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I loved MvC too, but was a bit surprised none of my friends thought it was quite as awesome as I did.  We had spent MONTHS playing SoulCalibur, so I guess I could understand their POV.  Almost every other game (fighter or otherwise) paled in comparison to SC.  Once MvC2 came out, I was stunned and amazed.  It's simply a top-tier game with so many characters to pick from, great gameplay and it looks gorgeous.  I still absolutely love it, and the DC is my go-to version.


So SoulCalibur and MvC2 are at the top of my list, but Dead or Alive 2 is also up there.  Does Ready 2 Rumble Boxing count?  Of course there are the great Neo ports of Mark of the Wolves and Last Blade 2.  Street Fighter III was fun.  I also have a soft spot for Psychic Force 2012.  It wasn't even that great but I remember liking it quite a bit, so that oddball would probably be on my list too.  I haven't played it in years though, and it likely didn't age well.

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22 hours ago, glazball said:

Psychic Force 2012

The anime art and floating arenas always looked cool in this one. I can't play anything that doesn't boot into VGA or with Codebreaker now so this one's a no go for me.


22 hours ago, glazball said:

Does Ready 2 Rumble Boxing count? 

Sure why not? I liked building up a fighter in this one. And it's still fun to play a round or two. I'd think Power Stone counts too. Though I only have the first one. 


22 hours ago, glazball said:

Dead or Alive 2

This has been my guilty pleasure for a number of years now. The tag throws and combos in this one, the physics, it's pretty well done and I like the characters in it too. 

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I played MvC on the Saturn, never saw it on Dreamcast.

[edit:  my memory was wrong. MvC is great on DC, I love the 2D backgrounds]. 

MVC 2 is a great Dreamcast fighter.  

Dead or alive 2 stands right up there with soul caliber on Dreamcast. The programming and art on DOA2 is excellent. Kicking opponents out of the arena and dropping down to the next level never gets old. 

however, the Dreamcast controller takes some getting used to when playing fighting games, unfortunately.

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1 hour ago, Cafeman said:

however, the Dreamcast controller takes some getting used to when playing fighting games, unfortunately.

I picked this fightstick up awhile ago. This particular version of it is wired for Saturn with a Dreamcast adapter in it. It makes everything way more playable.



    I also was using a Retro Fighters Striker controller. It is good for shooters but both larger shoulder triggers snapped off from playing fighters very quickly. Not as well made as I'd hoped, especially since they aren't cheap.

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Guilty Gear X is my favorite fighter on the system. It was absolutely stunning when it came out, I had never seen 2D artwork look so good up to that point. It’s still a looker now, IMO.


The Dreamcast is host to loads of quality fighters. My other favorites are mostly Capcom, like MvC 1 and 2, Street Fighter III: Third Strike, Street Fighter Alpha 3 and Capcom Vs. SNK.

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16 hours ago, Austin said:

Guilty Gear X is my favorite fighter on the system

Thanks for reminding me. I kept forgetting to grab this one, it's pretty cheap from Japan. It will promptly show up a month from now. Have you played Strive? They have a couple cabs with Strive hooked up at a local Round1 here that I like.

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I always liked the unique and technical nature of Genki's Virtua Fighter 3tb port.  The game's presentation pales next to that of DOA2 and Soul Calibur, but the gameplay is there.  The arenas have undulations and slopes and even walls,  all of which change the gameplay compared to other VF's and similar fighters.   At the time, having Aoi and Taka-Arashi characters was an exciting addition to the VF series.  I don't think Taka was in VF4 either, returning years later in the VF5 series.


18 hours ago, Austin said:

Guilty Gear X is my favorite fighter on the system. It was absolutely stunning when it came out, I had never seen 2D artwork look so good up to that point. It’s still a looker now, IMO.


I had forgotten this game existed. I never played it or saw it in-person but I know I'd have enjoyed it. 

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  • 5 months later...

It isn't often that you see terrain variation in any fighting game outside of the Smash Bros series. VF3tb and Mace: The Dark Age were the two instances of such on the top of my head. I'm glad that the former is getting a bit more recognition these days seeing that almost nobody talks about it when compared to what came before and after.

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I haven't played fighting games with any regularity since the heyday of MK and SF2.  Even then, it wasn't with much depth. 


I've been pretty curious about the genre for a few years but there are so many damn series, many of them with loads of different sequels and iterations, that it just seems so daunting.  Another thing I have noticed is that playing exclusively against the computer is just not very fun with fighting games.


I've got my Dreamcast hooked up to arcade controls using a Brook Retro Board.  What would be a good entry point for fighting games on DC, in particular for someone who almost always plays alone?


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Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 or Guilty Gear X. Pretty easy to pick up with dial-a-combos, but also pretty deep as well. Also, they are both some of the best looking games on the system.


The 3D fighters are good, but matches are generally really short and they are better suited for human vs. human play.

Edited by Austin
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