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TIA - 2600 vs. 7800


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In 7800 mode, MARIA generates the video, but TIA generates the sound.  


In 2600 mode TIA does both video and sound.


So any way you slice it you need 2 parts.


And this still doesn't take into consideration the the 7800 carts with Pokey's in them. The sound from this chip is mixed with the sound output from the TIA.



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Ok, it takes 2 daughter cards, how many carts use the pokey chip?

I would still like to do it for the cleaner picture. I will never forget when a friend of mine years ago was playing an Intellivision with some artillery cart game on a HUGE projection screen. It must have been at least 4' across! Well it was so big that you could see the missle inch it's way across the screen step by step. Man what a trip that was in those days!

Sorry for the ramble, just an old fart young at heart!

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In 7800 mode, MARIA generates the video, but TIA generates the sound.  


In 2600 mode TIA does both video and sound.


So any way you slice it you need 2 parts.


And this still doesn't take into consideration the the 7800 carts with Pokey's in them. The sound from this chip is mixed with the sound output from the TIA.




Gotta admit...I haven't studied the 7800 in depth. I hadn't thought about this, but it makes sense.


The 7800 model of the CyberTech Video Card is in the works. It will most likely be available next summer. The basic technology is in place, ala the 2600 model. It's just a matter of adapting it to the 7800. Pretty straight forward once I get the time....



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Chris, I just got your s-video daughter board today. It looks pretty good, but I have to find something with an s-video INPUT! Unless I adapt it to a Commodore 1702 monitor which has chroma and luma inputs. If you do one for the 7800 I will buy one. I am thinking of buying another 2600 one, but PLEASE ship it in an anti-static meadia of some kind and not in a plain plastic sandwhich bag. OK?

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Chris, I just got your s-video daughter board today. It looks pretty good, but I have to find something with an s-video INPUT! Unless I adapt it to a Commodore 1702 monitor which has chroma and luma inputs. If you do one for the 7800 I will buy one. I am thinking of buying another 2600 one, but PLEASE ship it in an anti-static meadia of some kind and not in a plain plastic sandwhich bag. OK?


I'm glad you received the board. They were shipped out last week with the intent that they'd arrive before Christmas. :)


Heh. You can get an s-video to composite adapter for about $5, or you can make a C= 1702 cable from an svideo cable and some RCA plugs. You can also get a multi-input switchbox. Most of them will convert an s-video input to a composite output. But they're pretty expensive. $20-30. :( I think that's the best route if you have more than one game system that you actually *use*. (I think we all have spare consoles sitting around "just in case")


There shouldn't be any problems with static until you start handling the TIA chip. Everything on the CyberTech Video Card is pretty well protected since they're meant to be user-installed. I have nothing to do with the shipping the cards, BTW. But I'll pass the request along to those who do.


Let me know how the board works out! I'm interested in getting feedback from people who have them up and running. :D



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  • 3 weeks later...

The 7800 model of the CyberTech Video Card is in the works.  It will most likely be available next summer.  The basic technology is in place, ala the 2600 model.  It's just a matter of adapting it to the 7800.  Pretty straight forward once I get the time....




Here's to wishing you the time. (NEXT Summer? 2005? or 2004?)


S-Video Atari 7800 + CC2 = :)





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The 7800 model of the CyberTech Video Card is in the works.  It will most likely be available next summer.  The basic technology is in place, ala the 2600 model.  It's just a matter of adapting it to the 7800.  Pretty straight forward once I get the time....




Here's to wishing you the time. (NEXT Summer? 2005? or 2004?)


S-Video Atari 7800 + CC2 = :)


*this* summer....2004. Hopefully in time for a CGE release. Thanks for the good wishes. :)


A 7800 with s-video and cc2 would be nice indeed! Oh yeah! :)



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*this* summer....2004.  Hopefully in time for a CGE release.  Thanks for the good wishes.  :)


A 7800 with s-video and cc2 would be nice indeed!  Oh yeah!  :)




I didnt see that your last post was back in Dec. :dunce:


I gots ta pay mo' 'tension. 8)



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