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old atari bbs archives?

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I’ve probably asked about this before (I used to be doctor_x here before the email requirement change a few months back) and if so please accept my apologies. 


I see some of the old ATASCII welcome screens for BBS’s run in the 80’s and from some of the text on the screens its pretty clear that the BBS’s were of an “underground” nature… Unfortunately i have yet to see any old bbs software/system archives - meaning when I browse the file areas, I would see today what users would have seen in say - 1990… BBS software, pirated games/apps, hacking/phreaking apps, etc.. 


I collect some of what I mentioned above so just figured I would toss my hat out into the ring and see if perhaps any of you former underground ATARI sysops still have that stuff archived? I know its kind of a long shot - I mean after all, *I* don’t have any of my archives from back in the day… 

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