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It's Time For Sega To Rejoin The Console Market...


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If they wanted to seriously compete with the other 3, they would probably release a console similar to the Xbox and PS anyway, with the exact same multi-platform games plus a few SEGA exclusives (and you wouldn't even have Total War or Football Manager since they're not released on consoles anyway). So frankly, what the point? Once again, a SEGA-branded Xbox or PlayStation might work better for both SEGA and Microsoft/Sony.

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13 hours ago, roots.genoa said:

If they wanted to seriously compete with the other 3, they would probably release a console similar to the Xbox and PS anyway, with the exact same multi-platform games plus a few SEGA exclusives (and you wouldn't even have Total War or Football Manager since they're not released on consoles anyway). So frankly, what the point? Once again, a SEGA-branded Xbox or PlayStation might work better for both SEGA and Microsoft/Sony.

Or forego a console completely for a cloud subscription service. My living room TV keeps advertising Xbox Game pass everytime I turn it on. Just synch a controller and subscribe. They had Sega Forever mobile service but that ran it's course already and was cancelled.

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Given that the Xbox was basically the Dreamcast 2.0, the most current Xbox was have is likely where Sega would have ended up. Hard to see them doing something radically different a la Nintendo given the market's taste and their trajectory.

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  • 2 months later...
On 2/24/2024 at 7:26 PM, dudeguy said:

it would probably sell really well for older gamers but I can't see Gen Z or younger wanting it. They have zero connection to the Sega hardware brand. And that's a huge demographic to lose out on. Sega would have to offer something that Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony isn't, and I don't know what that is

Ironically i think, speaking as someone of that demographic, it might be best if they actually had a decent cartridge based console for their older titles. Sometimes i feel weird for getting a Sega Genesis in the 2010's, then i randomly find some kids on youtube with a crappy clone console and the most war torn copy of sonic 2 plugged into a 30 Inch LCD TV held up by 4 loose screws and hope...


And idk i guess we like the inconveniences of the past as like a secondary medium, just hook it to HDMI2 or 3 when you're bored of PS5 or whatever :P

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Also yeah, i'm not sure that sega could do anything in the modern landscape, Best i see is idk... A line of pre-built gaming PCs or marketing the newest Xbox consoles in Japan. However as i said above, i do think that they could do something similar to modern atari and just support legacy hardware in a capacity [at least one better than just littering poor excuses for emulation boxes onto stores] I feel like thats the best route for Sega in hardware, and there are many genesis clones and the like on the market, [of EXTREMELY varying quality] they wouldnt even have to do the hard work then, find a good one and put a Genesis logo on it, maybe greenlight some reproduction carts and live off royalties!

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Many companies have been trying to be in the 4th place in the console market, and it's almost confirmed that this is the last Xbox generation, and not considering all of the pre built PCs the Evercade would be at this place, which probably hasn't even sold 100k units and after that are all of the retro consoles like the 2600+ and clone consoles. Anything that Sega could do would be very niche, and maybe a Dreamcast 2 wouldn't be way to go, a Mini would be welcome though.

20 hours ago, Maztr_0n said:

 However as i said above, i do think that they could do something similar to modern atari and just support legacy hardware in a capacity [at least one better than just littering poor excuses for emulation boxes onto stores] I feel like thats the best route for Sega in hardware, and there are many genesis clones and the like on the market, [of EXTREMELY varying quality] they wouldnt even have to do the hard work then, find a good one and put a Genesis logo on it, maybe greenlight some reproduction carts and live off royalties!

Tectoy already released a new Mega Drive in 2017, they chose a very bad clone and and made it way to expensive to be worth the price. They only have the license to Sega in Brazil though, if the real company marketed the console and made it higher quality it could sell a lot more, it would still be niche, Sega wouldn't live off just that, but if made correctly they definitively could be a small success.

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18 hours ago, M-S said:


Tectoy already released a new Mega Drive in 2017, they chose a very bad clone and and made it way to expensive to be worth the price. They only have the license to Sega in Brazil though, if the real company marketed the console and made it higher quality it could sell a lot more, it would still be niche, Sega wouldn't live off just that, but if made correctly they definitively could be a small success.

yeah kinda my point, i dont have much against minis but i feel like the option of being able to play a cartridge/disc game somehow is a nice feature, i just think sega should just license it to a decent company, or hell idk even just badge the Sega Genesis branding on the analogue SG or whatever its called, pack in Sonic 3 and Knuckles and it'd be golden, or really just about anything, the right amount of funding to the right hands could do wonders, i imagine while niche it would be the best way for them to have a VERY MINOR hardware market slice in a similar way to atari, just something to ACTUALLY satisfy the niche market. Thats what most young people into retro want anyways, and more importantly people older than me want that too...

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