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pitfall! hacking tutorials


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hello guys, I'm looking for pitfall hacking tutorials to 

1-change things of position

2-add enemies

3-change color of things

4-change sounds

5-change the graphics

6-change the graphics of the floor


you know some youtube videos or pdf book tutorial for newbies 

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I don't have any PDFs or videos as a tutorial but a bunch of folks helped me with advice in my Pitfall hack thread (linked in my sig).  Do you have the fully annotated file version where pretty much every line of code's purpose is explained?  @alfredtdk was a big help when I did my one and only hack and he's come out with many for various games including Pitfall over in the 2600 Hack subforum so looking to see what he's done over the years would likely be a good idea as well.

Edited by LatchKeyKid
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