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5200 OE HSC Challenge Super Cobra 05/2024

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We'll continue our celebration of 40yrs of 5200 with a release from May of 1984, Super Cobra. Play on defaults, no continues, etc. Use real 5200 systems and Atari mfg controls. Period 3rd party sticks may be used, ie WICO, at a -1 HSC pt penalty. The only modern exceptions are flashcarts/SD loaders, running an original Rom. Pics preferred, but not required, except for HSC wins and records. Round ends when month does.


Current HSC record- Bust it for a bonus point!

Super Cobra - (Do Not Continue)
sdamon 31,400(BUSTED)

New- 32,250  RB5200


Current scores-


32,250  RB5200 +1

19,000  DamonicFury -1

17,150  UnRedeemed

14,050  nitrohepcat

13,350  zylon

10,200  Mikey50

9,000  RangerG

3,050  jeremiahjt


Current Standings-


DamonicFury - 41

RB5200 - 38

jeremiahjt - 33

rubeon - 25

nitrohepcat - 26

zylon - 24

RangerG - 18

Mikey50 - 13

jerry1071 - 4

Super Cobra (1983) (Parker Bros).a52

Edited by zylon
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6 hours ago, RB5200 said:

I'ma trying, and hoping I can.

Good luck in your attempts and may the critters in the shop be quieter than usual so as not to cause a distraction!  Looks like I might not get past 17k or so but I'll keep trying while watching for the posting of a new record.  

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28,150   new score

7 hours ago, UnRedeemed said:

may the critters in the shop be quieter than usual so as not to cause a distraction!

The critters aren't so bad, but that damn gorilla. 😆


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32,250   new score

Ok, so this is another really good game that I actually never really gave much of a chance, the one thing I don't like is the chopper just seems to damn big, it just doesn't look quit right to me, its difficult enough just getting the thing through the caves, but now I'm at a spot that almost seems impossible with the size of this heli. But I guess will keep trying.


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Much as I love this game, I just can't play much or long. Have a busted disc halfway down my neck, which pinches left arm nerve intermittently. That's from the accident last month. I can play games and guitar, but only maybe 20min at a clip. I'm told surgery is only fix, but it's not that dire yet. Currently, I get shots of something right into it, every couple weeks, to try and get the swelling down, freeing up that nerve. Lemme tell ya, that shot, feels like I was welding, and grabbed lightening rod at the wrong time, with that arm. It's really something, strongest electric shock feeling I've ever had. Where's Ace Frehley when I need him? lol


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