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Request: Need .XEX Files for Prototype Cartridges

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I've noticed that there are a number of prototype roms (in .CAR or .ROM format) that have never been converted to .XEX format.  Does anyone know if .XEX files exist for the following?  I think all of these are available, otherwise I can supply the files.


Cheez Wiz

Defender Prototype (the newer Rev 2 version)

Frisky Tom (Bug fixed version)
Jr. Pac-Man (7-10-84 version, not the 5200 conversion)

Looney Tunes Hotel (5200 proto)
Mc Donalds (Pac-Mac)

Rent Wars


I also couldn't find .XEX files for these non-prototype games


Princess and Frog
Zaxxon (the new bug fixed version)


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I have these three.

Rent Wars.xex


Looney Tunes Hotel (5200).xex


2 hours ago, Tempest said:

Defender Prototype (the newer Rev 2 version)
Jr. Pac-Man (7-10-84 version, not the 5200 conversion)

I don't believe there are executables of these available; and Xenophobe is kinda of a "no, no", because it's still being sold at Video61, and returning money to @Fandal for his rescue purchase (thousands of dollars paid on the Ebay purchase).


2 hours ago, Tempest said:

Princess and Frog
Zaxxon (the new bug fixed version)

I'm guessing you mean an executable of the disk version of Zaxxon?

If so, here it is.

Zaxxon (Disk).xex


Any of the rest you mention, I would look on the Homesoft Atari site first, because he ( @nobody ) converts a lot of cartridge games to XEX for convenience. In fact, you might be able to request him to convert the other ones you need.


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Depends on the Rockball, I supplied the proto/WIP and the final complete retail came later. While it never shipped as Roklan dissolved the finished version came by way of Dutchman who obtained it from... well you know the story, it's on these forums.

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Thank you!  I appreciate it.


This Rockball appears to be the final version.  It's not the very early prototype that was floating around the net for years.



I don't believe there are executables of these available; and Xenophobe is kinda of a "no, no", because it's still being sold at Video61, and returning money to @Fandal for his rescue purchase (thousands of dollars paid on the Ebay purchase).


Here are Jr. Pac-Man and Defender Rev 2.   I understand about Xenophobe, I didn't know it was still being sold. 



I'm guessing you mean an executable of the disk version of Zaxxon?

No, someone a few years ago fixed the dodgy collision detection in Zaxxon and posted the rom here.  I can't remember who and I can't seem to find the thread now.   I'll keep looking.

Jr. Pac-man (7-10-84).rom Defender REV2.bin

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10 hours ago, Tempest said:

This Rockball appears to be the final version.  It's not the very early prototype that was floating around the net for years.

Yeah, I'd forgotten about there being multiple versions of Rockball posted.


I have this version that was on an ATR. Maybe it's the proto? [Edit] It's different from the XEX I posted above, shown by a file compare.

Rockball (2).xex


10 hours ago, Tempest said:

No, someone a few years ago fixed the dodgy collision detection in Zaxxon and posted the rom here.

I hadn't seen that before (I see someone has already responded and provided a thread about it now).


Here's the only 8-bit binary from that thread.



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1 hour ago, MrFish said:

Homesoft had an XEX version of Cheez-Wiz already.

Cheez-Wiz.xex 14.67 kB · 2 downloads


Ah thank you.  I must have missed that.


I think a lot of people would like to have an xex file for that final version of Jr. Pac-Man.  Actually I'd really like to see it converted to the 5200 as well since the one rom floating around out there for both systems has that game breaking bug.

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5 hours ago, Wrathchild said:

That one does not work.  After the loading junk I just get a blank screen.  I tried it in both Colleen and Atari XL/XE mode.

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2 hours ago, Tempest said:

That one does not work.

I've re-packed this with exomizer, give this one a go. 


I think the issue with existing binaries is that there is a short period where the dlist is 'random' and so crashing could depend on timings as to whether or it muscles through.


Edited by Wrathchild
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