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ABBUC Software Competition 2024 opened

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Ruff in Trouble/Game/shanti77


in checking status:
Infinity / Game / Dr.Irata
F-16 Falcon Strike/Game/Roeoender

Landlord/Game/Torsten Helbig
Dimos Underworld/Game/8bitJunkie


in competition:
1K RainBox / Game/ Frederik Holst
Twist of Souls/Game/LarsimNetz
Line Runner-24/Game/Peter Hinz
Eat-Me!/Game/Peter Hinz


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Posted (edited)



in checking status:


in competition:

Ruff in Trouble/Game/shanti77

Infinity / Game / Dr.Irata
F-16 Falcon Strike/Game/Roeoender

Landlord/Game/Thorsten Helbig (WASEO)
Dimos Underworld/Game/8bitJunkie

1K RainBox / Game/ Frederik Holst
Twist of Souls/Game/LarsimNetz
Line Runner-24/Game/Peter Hinz
Eat-Me!/Game/Peter Hinz



Edited by holgibo
Name Thorsten Helbig(Waseo)corrected
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Final submission status:

in checking status:



in competition:

Ruff in Trouble/Game/shanti77

Infinity / Game / Dr.Irata
F-16 Falcon Strike/Game/Roeoender

Landlord/Game/Thorsten Helbig (WASEO)
Dimos Underworld/Game/8bitJunkie

1K RainBox / Game/ Frederik Holst
Twist of Souls/Game/LarsimNetz
Line Runner-24/Game/Peter Hinz
Eat-Me!/Game/Peter Hinz




From now on, no new submissions will be accepted.

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  • 3 weeks later...
6 hours ago, shanti77 said:

Ruff in Trouble first level gameplay

This is incredible! Is it still 8-bit Atari computer? ;)


Once again you have shown that miracles are possible. Thank you very much. :)

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Absolutely fantastic!! Its been developed a lot over the last few months that much is clear.


Some of the new traps and enemies are great. Really well animated too. Wow, can't wait to see this one developed further. I am hoping perhaps some weapon upgrades (multi projectile?) and perhaps artifacts,(temporary immunity or temporary increased damage with ammunition).  


Keep up the good work shanti77. 😀


Edited by Beeblebrox
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8 hours ago, Beeblebrox said:

Absolutely fantastic!! Its been developed a lot over the last few months that much is clear.


Some of the new traps and enemies are great. Really well animated too. Wow, can't wait to see this one developed further. I am hoping perhaps some weapon upgrades (multi projectile?) and perhaps artifacts,(temporary immunity or temporary increased damage with ammunition).  


Keep up the good work shanti77. 😀


@shanti77 as per my earlier post above, amazing  work. Is there a downloadable xex for this new level 1 demo just out of interest? Thx

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Just seen this comment  over on atarionline.pl which I thought  I'd share :)


The game "Ruff in trouble" takes part in the Abbuc Software Contest (ASC) 2024. Like most of Shanti's games, it requires 128K RAM and no other upgrades. And if I remember correctly the ASC version has 3 levels. Think it will be released in October 2024 - with the next Abbuc magazine...


Thanks To Charliechaplin 



Edited by Beeblebrox
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It would be great if those of the contest participants who are using such special techniques could explain in a blog post or series or video how they did what the did (at least in general). Then others (like me) who have no idea how this could be done on a 1.79MHz machine could learn from it and use similar approaches in other kinds of games, and even non-Atari users could learn from the general ideas. I'm still marvelling at last year's Time Wizard and how even theoretically this could be done on our little machine. Back in the days, we had magazines where people like Peter Finzel would have a series of articles explaining their knowledge, but this kind of format no longer seems to exist in the web these days. So please, all you wizards, spread the knowledge so that such kind of games can be produced for many more decades to come :)!

Edited by freetz
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52 minutes ago, Mathy said:

PS for those who don't recognize the music: "Carmina Burana" by Carl Orff.

Apologies for the off topic.  But anyone interested in this piece of music, do a search for "Carmina Burana Doors".

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11 hours ago, Stephen said:

Apologies for the off topic.  But anyone interested in this piece of music, do a search for "Carmina Burana Doors".

Or as my late wife and I used to describe it, after hearing it in the movie "Excalibur" back in the day, 'The Galloping choir'.

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On 8/29/2024 at 8:16 AM, roeoender said:


Here is a teaser video for my ABBUC software contest entry - new combat flight simulator for ATARI XL/XE 🙂

Please watch with sound for best experience ;)


B.A.R.F. - what a great acronym


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10 hours ago, 8Bitjunkie said:

Wow! Awesome! 

So just a related note. I am always amazed at how talented A8 coders can push the sometimes quirky graphics modes of the little Atari, and even create new ones.


This game is inspired by the Amiga game Ruff n ready:


A few years back there was a thread which was experimenting with PAL blending techniques and one of the proof of concept demo game engines - which I have thought amazing - also took direct inspiration from the aforementioned Amiga platformer/shooter:


Check it out:





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@shanti77 - I am wondering why your document says “works with the PAL system”. So far, I have not seen a problem playing your game in NTSC. 


I volunteer for ABBUC and we were asked to try out the ATRs for the contest. That is why I saw your game early. 

I am thinking I may run into problems later as I get better at your game. 

I have enjoyed your previous games so I am hoping it will continue to work correctly in NTSC. 

Bob C

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