on the 2600+ all the time. It's perfectly safe.


Until it is not, especially on original carts, people have killed carts with "frying" on the original systems.

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Going through my games again just to double check with 1.1x-r5 and Dumper x.02.


So far all of my Homebrews work great!



Circus Convoy 

Medieval Mayhem 

Wall Jump Ninja

Robot City

Juno First


Fall Down






All my 7800 games work great!



Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong Jr

Ms. Pac-Man


Dig Dug


Pole Position 


Robotron 2084

Fight Night

Food Fight

Hat Trick



Ace of Aces

Super Skateboardin



I’m going through my 2600 games now. I’ll report my findings when I finish.



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16 minutes ago, Striker667xbl said:

The carts are dumped into memory and not read anymore once loaded. It's safe to remove them, but nothing wrong with playing it extra extra safe either.


READING has nothing to do with it, it will only be safe, if the circuitry inside cuts the power to the slot!


EDIT: This is especially the case for the original cart slot, without the dividers.  

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1 minute ago, TornadoTJ said:

It wasn't good on the ST or the C64 either. I've tried several times to play my 7800 version and I just don't get it, it's like I'm stuck in molasses.

I used to have this on the 7800 back in the day, UK owner here bought it never having heard that much about it as it wasn't available on the ZX Spectrum or Amstrad home computers that I had.


I remember enjoying it on the 7800, even though it wasn't the most fluid of games, but unfortunately I've lost all my 7800 collection so can't try it now to see if I was just a bit uncritical back then!

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9 hours ago, Slider271 said:

I used to have this on the 7800 back in the day, UK owner here bought it never having heard that much about it as it wasn't available on the ZX Spectrum or Amstrad home computers that I had.


I remember enjoying it on the 7800, even though it wasn't the most fluid of games, but unfortunately I've lost all my 7800 collection so can't try it now to see if I was just a bit uncritical back then!

My advice, stay away.

As a Speccy owner play Ik+ or The Way of the Exploding Fist. Karateka is truly one of he worst commercially released games I have ever played.

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12 hours ago, TornadoTJ said:

It wasn't good on the ST or the C64 either. I've tried several times to play my 7800 version and I just don't get it, it's like I'm stuck in molasses.

I had a pirate copy for my 800XL and enjoyed it 🤷‍♂️


Still have the retrospective game from Digital Eclipse on my PS wish list 😁

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I have a PAL multigame cartridge in which two of them display the wrong colors and the screen is scrolled down, making it impossible to see your lives in one of them.
Apart from that, these two games run at 60Hz despite being a PAL cartridge.
Here I leave an example of one of them (I am aware that those are the colors that the NTSC version must have but this version should be PAL and run at 50Hz)





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51 minutes ago, AtariYMás009 said:

I have a PAL multigame cartridge in which two of them display the wrong colors and the screen is scrolled down, making it impossible to see your lives in one of them.
Apart from that, these two games run at 60Hz despite being a PAL cartridge.
Here I leave an example of one of them (I am aware that those are the colors that the NTSC version must have but this version should be PAL and run at 50Hz)





Can you please provide the debug info?


Thanks a lot,


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10 hours ago, CPUWIZ said:


Like I said, there are 2 sides to every story, you have yours.  I am not going to go into details, which is why I said "leave it at that".



That is not my side, that is the public side.  That is what John Van Ryzin twice asked for here.






Maybe deleting the account isnt an option with the forum software and ban is all that is available?  If that is the case it does not look to see him banned.

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