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Update on The Sparkdrummer


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Hello all,

My name is Kevin, and I am Sparkdrummer's son. As he had posted on here he was battling small cell lung cancer since October-ish of 2022. Sadly as of 4/19/24 he wasn't able to fight the cancer anymore. He passed peacefully with my mom by his side. Our family follows the Christian faith, so we believe dad is no longer in pain, and is giving those he is with now a good laugh with his amazing wit and sense of humor. 

Mom and I are grateful to this community that dad would speak about often. I know it meant a lot to him to find a bunch of like minded individuals that he could interact with that shared one of his biggest passions. Sadly this also marks the end of Yesterday's News. I had no idea how expansive it had gotten, but it didn't shock me much. Dad is sharp man =).

Thanks to you all for being part of dad's story here. Feel free to ask me any questions you have, and we appreciate your support.
(Mods: I know this is double posted in offtopic. If that's not ok you can delete that one)


OLD CS1 edit: Please check out Sparkdrummer's "Yesterday's News" thread.  It is a great read and a consummate labor of love.

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My condolences too, to you and yours. As I too follow the same faith, I will, as your family agrees, see Sparky in Glory and meet him personally. I enjoyed and looked forward to his news and calendar and will miss them, have missed them since he stopped. May your family find strength in our Lord and Grace to carry on.

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@Foot Thank you, Kevin.  Your father was a very important part of our community here, and held in very high regard.  He will be missed.  I am happy that you and your family can be at rest knowing he is in a better place, free of his pain.  Please accept my condolences and prayers for you and your family.

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Very sorry to hear to this and sincerest condolences to family and loved ones. I'd like to suggest that Yesterday's News be pinned at the top of this forum. It's a fascinating read, and it would be a shame for it to fall in obsolescence and be forgotten as it gets pushed down further and further with each new post.

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15 minutes ago, Willsy said:

Very sorry to hear to this and sincerest condolences to family and loved ones. I'd like to suggest that Yesterday's News be pinned at the top of this forum. It's a fascinating read, and it would be a shame for it to fall in obsolescence and be forgotten as it gets pushed down further and further with each new post.

I second that.

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7 hours ago, Willsy said:

I'd like to suggest that Yesterday's News be pinned at the top of this forum.

I am going to leave this thread pinned for a week to make sure people see it and can pay their respects should they wish*.  The FP will be updated to include a link to the thread.


* Not having done so in the past, I feel, is an oversight and I wish to do this going forward for our comrades when we lose them.  Preferably, not frequently.

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It took me a few moments to digest this news :( I am truly sorry for your loss, Kevin. 

It is a great loss to the whole community as well. I used to exchange messages with your dad from time to time because he was always doing and writing very interesting things, he had a great archive of things that he was able to share by enhancing them and that's what I like to do so much too, that's why I used to follow him closely. 

In these last months, I hoped and prayed that I could see one of his posts appear on this board again, to know that cancer has won the fight is a strong sorrow instead.

I will pray for him and also want to believe, like you, that your dad is now in peace and achieved eternal serenity. I also like to think that he has met with the other 99ers enthusiasts and they are regrouping as best they can with their TI-99/4As among the stars. 
A big hug. 

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I’m very sorry for your loss Kevin. I reached out to your Dad many months ago but saw he was going through some health challenges. I saw one of his posts years prior about a project he worked on in which Plato software on the TI was made available in a condensed format. I was able to download these files and confirm that they worked nearly perfectly - a testament to his knowledge and expertise! I’m sure this was one of many other projects he worked on, making many other great contributions. God Bless you and my condolences to the family. Thank you.

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