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Main Board Repair


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I recently purchased a Vectrex with the dreaded "White Dot". Tore it apart to see this. C20240303_205728.thumb.jpg.251cfb92704743de8da18cf09951d1f4.jpgan anyone tell me what is going on here? It looks like someone went in and added these bodge wires at some point. I've never seen a Vectrex with these wires, so it's confusing my brain a little. 



Is this normal, or should I remove them? They were not soldered on very well, so my first thought is remove.

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No idea why those yellow bodge wires are there. Someone has recapped the board and there is evidence of rework on some of the chips and resistors. Maybe there are a bunch of lifted pads and ripped traces on the bottom of the board and the bodges were put in as repairs. 

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